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This survey will help FACE (Faith Action for Community Equity) determine the extent and need

for Long Term Care/Disability Insurance in Hawaii. Thank you very much for your participation
in gathering much needed data to help us all prepare for the future needs of our loved ones.

Please write in your answers: Age: _____ Ethnicity__________ Location of

Please checkmark the name of your organization: ____AARP; ____Chamber of
Commerce ____Geriatric Fellows _____HGEA ____HMA _____HMSA
____HSTA ____HSTA-R ____ILWU ____Kokua Council ____Nurses Union
(dont know nurses union acronym) _____Other (please write in the name of your

Please checkmark what you feel is the best answer:

Have you cared for someone? Yes_____
Please answer this question only if it applies to you: How long have you cared for
someone? _____1-5 yrs; _____5-10 yrs; _____10+ yrs
Do you anticipate caring for someone? Yes_____ No_____
If you have provided care for someone, please check all that apply:
_____Drove the person to a doctors appointment
_____Made meals for the person
_____Assisted in feeding the person
_____Assisted in bathing and toileting the person
_____Assisted in dressing the person
_____Administered medication to the person
Have you completed an Advanced Care Directive? _____Yes______No
How much do you think nursing homes cost per month?
_____$8,000 - 10,000
_____$15,000 _____$20,000
How much do you think day care costs per month?
_____$5,000 _____$8,000 - 10,000 _____$15,000 _____$20,000
Do you have LTC/DI? (Long Term Care/Disability Insurance) _____Yes _____No

Does your family have a LTC/DI plan for you? _____Yes _____No
Do your parents have LTC/DI for themselves: _____Yes _____No
_____Parents deceased
Who do you think pays for nursing home or day care cost?
_____Medicare _____Medicaid _____Patient _____Patients Family
Town/Community where you live:_______________________________________

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