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4th Grade Homework - Week of December 8, 2014


Parent Signature



Spelling: write words # 1- 10 3x SB p. 30. & study words for test Thursday
Reading: study vocabulary on SB p. 31 for test Friday
Grammar: Complete nouns W.S. (both sides) & study nouns SB p. 33 for
quiz Wed.
Math: Practice Workbook p. 119


Spelling: write words # 1- 10 3x SB p. 30. & study words for test Thursday
Reading: Complete W.S. p. 3; study vocabulary on SB p. 31 for test Friday
Grammar: Complete nouns W.S. (both sides) & study nouns SB p. 33 for
quiz tomorrow.
Math: Practice Workbook p. 121


Spelling: complete homophones W.S. p. 204 & study words SB p. 30 for test
Reading: Complete W.S. p. 60 & study vocab. SB p. 31 for test tomorrow
Math: Practice Workbook p. 120


Spelling: complete homophones W.S. p. 205

Reading: Complete Blue PB p. 51 & study vocab. SB p. 31 for test tomorrow
Math: Angle Worksheet

Reading Vocabulary (SB p. 31)



6. condition
7. memorable
8. betrayed
9. shortage
10. horrified

Weekly Reminders

Bring Green Communication folders back every


Ear buds are now available at school for

purchase for $1.50
Holiday Shop this week! Our class will be
shopping on
fill in

Geometry Vocabulary
(SB p. 34)

line segment
acute angle
obtuse angle
right angle

Science Vocabulary
(SB p. 27)


Upcoming Tests

Grammar - Nouns Quiz Wed. 12/10

Spell. - Homophones - Thurs. 12/11
Reading - Open-Ended
Comprehension Thurs. 12/11
Reading - Vocabulary Fri. 12/12
Reading - Mult. Choice
Comprehension Fri. 12/12

Teacher: All

Subject: ELA

Week of: December 8, 2014

PA Common Core Standard(s):

1.1.4.D Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
1.2.4.B Refer to details and examples in text to support what the text says explicitly and make inferences.
1.2.4.F Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade-level text, including
interpretation of figurative language.
1.2.4.H Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text.
1.2.4.K Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on
grade-level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools.
1.2.4.L Read and comprehend literary nonfiction and informational text on grade level, reading
independently and proficiently.
1.4.4.S Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research,
applying grade-level reading standards for literature and informational texts
L.4.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
R.I.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when
drawing inferences from the text.
R.I.4.5 Describe the overall structure (e.g. chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of
events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.



Determine multiple meanings for words.
Identify & spell words that are homophones.
Use glossary entries to determine parts of speech, pronunciation, how many meanings, how many
syllables, example sentences for vocabulary words.
Read and demonstrate comprehension of a tall tale selection through answers to oral questions.
Make inferences and draw conclusions about characters from their actions, dialogue, thoughts and
feelings and from their relationships with others.
Identify characteristics of a tall tale.
Identify examples of hyperbole in reading and explain its literal meaning.
Identify and distinguish between concrete & abstract nouns.
Do-Now: PSSA Warm Up: multiple meaning word bit Exercise 1
Complete Blue PB p. 53 to review homophones.
Review what students have already learned about nouns by viewing
Complete worksheet p. 2 to review abstract and concrete nouns
Guided Practice:
Introduce the idea of using a dictionary to find information about words including parts of speech,
pronunciation, how many meanings, how many syllables, example sentences. Show students
examples of dictionary entries and words on classroom TV using
Guide students in turning to glossary in the back of reading text book and finding 3 - 4 vocabulary
words and identify parts of speech, pronunciation, how many meanings, how many syllables,
example sentences. Discuss reason behind why none of the words have more than one meaning
listed (because the meaning given is the meaning that is used in the textbook and does not include
all meanings. Explain that if the same word was looked up in a dictionary, it may have more than one
Begin reading the tall tale selection Stormalong together as a class. Students will stop throughout
reading and be asked questions and discuss to monitor comprehension. Read pgs. 119 - 125.
***Explain to students that they may need to make inferences when they are reading just as practiced
in the PSSA lesson from previous week.
Independent Practice:
Work with a partner to return to section of Stormalong read today and write down example of how
hyperbole was used. Students will write these examples on index cards.

Exit Assessment: index card with hyperbole

Spelling: write words # 1- 10 3x SB p. 30. & study words for test Thursday
Reading: study vocabulary on SB p. 31 for test Friday

Grammar: Complete nouns W.S. (both sides) & study nouns SB p. 33 for quiz Wed.

Determine multiple meanings for words.
Identify & spell words that are homophones.
Use dictionary entries to determine parts of speech, pronunciation, how many meanings, how many
syllables, example sentences for vocabulary words.
Read and demonstrate comprehension of a tall tale selection through answers to oral questions.
Make inferences and draw conclusions about characters from their actions, dialogue, thoughts and feelings
and from their relationships with others.
Identify characteristics of a tall tale.
Identify examples of hyperbole in reading and explain its literal meaning.
Identify and distinguish between common & proper and concrete & abstract nouns.
Do-Now: PSSA Warm Up: multiple meaning word bit Exercise 2

Complete Blue PB p. 52 to review homophones.
Complete in-class review sheet to review common and proper nouns and concrete and abstract nouns for
quiz tomorrow.
Guided Practice:
Practice using dictionary entries to answer questions about words by completing worksheet p. 20 together.
Continue reading the tall tale selection Stormalong together as a class. Students will stop throughout
reading and be asked questions and discuss to monitor comprehension. Read pgs. 126 - 132. ***Explain
to students that they may need to make inferences when they are reading just as practiced in the PSSA
lesson from previous week.
Independent Practice:
Work with a partner to return to section of Stormalong read today and write down example of how
hyperbole was used. Students will write these examples on index cards.
Exit Assessment: index card with hyperbole
Spelling: write words # 1- 10 3x SB p. 30. & study words for test Thursday
Reading: Complete W.S. p. 3; study vocabulary on SB p. 31 for test Friday

Grammar: Complete nouns W.S. (both sides) & study nouns SB p. 33 for quiz tomorrow.

Determine multiple meanings for words.
Identify & spell words that are homophones.
Use dictionary entries to determine parts of speech, pronunciation, how many meanings, how many
syllables, example sentences for homophones.
Read and demonstrate comprehension of a tall tale selection through answers to questions.
Practice fluency in reading.
Draw conclusions, make inferences and make generalizations from fictional text.
Use evidence from a fictional selection to support conclusions, inferences and generalizations.
Identify and distinguish between common & proper and concrete & abstract nouns.
Do-Now: PSSA Warm Up: multiple meaning word bit Exercise 3
Using IPADS and website, look up list of given words that are homophones.
Answer questions about words. (i.e. - part of speech, how many meanings, write a sentence)
Take grammar test on common, proper, abstract and concrete nouns.
PSSA.Guided Practice:
Introduce the use of reference materials by reading and discussing p. 43 of PSSA Measuring Up
book, Chapter 2, Lesson 10 Reference Materials. Remind students to think back to activity that
they completed in Spelling class today with the IPADs.
Independent Practice:
Allow students time to partner read the tall tale selection, Stormalong
Complete Fitting In question from text p. 133 together with partner in ELA copybook.
Exit Assessment: Fitting In question from Stormalong
Spelling: complete homophones W.S. p. 204 & study words on SB p. 30 for test tomorrow
Reading: Complete W.S. p. 60 & study vocabulary on SB p. 31 for test Friday

Determine multiple meanings for words.
Identify & spell words that are homophones.
Draw conclusions, make inferences and make generalizations from fictional text.
Use evidence from a fictional selection to support conclusions, inferences and generalizations.
Use reference materials from dictionaries, thesaurus, and glossaries to answer questions about
unknown words.
Demonstrate comprehension of a selection through answers to open-ended questions.
Demonstrate an understanding of RACE-O and use it to answer literary essay questions.
Identify and form singular and plural nouns.
Do-Now: PSSA Warm Up: multiple meaning word charge Exercise 4
Take test on homophones
Introduce singular and plural nouns by reading and discussing top of p. 44 Learn section in
Grammar text.
Practice forming singular and plural nouns by completing p. 44, Practice Exercise A #1 - 10
Guided Practice:
Practice using reference materials such as dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary entries to answer
questions about unfamiliar words by completing p. 44 #1 - 3 of PSSA Measuring Up book, Chapter
2, Lesson 10 Reference Materials
Read entire selection Stormalong aloud to students.
Independent Practice:
Begin literary essay test from tall tale selection Stormalong
Exit Assessment:
Spelling: complete homophones W.S. p. 205
Reading: Complete Blue PB p. 51 & study vocabulary on SB p. 31 for test tomorrow

Determine multiple meanings for words.
Identify and form singular and plural nouns.
Use dictionary entries to determine parts of speech, pronunciation, how many meanings, how many
syllables, example sentences for vocabulary words.
Draw conclusions, make inferences and make generalizations from fictional text.
Use evidence from a fictional selection to support conclusions, inferences and generalizations.
Demonstrate comprehension of a selection through answers to questions.
Demonstrate an understanding of RACE-O and use it to answer literary essay questions.
Use reference materials from dictionaries, thesaurus, and glossaries to answer questions about
unknown words.
Do-Now: PSSA Warm Up: multiple meaning word bit Exercise 5
Review and practice forming singular and plural nouns by completing Grammar text p. 45, Exercise B
# 1 - 15.
Guided Practice:
Review using a dictionary by completing Blue PB p. 51.
Continue practice using reference materials such as dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary entries to
answer questions about unfamiliar words by completing pgs. 44 - 45, #4 - 5 of PSSA Measuring Up
book, Chapter 2, Lesson 10 Reference Materials
Independent Practice:
Finish literary essay test from tall tale selection Stormalong.
Take vocabulary test on words from Stormalong.
Take comprehension test on tall tale selection Stormalong
Exit Assessment: vocabulary and comprehension tests

Teacher: All

Subject: Writing

Week of: December 8, 2014

PA Common Core Standard(s):

CC.1.4.4.E: Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
CC.1.4.4.F: Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar,
usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
CC.1.4.4.J: Create an organizational structure that includes related ideas grouped to support the writers
purpose and linked in a logical order with a concluding statement or section related to the opinion.
CC.1.4.4.K: Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely.
CC.1.4.4.X: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and
shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and


Weekly Writing Plan

To be able to write a persuasive essay supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
To revise and edit using editing marks and proofreading skills.
To write a persuasive essay with an introduction, body and conclusion
Show example of persuasive essay on the TV (one copy per teacher). Read the essay to the class.
Point out and discuss the different paragraphs and what should be included in each so that the essay
follows a logical order.
Hand out the Steps to Persuasive writing worksheet. Go over the steps with the students.
Introduce our topic, Why the 4th grade should have a Polar Express pajama Day.
Brainstorm steps 1-9 together, then have students write down their own ideas.
Allow students time to pre-write and brainstorm ideas of reasons why they want, and deserve, to
have a pajama day.
Students will write rough draft of introductory paragraph in writing copybook. Refer students back to
persuasive essay example.
Conference with students about introductory paragraphs while they begin to write the body
paragraph. Remind them to include at least 3 reasons why Mr. Rocco should allow them to
participate in this event.
Begin to conference with individual students about body paragraph. While conferencing, rest of class
will be continuing to revise and edit introductory paragraphs.
Refer students back to example essay and focus attention on the conclusion. Discuss features and
dos and donts
Write rough draft of concluding paragraph and conference individually
Revise and edit one more time with a partner for entire piece
Publish final essay.

Teacher: All

Subject: Science

Week of: December 8, 2014

PA Common Core Standard(s):

S4.A.3.1.2. explain a relationship between living and nonliving things in a system
S4.A.3.1.3. categorize the parts of an ecosystem as either living or nonliving and describe their roles in the
S4.A.3.1.4. identify the parts of the food and fiber systems as they relate to agricultural products from the
S4.A.3.2.2. use models to make observations to explain how systems work

PSSA WARM-UP ACTIVITY/SKILL: Non informational text article and multiple choice questions

Weekly Science Plan

Understand the different types of systems
Define an ecosystem, system, fiber and agriculture
Review scientific method and science tools
Weekly Lesson:
Complete building stamina in PSSA measuring up book after lessons 1-4
Collect to be graded as a PSSA prep grade
Introduce lesson 5 vocab on page 28 and use vocab in sentences to build student connections
Read pages 28-30 as a class
Answer guided questions on the side of the page while reading
Complete page 31 as a class using the selection just read
Complete page 32 with a partner, review answers as a class when complete
Complete page 33 independently as a PSSA prep grade
Weekly Assessment(s):
Building stamina and Lesson 5

Subject: Math

Week of: 12/08/2014

PSSA Weekly Skills:

Lesson 43: Points, lines, line segments and rays (older version of Measuring Up)
Lesson 44: Parallel and Perpendicular lines (older version of Measuring Up)
Lesson 39: Defining Angles (Current version of Measuring Up)

Weekly PA Common Core Math Standards:

Geometry standards
M04.C-G.1.1.1: Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, and obtuse), and
perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures.

M04.C-G.1.1.2: Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or

perpendicular lines or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size. Recognize right
triangles as a category, and identify right triangles.

M04.C-G.1.1.3: Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure
such that the figure can be folded along the line into mirroring parts. Identify line-symmetric figures
and draw lines of symmetry (up to two lines of symmetry).

M04.C-G.1.1.1: Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, and obtuse), and
perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures.

M04.C-G.1.1.2: Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or

perpendicular lines or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size. Recognize right
triangles as a category, and identify right triangles.

M04.C-G.1.1.3: Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure
such that the figure can be folded along the line into mirroring parts. Identify line-symmetric figures
and draw lines of symmetry (up to two lines of symmetry).
M04.C-G.1.1.1: Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, and obtuse), and
perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures.

M04.C-G.1.1.2: Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or

perpendicular lines or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size. Recognize right
triangles as a category, and identify right triangles.

M04.C-G.1.1.3: Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure
such that the figure can be folded along the line into mirroring parts. Identify line-symmetric figures
and draw lines of symmetry (up to two lines of symmetry).

Objective(s):To identify, name and draw points, lines and line segments.
Focus: Geometry
Lesson 10.1
PSSA Focus: Lesson 43- Points, Lines, Line Segments, and Rays
Do Now:
1. Maintenance (Lesson 13)
2. Multiplication lesson three- 5s and review of doubles and 2s
I Do: (Direct Instruction)
3. Show Brainpop Video Geometry Thats one way to measure space.
4. Show Brainpop Jr. Video points, lines,... to introduce new vocabulary
We Do: (Guided Practice)
5. Project p. 326 of Textbook. introduce vocabulary- point, line, line segment, endpoints,
6. Have students fill in picture definitions for each vocab word.
7. Students will complete p. 326-327 # 1-16 Allow early finishers to do challenge. Then
17-24 orally.
8. Project p. 185 of Handout of lesson 43. complete guided lesson
They Do: (Independent Practice)
9. Handout of lesson 43 p. 186 - after reviewing, have students complete p. 187 as a quiz

***Project- each student will be given a geometry term from this unit. They can use their
resources to find the definition, then come up with three clues to describe their vocabulary
word. Then they will write these clues on a piece of paper to be taped on a hot chocolate
template. A picture of the term will be under the flap with the clues.
Homework: Practice book p. 119
Exit assessment: P. 187

Objective(s): To classify sets of lines as intersecting, perpendicular or parallel.
Focus: Geometry
Lesson 10.3 - Textbook
PSSA Focus: Lesson 44 Do Now:
1. Maintenance
2. Homework Check
3. Multiplication lesson three- 5s and review of doubles and 2s - quiz
I Do: (Direct Instruction):
4. Brainpop Parallel, Perpendicular
5. Project TB p.330 walk students through the guided explanation
6. Fill in picture definitions for intersecting lines, perpendicular lines, parallel lines.
We Do: (Guided Practice)
7. have students stand and do a series of examples of each of the above terms using their
8. solve numbers 1-8 orally.
5. Display p. 188 of PSSA lesson 44 (handout and walk students through guided lesson.
Explain that we use these words to when looking at maps to describe street locations
and how they relate.
They Do: (Independent Practice)
8. Complete numbers 1-12 on p. 189
9. Quiz #1-6 of handout p. 190 (multiple choice PSSA connection)
Homework: Practice book p. 121

Objective(s):To identify and name rays and angles and the parts of an angle. To determine
whether an angle is acute, obtuse, right or straight.
Focus: Geometry
Lesson 10.2 (textbook)
Do Now:
1. Maintenance
2. Homework Check/ review
3. Multiplication lesson four- 3s and review 5s and review of doubles and 2s
I Do: (Direct Instruction):
3. Brainpop - angles
We Do: (Guided Practice)
4. Distribute Textbook p. 328-329
5. Complete picture definitions for angle, vertex, acute angle, right angle, obtuse angle,
and protractor.
6. walk students through each problem on how to draw and label each figure 1-5
7. Explain that when naming an angle it can be read multiple ways however the vertex
must always be in the middle. complete 9-11
8. introduce measuring angles on top of p. 329 stress the importance of using a
protractor. distribute protractors and practice mearing 12-18.
9. They Do: (Independent Practice)
10. Paul Bunyan Math- ELA connection. Tall Tales: Students will read about the legend of
P.B. then use knowledge of place value to solve questions.
11. Enrichment: Roman Numerals on p. 121 of TB. Ask students to write their age, and
date of birth in Roman numerals.
Homework: Practice Workbook p. 120

Objective(s):To identify and name rays and angles and the parts of an angle. To determine
whether an angle is acute, obtuse, right or straight.
Focus: Geometry
Lesson 39- PSSA Measuring up (current version)
Do Now:
1. Maintenance
2. Homework Check/ review
3.Multiplication lesson four- 3s and review 5s and review of doubles and 2s- quiz
We Do: (Guided Practice)
3. Brainpop Video- Measuring Angles
4. PSSA- Measuring up lesson 39 (workbook) read through vocabulary on p. 160 with
highlighter to review terms.
5. Complete guided instruction section. Complete questions 1-15 together

They Do: (Independent Practice)

6. Complete number 16-21 and then review whole group.
Homework: Angle worksheet

Objective(s):To identify and name rays and angles and the parts of an angle. To determine
whether an angle is acute, obtuse, right or straight.
Focus: Geometry
Lesson 40- PSSA Measuring up (current version)
*** Students will need a protractor for this lesson. Each class should have a set of protractors
that were used during PSSA last year.
Do Now:
1. Maintenance
2. Homework Check/ review
We Do: (Guided Practice)
3. Brainpop Video- Measuring Angles
4. Read p. 164 with students.
5. Students will follow steps in guided instruction to measure angles.
They Do: (Independent Practice)
6. Complete p. 165-166 then review.
7. Students will answer question 11-14 as a quick assessment.
Exit Assessment: PSSA Quiz p. 167 11-14

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