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Prayer: Holy God, I believe that you will change people and many things, if asked and if it is
your will. Change me Lord, if it is your will, for I would lead a better life.
August 29, 2014


10:30 11:15 AM

Assigned classroom, the chapel, Hoi

About 40 Nghia Si cap 1

Work benches accommodate for 5
students, so each Doi will be sitting with
one another to take up about 2 benches
assuming each Doi has about 10

Students will need a writing utensil and a paper to write on.
HT provide 4 bibles, one for each Doi. A whistle and flashlight will also be needed.

Before discussing abortion, it must first be taught how to see different views of a particular topic and how to
deal with controversial topics. Everyone is subject to their own values and beliefs. Unity can describe how we
come together even in the darkest of times through our mutual belief that we have a savior and his Father
loves us and guides us to salvation. But faith and morals, although they do intertwine, are not the same. We
can have the same faith, but when it comes to morals, judgment will always vary. Using the passage Mt 18:
15-20, the lesson tries to explain how unity is achieved through the accommodation of numerous ideas. Our
catholic faith has ideas that are set in stone and those are commandments that have been agreed upon by
our community. But there are still gray areas where individuals may have a difference in theory. For example,
the Catholic Church is against abortion but there are exceptions. Are Catholic individuals fully supportive of
this view when most of us have been taught how badly abortion is regardless of the situation?
The Catholic Church opposes abortion and believes that when a fetus is formed, life begins. The great debate
is whether or not it is a sin. And that will be discussed in small groups.


Morse code, bible reading and interpretation, proper etiquette in the chapel, Nghiem tap

Everyone must participate in each Doi. Although there will be individuals who step up to lead, HT need to
encourage those who are not as confident to contribute to the group.
No off task activities
No eating/drinking
Wear proper uniform
No talking in the chapel

In order for their teams to be eligible to attend the Doan Camp, there is a point system that will be enforced which
allows the teams to attend the camp without having to take an exam. Point can be earned through accomplishments
such as the whole Doi wearing uniform, participation in class discussion, etc. There are also ways of earning large
amounts of points which will be explained below. If any rules are broken, points can be deducted at any time. HT
should pull aside individuals who are breaking rules. Do not call them out or make a scene. Build a good relationship
with your students so that they feel that the rules benefit them and are not just us being strict.

For this specific lesson, the first group to complete the mini competition will gain 10 points, followed by groups
earning 8 pts, 6pts, and 4 pts. The mini competition will be completed when they deliver the message to the HT in
the Hoi Truong.

Morse code will be delivered in two ways to show that even though these are different methods, they are unified as
they are sending the same message.
.. / -. / .- / --.- / ..- / .. / . / - / .--. / .-.. / .- / -.-. / . / . / .. / / .-- / --- / .-. / -.. / .- / .-- / .- / .. / - /
In a quiet place, His word awaits.


After solving the Morse code, hopefully the students will understand that the quiet place is the Chapel and
His word refers to the Bible.
When they get to the chapel, they will receive a bible. They will not receive the bible verse. In order to
receive the bible verse, they must perform perfect Chapel etiquette which includes each member genuflecting,
being quiet, and doing a small prayer as a group.
After about 10 minutes if the Doi does not abide to at least genuflecting and being quiet, they will be told
what they are doing wrong and then will receive the passage. Upon receiving the passage, they will be led to
the Hoi Truong.
They will read the passage as a group and a HT will lead a small group discussions about abortion.
What is the message Matthew is trying to convey in this passage?
How do we approach a situation where you and another individual do not feel the same about topic?
HT will lead a discussion about abortion. What is abortion? How does the church see abortion?
In this lesson, allow the students to say how they view abortion prior to discussing it. Use Mt 2: 16-18
and Ex 1: 15-22 to discuss how abortion was drawn in the bible and emphasize how devastating the
views of the Egyptians were of that time.

1. Review Main Ideas:
Review what is explained above in Objectives/Main Ideas
2. Group/Individual Assessment:
Because this is a discussion based lesson, we will not be giving out an assessment to test the students. The
main focus is to have every individual participate and contribute to the discussion
3. Homework:
Write a small journal entry about how your side on abortion, the opposing views, and explain a solution that
would accommodate both views
4. Evaluation:
Ask the students if they enjoyed this discussion based activity where theyre allowed to be more open and its
not all based on here are the facts, memorize it
5. Reteach (if needed):
Theres really no need to reteach since the homework assignment will help them maintain what was learned
in the lesson. For those who missed class, give them a separate homework assignment to read Mt 18 15:20,
Mt 2: 16-18, and Ex 1: 15-22. For the first reading, explain what is being conveyed by Matthew. For the last
two, explain how it relates to abortion and how the church uses these scenes to support their view of abortion.

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