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Site Observation #_3_



Begin Time

4:00 PM

End Time

4:45 PM

# People at Site
(demographic info.)


Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social

Drawn representation


The medical office and institution are unsanitary. The room I inspection was some sort of preventing
illnesses area, there were no section titles displayed.
The medicine is limited, it is almost scarce.
The service performed in the hospital is horrible, the main
I had to get permission from the director of the
factor provoking this might be amount of money nurses
department, luckily I knew him.
People need to ask for basic services, like tissues, earn, which is minimal.
The space in which the individuals are located is
condoms, etc.
Nurses are condescending, aggressive, and rude. segregated and restricted by a curtains, where only certain
Nurses attend all variety of people within a same people can enter.
The space is subject to those who qualify to make use of it,
like people who maintain a stable job.
There are many health prevention
There is noticeable distinction of people that depends
mainly on influences and economic status.
If you do not have a medical insurance, you will
All the attitudes exhibited in this space provide an insight
not get nursed.
of what not to do and how not to behave, when you
Used medical material is deposited, along with
become a registered nurse.
regular trash, in a common trash can.

Site Observation #_2_



Begin Time

9:00 AM

End Time

9:40 AM

# People at Site
(demographic info.)


College of Nursing classroom

Drawn representation


Students communicated non-verbally most of the

The students mentioned medical terms when
There are no advertisements about health.
Students are expected to know what to do during
medical procedures (minimal help from the
Space is arranged, so students can be assigned
their own area.
There are stretchers in the classroom, but no
chairs to sit, except for the one the instructor
Students manifest a certain level of mastery on
their field.
There are some sort of plastic figure to practice
and ameliorate their nursing skills.

The classroom is intended for nursing students, therefore
not every student is allowed into the facilities.
Students practice everything on their own, so they can
retain more information useful for the assignments and
There is a good interaction between the plastic figure
and the nursing students, because they need to learn how
to relate and care for others.
I learned some of the practical activities I will have to
perform in order to be a successful nurse on the discourse
Students do not doubt about the action they are
performing, because they need to be under control every
time they perform a job with the patient.
The time in the classroom impacted the perception I had
towards nursing students, it was very educative and crucial
for the process of becoming a nursing student.

Site Observation #_1_



Begin Time

5:00 PM

End Time

5:30 PM

# People at Site
(demographic info.)


Las Palmas Hospital (Pediatrics area)

Drawn representation


The space is hygienic.

The institute is organized.
Nurses are attentive, and demonstrate an
adequate level of care towards patients.
Individuals within the medical center irradiate
sentiments of satisfaction and happiness due to
the service provided by nurses.
Nurses response to emergencies are rapid and
Each person has a particular space to occupy.
There are no advertisements displayed about
Medical equipment seems to be sanitary and
There are no medicines that can be perceived by
the eye in the clinic.

Nurses demonstrate different behaviors, depending on the
age and circumstance of the patient being treated.
Nurses maintain excellent communication skills, in order
to provide an effective job.
There are no advertisements in this particular space,
because the patients must not be overwhelmed by an
excessive quantity of propaganda.
The experience made me realize how I should treat
patients in a well-manner.
Many of the activities that nurses must perform are not
easy to do, hence by now I acknowledge the deeds I would
have to confront sometime future in my life.
The space is designed and limited to a certain type of
people, which in this case is only available to individuals
who just conceived a children.
A magnificent experience that made me connect more with
the real nursing environment.

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