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This is a combination that commonly signifies lack of true temperance, even if, paradoxically,
it is in his austerity that the native is intemperate. It does not favour the middle path. One may cite
the ascetic Gandhi.
Discontent and resentment sometimes appear, and there may be an inclination to give little
and demand much; there may be extremist tendencies in politics.
Sometimes there may be inordinate avarice and sometimes equally inordinate
extravagance. It can in fact be a most fatal aspect, leading to sheer catastrophe. Of all planetary
contacts these are in the writers opinion the worst, and this is most true of the opposition.
It occurs in the horoscopes of several writers of note, and it has also a proclivity towards
music and religion, these being channels through which its emotionalism and restless excitability can
be discharged. The imaginary persons of fiction, their adventures and their romances, help to
satisfy its cravings for these things.
There is the ability to work hard, but in a temperamental manner, as and when the mood
Like the good aspects, the Inharmonious ones often seem to give comfortable conditions
and thus are in this sense to a certain extent fortunate, but good fortune may be abused and lost,
and there is a constant tendency to waste and prodigality. Or there may be incompetence, muddle,
carelessness or treachery, the influence having points in common with Mars-Neptune, except that
the circumstances of operation are generally less subtle and more usual. Thus it is easier to guard
against; the native is his own enemy, and he may benefit considerably, if he will, by learning the
lesson of his horoscope and taking needful precautions. He ought to avoid speculations of all kinds,
but particularly those of a Jovian character, such as are connected with shipping, exploration,
horses, the stage(*), films, the boot-trade, moneylending, drugs and liquor. It must be recollected
that Jupiter, on its negative side, rules much the same things as Neptune.
The effects on the health are likely to be through overstrain, over-excitement, overenthusiasm and so forth; these people are commonly poor resters. Again, they may easily lack
moderation in pleasure and food.
(*)This contact seems to be related in some way to the stage, for I have never found the
natus of a dramatist in which Mars and Jupiter were not either technically in aspect or at least in the
same or opposite signs.

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