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Religion is an effective way to control and direct people.

Religion was created as a means

of understanding the world, in some form, around early people using with what they could
understand at the time, which has resulted in religions being infallible by science and other
logical reasoning and was attractive to early followers; who perpetuated those beliefs through
their children, who had no real means to contradict their parent's beliefs and followed those
practices themselves. In Hinduism Dharma is also another way to attract, control and direct its
First, Religion has evolved to include the use of symbols which became mystic in some
manner. Since then, religions have used these symbols to convert and maintain some power over
people by convincing them of conceptions of a general order of existence. These conceptions
being shrouded in what seem like factual occurrences or mimic factual details of events, usually
dealings with supernatural entities or what seems to be inexplicable, to convey legitimacy. In
other cases, events have been contributed to mysticism. These events include battles being won,
people being healed and other such coincidences or trials. This connects people to the religion.
Next, in the later stages, religion sometimes tries to answer questions that plague people.
Such questions like what is the meaning of life or why am I here? These have given rise to
such answers involving: immortal souls, notions of heaven/hell, reincarnation and
magic/mystics, etc. They also give people a sense that there is a greater meaning to life or that
everything a person does has some greater meaning. This keeps people attached and works to
gain followers that are lost.
Finally, though any religion can die before it reaches some of the later stages. Though
many religions combine into other religions or dates for celebrations shift a little when a
civilization is conquered to make transitions for locals easier. This is particularly true in

Hinduism. Many different regional gods and or goddesses were brought together into the same
temples to make worship easier for people. Exact dates for some celebrations, such as the birth
date of Christ, have been shifted for convenience.
Next onto Dharma and Hinduism. In Hinduism, dharma is essential. As it basically turns
into a sense of being and a way of doing things. In that respect it is something that people as a
whole have to follow. Or they are directed to follow. As a religion gains more ground, support,
followers; it needs some way to direct these people into doing things that follow the doctrine of
the religion. In Hinduism, Dharma is this way.
Next, Dharma is a sort of peace with everything. With that in Hinduism people are trying
to be one with nature in a sense. Or one with everything, the cosmos in one way of saying it.
Dharma is also a part of man other eastern religions like Buddhism. It came into being in near
the beginning of the current era and gave rise to treaties dealing with Dharma. One of which tells
what a person should do to be a good practitioner of Hinduism.
Next, it can also be seen as a type of unifying force in Hinduism. For people this pushes
them to help other, be non-violent towards others and overall be a good person. This is one of the
reasons that people in Hinduism are still a part of it. The alternative being frequent attacks or
annihilation of other gods in a religion that has many gods to worship, as is the usual for many
other religions; to replace the existing rural and regional religion with their own. Though
emphases is place on 3 big celestial beings.
Next, what Dharma means to people is that they should follow the laws and expectations
of their culture. In India that means growing up, learning, having children, providing for them
and then finally going away with nothing to meditate on what lies in the next life for them. In

India a person goes through life with the idea to live and then fade away having provided a life
for their family. A similar, but different way of life compared with western ideas of what life
should be.
In conclusion, Dharma is a way of life that is and has been a part of Hinduism and other
religions for centuries. Dharma is a part of the religion and have almost become the same thing.
It pays attention to how people should be with one another. It tells them how to act and a part of
what to believe. It has branches in several other religions, leading to its significance and how
well it fits with other religions. And is a good set of rules for people to follow as a religion gains
more supporters and members.
Because of the changes made in religion over time and the number of people involved in
said religion, those changes allows the religion to keep up to date with the current era. If these
changes are not made people will either follow other religions or fall away from religion
completely within a few decades. Though some will stay because that religion is the only
religion they know. Overall religion has been a good way to direct peoples actions in the past,
but if some do not change, they will be a thing of the past; no longer practiced by anyone and
look upon only by scholars.

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