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English 4

Ending poverty in United Sate

American is a big nation have a big and growing economy, military, technology, science,
building infrastructures, and big issue with poverty. However the government had not pay
enough attention on the issue for the past decade and it eventually increase the poverty rates. But
there is many solutions to end poverty but it needs the government to invest more money and
time into a better education, healthcare, building infrastructures, and raise minimum wage.
In 2013, about 100 million people have annual incomes below twice the poverty line.
They struggle to pay bill and needs every months. There is family make $30,000 but still poor,
about to lose their home, and cannot afford food. In the bottom tier are 20.5 million people6.7
percent of the populationwho are in deep poverty, with an income less than half the poverty
line (below $9,000 for a family of three). Some 6 million people out of those 20.5 million have
no income at all other than food stamps (Edelman). People do not choose to lives in poverty,
they work harder and longer than others, they not lazy the reason why is they did not have a
quality education Overall, about 6.5 million people were working two jobs or more to
make ends meet in July, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (Linn). The government
have done a lot from SNAP, Medicare, TANF, and SSN however many states actually reduced
the size of access and lowered benefits to those in greatest need. Unfortunately, some families do

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not receive aid or cannot get out of poverty even with aid The average monthly benefit for one
person is $133.44which is where the $4.50 a day figure comes. But note that the name of the
program refers to supplemental assistance. SNAP is not intended to be the only source of
income for food. (Kessler).
To end poverty first the government need to invest into a better and quality education.
Education help generation open their view and make decision that will create a better future and
influence people around them. It will eventually end the generational poverty. People need more
jobs that pay decent by raise minimum wage for jobs Weve been drowning in a flood of lowwage jobs for the last 40 years (Edelman). Without money and job, some people might end up
go the wrong way which is main reason for increasing crime rate. Third, the government need to
restore full benefit and expand size of access of assistance programs for those whose need it.
Those program help in every way but mostly is hunger, a child do not have enough to eat intend
become slow develop and it will contribute to generational poverty. To end poverty everyone
need to reach out for other that need help. Although, food distribution, charities, donation, and
free events are small size but it happened all over United State, and help a lot to the needs and
slow down poverty rate.
The longer poverty exist the more complex and bigger invest of money, time, and effort
to end. And it can lead to worst things: increasing crime rate, unemployment, high schools drop
out, suicide and can lead to downward economy and have a big effect on national security. So
the Government need to act fast and in an effective way before it is too late to stop poverty from
growing deeper into everyone and much more complex to solve. Everyone can made the
different by stand out do something to help end poverty and it will definitely influence people
around them, little by little and it will change everything, life will be better without poverty.

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Work cited
Edelman, Peter. "Poverty in America: Why Cant We End It?" The New York Times. The New
York Times, 28 July 2012. Web. 03 Oct. 2014.
Linn, Allison. "In Weak Economy, Some Work Two Jobs.", 30 Aug.
2010. Web. 06 Nov. 2014.
Moss, Simon. "Ending Extreme Poverty ... in a Generation." Ending Extreme Poverty ... in a
Generation. The Global Poverty Project, 13 Jan. 2014. Web. 01 Oct. 2014
Kessler, Glenn. "The SNAP Challenge: The Claim That Food Stamp Recipients Get by on
$4.50 a Day.Washington Post. The Washington Post, 20 June 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2014.

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