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Grading ProceduresWeighted Scale- I grade on a weighted scale, so each assignment

is taken out of 100. The break down for English 9 is 25 for Daily
Grades, 35 for Quizzes and 40 for Test and Projects. The break
down for Honors English is 30% for Daily Grades, 30% for
quizzes and 40% for test projects and papers.
Class work/Daily Assignments- For assignments that students
have worked on in class I usually grade with a check or a check
minus. A check would indicate that the student received full
credit. A Check minus would be anything other than full credit so
it could range from a 95 to a 50 or even lower depending on their
efforts. I dont want them to focus on the grade at that time. I
would rather they look at it for what they learned and did not
learn. The grades can be seen online and the students in
Academy receive a progress report every Wednesday to keep
them informed.
I do grade everything for accuracy and try to give them
feedback on areas that they have not done well with. I will
however not grade the daily work too harshly. If they have made
an attempt at completing the entire assignment but have gotten
1-2 items of new concepts wrong I will still give them full credit
because I view these items as practice for something larger
coming up. If they simply do not attempt a portion of the
assignment I do not take that lightly. They will lose all points
possible for not attempting to complete it.
My theory is that I cannot learn what concepts they do not
understand or begin to find a way to help them understand if
they do not at least attempt it, so some credit should be given
when they are in the learning process, but when they do not
attempt it they are not helping themselves or me.
Specific areas for daily grades-

-Notebook grades; I grade notebooks every Friday before I

leave. Students are given the warm up every day when they
come in. I usually try to tie the warm up to what we are currently
working on. Sometimes however I just use something creative to
get their brains working in a different way. The students are not
required to respond to the prompt given, I will still give them full
credit if they write anything their hearts desire as long as it is
still five sentences long.
Honors Warm Ups- Honors students do not have notebooks.
They are responsible for keeping their notes and warm-ups on
their own. So I make every attempt to remember to grade them
every five entries.
Cumulative Items- Assignments that have them using
previously learned/practiced concepts I grade more strenuously.
For example, after students have practiced with a certain type of
poem and poetic devices I may have them write a form of poetry,
having re-taught any areas of weakness that I found through
grading their earlier assignments. These assignments may still
be considered a daily grade when it comes to the grade book but
my expectations for their understanding are higher and there for
the accuracy is more important.
Late Work- I usually take about 5 points off per day late for daily
assignments students turn in after their due date. 10 points off
per day late for any project.
Projects and Test- All projects and test are graded for accuracy. I
give one project and one test per quarter.
Assignments not turned in- Students will receive an NHI (not
handed in) which equates to a zero within the grade book for any
and all assignments not turned in.

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