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Abstract Expressionism
Big Idea: Artists use abstract line and shape to express or
invoke an emotion.

Key Concepts:
Line and shape can be used
to express emotions.

The use of color can invoke

a specific emotion to the
Music can be interpreted
through artwork.

What is abstract art?
How can line and shape be
used to express emotions?
How can the use of color
help show emotion or

Lesson Summary
Abstract art is something many students struggle with because
there is no wrong or right and no specific, direct instruction on
how/ what to create. This lesson will focus on abstract
expressionism and how the students can invoke an emotion
through the use of line, shape, and color. They will listen to
music and express their feelings through their
line/shape/color. The students will learn that art and music
can be incorporated with one another, and come to understand
how to display that visually. They will look at a few artists
work as inspiration to help them understand the concept of
abstract expressionism.

The students will:
Identify abstract expressionist artists through
a PowerPoint and discussion provided by the
teacher in order to gain understanding of
abstract expressionism.
Define abstract expressionism through class
discussion in order to be able to create their
abstract expressionistic artwork.
Create an abstract expressionist art piece
through the use of line, shape, with oil pastel
and watercolor.
Come to understand the terms of abstract
expressionist artwork through the process of
analyzing their emotions into line and shape
on paper.
Focusing while listening to the music in the
classroom in order to process their emotions
into line and shape.

VA1: Media Techniques and Processes:
The student demonstrates understanding and can apply media, techniques, and
VA2: Structures and Functions
The student demonstrates knowledge of structures and functions. Student
demonstrates the knowledge of the elements of art and principles of design, their
purposes, and how artworks convey mood and feeling.
VA3: Subject Matter, Symbols, and Ideas
The student chooses and evaluates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas. This
incorporates the idea that there is or could be meaning behind the artwork.
VA6: Connections to Other Disciplines
The student makes connections between the visual arts and the other disciplines.

Pre- Assessment

Summative Assessment

The students will be shown a

PowerPoint on abstract
expressionism showing different
artwork from Jackson Pollock,
Edvard Munch and other artists.
This will give them basic
knowledge of the art movement
and help gain understanding in
what they will be creating.

The students will be assessed on

the connection of their line and
shape drawn from the song they
chose and the placement of their
watercolor through a teachers

Instructional Procedures
Day 1:

Motivation/ Engagement:
The teacher will have materials out for the students right away to be ready to use. The
teacher will present the information on abstract expressionism, and they will discuss
how emotion can be expressed in artwork through a variety of ways.
The teacher will explain that the students will be creating their own abstract
expressionist piece of artwork using music, line, shape, and color. The students will
have a chance to practice drawing lines with oil pastels to express their emotion on
paper while listening to the music. The teacher will play clips from 3-4 different songs
for this activity to get the students to draw a variety of line to express different
emotions songs might give. The students will then pick one final song to use in creating
their final piece. They will use oil pastels to create line and shape to express the
emotions they get from the song.
Once the students have completed their line drawing they will go into the piece with
watercolor to fill in the background and any shapes that have been created by the
overlapping of line work. They will need to reflect upon their feelings and emotions
when choosing their colors. As a closing activity we will hang the work and look at the
artwork as a class and discuss the different emotions that may be depicted in the

Student Supplies:

Oil pastel
Water color paint
17x14in white paper

Teacher resources
Abstract Expressionism
At least 4 instrumental song

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