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2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and certain
types of cancer.



Researchers from Case Western University

support the reported findings that proper
nutrition and healthy eating are in direct
correlation to physical health benefits. They
inform us that, Maintaining a balanced

On the alternate side of the

equation are the benefits
associated with maintaining
a healthy, well-balanced

Make the

Enhanced Immune System

Eating is one of our most basic instincts. In fact, we
all need to eat to survive. But are we simply trying to
survive this life or do we actually want to live it?
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has a huge impact on our health
and how our body functions. A vital component of our health
is what we put into our bodies. It is a common
belief that we are what we eat. Therefore it is
essential that we learn more about why it is
important to have a balanced diet.

According to and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, unhealthy eating
habits have contributed to the obesity epidemic
in the United States. Reports show that about
one-third of U.S. adults (33.8%) are obese and
approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children
and adolescents aged 219 years are obese.
Researchers from go on to state that,
Even for people at a healthy weight, a poor diet
is associated with major health risks that can
cause illness and even death. These conditions
include heart disease, high blood pressure, type

At the top of the list is the

that healthy eating helps to
prevent diseases and infections. Experts report that,
A well-balanced diet helps
your body fight many diseases and infections. When
the body receives enough
nutrients, the immune system functions well, which
prevents infection, reduces
the risk of chronic diseases
like cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart
disease, as well as prevents seasonal allergies (New Health Guide) By making smart
food choices, we can help protect ourselves

and fatigue, protect teeth and keep gums

healthy, enhance your ability to concentrate, [and] ward off serious illnesses like
heart disease, certain cancers, mature-age
onset diabetes, and gallbladder disease,
(Case Western Reserve

There is no question that

having a healthy diet is important to our physical and
mental well-being. The
link between good nutrition and healthy weight,
reduced chronic disease
risk, and overall health is
too important to ignore,
(Presidents Council on
Fitness). As we commit to
taking the necessary steps
to eat healthy, we can be
on our way to getting the
nutrients our bodies need
to stay healthy and strong.
So instead of simply surviving this life, we
can actually live it well.

diet by healthy eating can give you vitality

and energy for life boost your immune
system, improve sports performance,

...we can be on our way to getting the

nutrients our bodies need...
from these associated health problems.

delay the effects of aging, keep you active

and fit into an old age, help beat tiredness

Weight Management
One of the most prevalent and obvious
outcomes of healthy eating is its effect on
weight management. It has been proven
that eating a balanced diet helps people
to maintain proper weight, which includes
reducing the risk for either obesity or under-nutrition (New Health Guide).

Greater Mental Health

Obtaining the essential nutrients does
not only promote fitness and help control
weight, it also stimulates our mental health
as well. Research shows that by eating a
well-balanced diet, it can promote good
mental function. It also boosts energy,
enhances memory, and reduces the risk of
mental disorders (New Health Guide).
Improved Physical Health

Healthy diet


Overweight and Obesity: Adult Obesity Facts Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.
Why is it important? The Impact of Nutrition on Your Health Presidents
Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.
Why is it Important to Have a Blanaced Diet? New Health Guide. n.d. Web.
12 Nov. 2014.
Why is Proper Nutrition Important? Case Western Reserve University.
n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.


The Most
Meal of
the Day
It has been debated many times over
whether or not breakfast truly is the
most important meal of the day

When you skip breakfast, you are depriving your

body of those essential vitamins and nutrients needed to function at top performance throughout the
day (John Hopkins Univ.). Studies show that it is also
hard to maintain or lose weight if you skip breakfast (WebMD). Zelman from WebMD believes that
this is due to the frequent use of snacks throughout the day, to compensate for the loss of nutrients.


For so For some, it is just a matter of not having enough
time to make a decent breakfast. Nutritionists have suggested that eating within the first two hours of waking,
gives your body the best chance of sustaining that energy until lunchtime (Staff). The best way to remedy this
problem is to plan ahead on eating breakfast and get up
at least 15 minutes earlier (John Hopkins Univ.). Those
extra 15 minutes could include making some eggs,
washing an apple, and getting a cup of yogurt from the fridge.

morning meal helps to curb your appetite and keep weight

controlled. Without these
types of nutrients, the
body will use up all your
energy before it is time for

Love your body by giving it the

well-balanced nutrients it needs...
A simple breakfast like this one consists of multiple food
groups and is quick to prepare. It especially contains a good
amount of lean protein, which should be present in all regular
meals throughout the day. Zelman quotes Wayne Campbell,
a Purdue University researcher, who said, Protein blunts your
hunger the most, and is the most satiating. Along with lean
protein, incorporating refined or whole-grain foods into your

Eating a healthy breakfast daily should become a priority. You
will be happier, healthier, and you may even lose weight! Love
your body by giving it the well-balanced nutrients it needs and
deserves. Through breakfast, you can be left energized and
motivated to fulfill your daily tasks.


While debating this theory could be beneficial,

discussing the benefits received from the first
meal of the day along with the downsides to skipping breakfast may offer a greater help to you.

Physical benefits
According to Kathleen Zelman in WebMD
states that eating a healthy breakfast can help
you to have a more nutritionally complete diet,
higher in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It
has also been shown to increase concentration
and strength, as well as lower cholesterol. On
top of all that, eating breakfast can help you to
be in a better mood throughout the day (Staff).
A well-balanced meal will keep you from getting
so hungry that you feel you must reach for the
nearest sugary snack to satisfy your hunger.

Benefits of breakfast


Breakfast. John Hopkins University. 2014.
Why is Breakfast Important? Shake Up Your
Wake Up. 2014.
Zelman, Kathleen M. The Many Benefits of
Breakfast. WebMD. 2005-2014.
Why Breakfast May Not Be the Most Important Meal of the Day. Forbes. 23 August 2014.

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