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Peer Review of Final Survey Document

1. Does the title give you a good idea of what they survey is about? What suggestions do you have?
Yes, the survey does provide suggestions of the subject being discussed. For example, the title is selfexplanatory, which is the nursing discipline. The context of the questions summarize the overall purpose
of such survey. Besides, the introduction describes in detail the intentions of the survey.
2. Is the introduction complete? What suggestions do you have to make it stronger?
In my point of view, the introduction is well structured. It provides the people being survey an insight of
why is it being applied. I personally have no further suggestions to ameliorate the composition of the
survey. But to add a little more personal information.
3. Does each question accept all possible answers? If not, what needs to be added?
I do believe the questions have all aspects being covered, where no intended group of individuals and
audience is excluded. The most fundamental responses are included, so people will have an extensive
gamma of answers to choose from.
4. Is the document design effective? Why or why not? What changes would you recommend?
The document contains a variety of question types, ranging from multiple-choice to opened-ended
questions. So, it is very effective, because you do not get overwhelmed with the same type of question
over and over, it is dynamic. I would not recommend any change to be made.

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