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LAN 475 Materials Portfolio

Jackie Space

Reading Comprehension Activity

Content: Students will read an authentic text that includes several verbs in command form to raise
awareness about this new verb form.
Level: Beginner-Intermediate

Time: 15-20 minutes

ACTFL Standards:
1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions,
and exchange opinions.
1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics
1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety
of topics.
3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the
language studied and their own.
Previous Knowledge
- general food vocabulary
Learning Objectives:
- Students can identify main ideas and key details from text
- Students can categorize foods into appropriate food groups according to text
Communicative Objective:
- Students can compare their eating habits and preferences with those outlined in the text.
- Students can compare and contrast their invented food pyramid with their partners.
Students complete the student handout.
Materials Needed:
- Student handout
- student pen/ pencil
- remove teacher annotations in the margins for anticipated unknown words
- include the next few pages from the original document to increase difficulty


LAN 475 Materials Portfolio

Jackie Space

Instructor Guidelines:
1. Ask students to make a list of everything theyve eaten in the past 24 hours. Encourage
them to consult their dictionary or ask the instructor how to say words in Spanish.
2. Ask students to label the food pyramid.
3. Ask students to categorize the foods they listed from #1 according to the food pyramid in #2
4. Ask students to read the text. Ask them to underline any unfamiliar words.
i. After giving students about 3 minutes to read the text once, ask students to
volunteer unknown words. Define them, encourage students to take notes in the
margins, and then ask them to read it a second time.
5. After theyve finished reading, ask students to complete #5 on their worksheet.
i. Be sure to point out that dairy products are considered alimentos animales" since
they come from animals.
6. Ask students to complete #6.
7. Ask students to revisit their answer for #1. Challenge them to swap out foods they listed in
#1 for healthier foods that follow healthy food guidelines according to the reading.
8. Ask students to draw their own pyramid, according to what they think the food groups
should be judging from the reading and their opinions. Encourage students to consult their
dictionary or instructor in order to learn how to communicate their ideas in Spanish.
i. Ask students to share their proposed pyramid with a partner. Do they agree with
their partners pyramid? What differences do they notice? Whos pyramid promotes
healthier eating?
Student handout included below.


LAN 475 Materials Portfolio


Jackie Space


LAN 475 Materials Portfolio

Jackie Space

La pirmide de alimentacin
1. Antes de leer. Think about everything youve eaten in the past 24 hours. Make a list of these foods. If
you dont know how to say it in Spanish, consult your dictionary or ask your instructor.
2. How familiar are you with the different food groups in the food pyramid? See how much of the
pyramid you can label.

verduras y frutas

alimentos animales


3. In which categories do the foods you listed in #1 belong (if any)?

grasas y azucares


LAN 475 Materials Portfolio

Jackie Space

4. Mientras lees. Underline any unfamilliar words.

5. Despus de leer. Cules son algunos ejemplos de alimentos animales (hay ms que uno)
____ el maz
____ el bistec
____ el queso
____ el refresco
____ la leche
____ la zanahoria
____ la manzana
____ los frijoles
____ el pollo
____ la salchicha
6. Indica si la frase es cierto o falso.
A. La comida que contiene altas concentraciones de caloras son muy saludables.
B. Los alimentos animales tienen mucha protena.
C. Debes comer dos raciones de frutas y verduras en cada comida.
D. Unos ejemplos de granos son cereales y arroz.


7. Mira a su respuesta para #1. Cules alimentos puedes cambiar para seguir las recomendaciones
saludables del texto?
8. Ests de acuerdo con las recomendaciones y los grupos de la pirmide? Dibuja tu propio (your own)
versin de la pirmide. Indica el nombre de cada grupo. Luego, comparte y compara su pirmide con la
pirmide de tu compaero. Ests de acuerdo con la pirmide de tu compaero? Hay algunas
diferencias? Quin tiene la pirmide ms saludable (healthier)?
(palabra til: lcteo = dairy )

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