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Activity: Designs for Living and Learning

Points Possible: 100
Presentation: 75 points
Evaluation: 25 points
What were the three most important things you learned from this project?
1. I learned how I can relate my theme and materials to the children of my
2. I learned how to be creative with recycled items.
3. I learned
How will this project influence your future teaching practices?
I think this project helped me figure out how to set up the childs environment in an ageappropriate way. This showed me that even though I might have the best activities and
plans for my theme, it will not work if the children cannot relate to it. The children need
to be interested in it in order for it to be affective.
Which classmates presentation did you learn the most from? What did you learn
from this presentation that you will take with you into your teaching career?
I think the presentation I learned the most from was Dawns. Even though not a lot of
children have been on an airplane before, I think she showed how she could make it
relatable to the children. I liked how she used recycled items to create an airplane for
children to go inside. I think I will take this with me into my teaching career by
understanding that children do not need expensive items in order to have fun. Children
can learn about a topic just as much with recycled items.
How many points do you feel you earned for this project? 65

I think I followed the instructions for my presentations and related all the items I had to
the Designs for Living and Learning textbook. I think I should have brought the
construction hats and some gold to show how my gold hunt related to exploration.

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