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Chapter II

Evaluation of a Dream
Brave fools with dreams of women and delight, neither blinded by
ambition nor confused in dim light. They search the heavens above and the
stars late at night, for these dreams wise men know are concealed from plain
sight. Whether a woman is of interest, or just a face in the distance, a man
is served by thinking before relying on just a feeling. Always watching and
forevermore, success depends on evaluating the booty to score.
ManBible Sacred Illuminated Text II

Verse I - Women of Interest
Section I - The Dream of Future Booty
Section II - Evaluation of a Dream
Section III - Women of Interest
Section IV - The Four Booty Questions
Section V The Features of Beauty
Section VI - The Balanced Approach
Section VII - The Merger Principle
Section VIII The Words of Lesser Men

Verse II - Types of Women

Section I Type of Girl
Section II - Sexy Girls
Section III - Mean Girls
Section IV - Bad Girls
Section V - Crazy Girls
Section VI - Reserved Girls
Section VII - Nice Girls
Section VIII - Good Girls
Section IX - Sane Girls
Section X - Approach to Success
Section XI - Degrees of Separation
Section XII - Blond or Brunette
Verse III - Methods of Evaluation
Section I - Evaluation Steps
Section II - Choice of Method
Section III - The Body Assessment
Section IV - Compare and Contrast
Section V - Major Limiting Factors
Section VI- Karmic Respect
Section VII - Evaluation Record

Verse IV - Copping a Look

Section I - Why Men Look
Section II - To Cop a Look
Section III- The Glance Maximum

MBDiclaimer: The ManBible uses the word "crazy" to describe the general unreasonableness of women in
the courting ritual. The word is not intended to address issues of mental health.

MBDisclaimer: The ManBible values and requires respect for women in all regards, and nothing contained
within The ManBible is intended to objectify women in any malicious, unkind, or disrespectful way. Love
of women is key to The ManBible.
Verse I
Women of Interest
"It takes but a glance of the immutable beauty of a woman to transform her into a
woman of interest.

Section I - The Dream of Future Booty
Section II - Evaluation of a Dream
Section III - Women of Interest
Section IV - The Four Basic Questions
Section V The Features of Beauty
Section VI - The Balanced Approach
Section VII - The Merger Principle
Section VIII - Continuing Evaluation
Section IX The Words of Lesser Men

Sacred Illuminated Thought: A man does well to stop and think: Is this
the dream I am dreaming of or is it less than I think? A moment to inspect
the package before making the pickup is not time wasted.

Section I - The Dream of Future Booty


The dream of women and sex keeps hope alive. Life is enriched by belief and
experience when the future holds new women of beauty and attraction. As a powerful
incentive, the excitement of future booty leads to an increased urgency of Preparation,
Presentation and Participation (PPP). These are also known as the magic PPPs.
Before a man approaches a woman of interest during First Contact (FC), or for the first
time, he only knows the abstract hope and desire in mind, body and heart. Many times
The booty will seem a dream within a dream. Anticipation of new booty is mostly
attributed to the innate desire for sexual relations and eventual sex. The ManBible
recognizes the Dream of Future Booty (DFB) as the hope of future sexual encounters
with unknown WOI. The DFB brings interest to a life worth living. The DFB is the
motivation for a man to prepare for the courting ritual by focusing on the PPPs through
self improvement and courting knowledge. Particularly with single men, the DFB is the
incentive to fix character flaws and create purpose for greater positive effects on women.
Nothing makes a man work harder than the hard work for booty.
Common Places of First Contact

1) A Bar or Club 5) With Friends

2) A Party or Funeral 6) On Line
3) A Class or School Event 7) Coffee Shop
4) Work Place 8) Music Event

Most men dream a common dream of love, ecstasy and sexual bliss. More
than just a feeling, this dream becomes tangible booty in their minds. Occasionally, this
dream causes confusion and hard-ons in public. The ManBible recognizes this as the
Dream of Booty (DOB). DOBs usually include beautiful women, great body shots, fast
times, multiple partners, lesbianism, adventures resulting in sexual relations. As the fire
of passion within, the individual variation on the DOB develop over age and through
experience. There are many similar bedtime stories, accept with preferred women in
different settings and creative positions. Forever changing the common dream remains
the same.

MB Note: The dream of future experiences with women gives most men the will to grow, persevere and
succeed in life. To further these dreams into reality takes a woman of interest and the strength and nerve to
make a move. (See Women of Interest (WOI) and Make a Move (MAM).

Section II - Evaluation of a Dream


Every woman is a fact-specific question. Gaining knowledge of a new woman

of interest requires the ability to objectively determine traits and characteristics.
Suppressing a man's instinctual need for booty with a caution for the danger of premature
interest is justified. The ManBible recommends a proper Evaluation of a Dream (EOD)
to determine whether or not a particular woman fairly matches what a man desires. The
purpose of an EOD is to collect vital information about a woman in order to compare her
qualities with desire and the dream of future booty. A woman who matches up well with
man's particular needs and perversions makes the decision to begin the courting ritual a
smarter conclusion. Synonyms for an EOD include scoping out, checking it out,
investigating the booty, on the case, checking the lay of the land, checking the situation,
booty watch, on booty guard, on it, MBetc. When an EOD is done well the right booty
will follow.

Most men check out most women they see.

Successful courting requires knowledge of the booty situation. A proper

evaluation of a dream informs the actions and responses most likely to be effective.
When a man decides to make a move on a woman of interest, The ManBible recognizes
the EOD will aid a man in tailoring his approach and the courting process. Generally, a
bad girl is not going to find the romantic date a first good move, and a good girl is
not going to find a strip club appropriate. A man skilled at evaluations can assess both a
woman's physical and mental attributes in order to gain advantage in the courting ritual.
The type of woman she isthe clothes she wears, the people she hangs out with, the
topics she talks about, her family backgroundall play a part in helping a man choose
the right path. Knowing a woman's strengths and weaknesses is key to unlocking the
many doors of booty.

All women are beautiful, but not all women are of interest. Respect in any
event is important and necessary. Most men only briefly check out a woman before they
decide to dive into the unknown waters of love and booty. When the pushing looks good
the normal reaction is desire. This act of instinct from attraction can be a dangerous
affair of prematurity and madness. Sometimes an attractive first impression compels a
man to make a move that is quickly questioned and regretted later. The ManBible
recommends Making a Move only after a thorough Evaluation of the Dream. This is
especially prudent when searching for a real girlfriend. Although a new woman can be
the dream a man is dreaming, she can also be a bummer, or even worse the nightmare
feared most by men. Fortunately, most women turn out somewhere in the middle: neither
a complete satisfaction nor a disaster waiting to happen.

Circumstances dictate time of evaluation. When competition is fierce, instinct,

judgment and experience becomes the compass to booty. Sometimes a man is compelled
to make a move or risk losing the chance. The ManBible recognizes sometimes an
evaluation of a dream cannot be completed. Although an EOD affords a clear and
objective perspective, rarely should a man let one get away. To avoid the adverse
consequence of dating the wrong type of woman over and over, a thorough EOD should
always be the goal. With experience an EOD can normally be completed quickly.

MB Warning: An evaluation with beer goggles is prone to mistake. The ManBible recommends caution
when using beer goggles before making a move.
MB Warning: The natural yet avoidable mistake of believing a new woman is the fulfillment of the
dreams of future booty is a premature exercise of hope. Many times men will act because success is
assured. The ManBible recommends many dreams but as few nightmares as possible. A man must
compare and contrasts his particular likes and dislikes, especially deal breakers, before making a move.
(See Decision to Dive). Some dreams are worth following and some not.

First Contact (FC) - The first encounter with a woman where actual knowledge of
her physical presence is gained. This awareness takes the form of either sight or

Constructive Contact (CC) - When a man learns of a woman from the hearsay of
other men or women, or from a picture.

Doors of Booty (DOB) - The opportunities given to a man in life that led to
success with women of interest.

Booty Situation - All the circumstances surrounding a particular woman of


Booty Galore (BG) - When a situation, place or woman is full of beauty, sexual
attraction and excitement.

Section III - Women of Interest


Some women catch a man's eye more than others. The search for booty to
focus attention upon continues throughout life. Many women will become known and
unknown again. Although the individual effect of each woman varies from man to man,
the visceral affect of sexual interest goes far to focus a man's interest in a woman. Many
times a man will be compelled to investigate the booty. The ManBible recognizes a
woman of sufficient interest to investigate for possible opportunities of sexual relations
and eventual sex as a Woman of Interest (WOI). Some women are meant for a glance,
while other women demand a thorough exploration and effort. With interest in mind, a
man should focus on an approach to gain favor. The designation of a WOI is just the
In the process of evaluating a dream, the
designation of a woman of interest is just the
beginning. A man must continue an
evaluation to make the decision whether to
make a move or leave it behind for the next
man. A man decides many things before his
mind begins to work.

Women of interest are found everywhere. Especially for a modern man of

culture and enlightened sensibility, the potential booty pleasures exist throughout the
world. Women of interest reveal themselves in both known venues and random moments
of life. As opportunities of booty, every WOI encountered is an important affair. The
ManBible recognizes the common danger that a glance of the immutable beauty of a
woman is powerful enough to create an obsession. Even the most dire circumstances and
encounters can transform a woman into a woman of interest.

MB Warning: Many times, a woman is designated a Woman of Interest on fictions of the mind, where a
man projects his desires onto a woman instead of finding a woman of desire. This is also where the crazy
ones get through the front gate. A man must remember the calling to bang will let almost any woman in
the door, and therefore caution is prudent.

Woman Interest Woman of Interest EOD

Relevant issues concerning

Women of Interest

What does she like and dislike?

What does she find unattractive?
What makes her happy?
What makes her angry or pissed off?
Who does she admire?
How much time alone does she need?
What does she like to do for fun?
MB Warning: Men who seek women will feel the presence of the Woman of Interest as a physical
manifestation of excitement and elation. Fairly indescribable with words, this feeling is the excitement of
booty. Every time a man feels booty excitement, the situation is worth a closer look.

Section IV - The Four Booty Questions


When a man finds interest, we ask four important questions. Many questions
matter, some more than others. Getting to the heart of the matter and maximizing success
with women of interest requires a focus on key concerns. The ManBible recognizes the
Four Booty Questions (FBQ) as four primary questions that can assist in evaluating a
dream. In the game of love, these questions will inform a man of a great many things.
These questions are answered by collecting Vital Female Information (VFI) necessary
for a proper EOD. VFI includes everything outwardly knowable about a woman,
including body type, quality of her features of beauty, general personality traits (sexy,
mean, reserved or good girl), level of craziness, and compatibility to sexual desires of
man. The more a man knows the better he will feel later.

The Four Booty Questions

What type of girl is she?

What is her body shape?
Does she like to bang?
How reasonable is she?

The First Question

What type of girl is she? The first question a man must ask is which of the four
general female types is dominant in a particular woman's personality? We ask this
question to gain a general flavor for the approach necessary for success. Whether a
woman is mean, good, reserved or sexy makes a big difference in the quality of future
booty. To understand the motivations and characteristics of a woman is the best
preventative medicine to unwanted pain and anguish.

The Second Question

What is her body shape? The second question a man must ask is: What is a
womans body like? We ask this question to construct a visual image of potential future
sexual encounters, and then compare and contrast this image to decide if further
investigation is necessary. Although the relationship between man and woman is a
mental and physical affair, when it comes to men (in most cases), the physical part is
more important and enjoyable. Affection for a womans body is usually the same as
affection for her in general. This is commonly known as the objectification of women.
The Third Question
Does she like to bang? The third question a man must ask is: Does a woman
explore and truly enjoy sexual encounters and experiences? We ask this question to
determine the level of potential future sexual gratification. When a woman is free from
the bonds of historical oppression, and enlightened to the modern reality of female sexual
power, there is substantially more fun in bed. The ManBible recognizes it takes two to
tango and make it out-of-sight, and only a woman with a modern and self-actualized
perspective on sexual behavior will impress and excite. Professional sex is only possible
when a woman likes to bang.

The Forth Question

How reasonable is she? The forth question a man must ask is: How crazy is the
woman I want to bang? We ask this question to determine the level of sacrifice necessary
for sexual relations and sex. All women are unreasonable to some degree. However,
some women go beyond normal tolerance levels, making their irrational and confused
thoughts detrimental to any relationship. No pain, no gain can turn into less gain more
pain. The ManBible recognizes The Reasonable Spectrum (TRS) as a gauge of a
woman's capacity to compromise and give equal consideration to a man's preferences.
Women who dominate decisions increase the difficulty of courting and dating. Being
unreasonable is never a good thing.

The Reasonable Spectrum

10 3 1
- - -- - - - - - -- - - +- - - - - - - - - - - - ->
Reasoanble Regular Unreasonable

Vital Female Information (VFI) - Information collected through

comprehensive ManBible methods, which facilitates the development of
an approach strategy to a woman of interest and a plan of action to gain

Section V The Features of Beauty


There is a commonality at first glance. Nature has developed calling signs that
start the conversation. Unspoken cues come into play ever before words are uttered to
impress. The ManBible recognizes seven primary Features of Beauty (FOB) all women
reveal or make prominent for evaluation. The FOB are particular areas of a womans
body with the most universal effect. As shared indicators of potential male satisfaction,
these physical traits should first be called to attention. The seven FOBs are i) Face; ii)
Breasts; iii) Booty; iv) Legs; v) Hair; vi) Waist (Line); and vii) Eyes. Every man will
qualify a FOB differently. Therefore, every woman will seem different to every man.
Beauty is not based on consensus but the individual determination, which is what really
only matters. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

The Seven Primary Features of Beauty

Known as the marks of beauty in the mind of men, the

Features Of Beauty are categorized to facilitate a quick
assessment and comparison of women of interest. This
assessment includes a rough visual idea of future sexual
encounters, validating any known preferences a man has
declared essential, such as big breasts. General combinations
of interests, desires and preferences all matter most. Whether
the features of a woman strike a man like lightening, or do no
harm and fade away, he now knows what happened and what
will make his day.

MB Note: In order to understand the allure of the booty a man comes into contact with, he must first
understand the booty. When attraction captivates a man, determining the cause of these feelings through
reasoned observation is the best method for avoiding a waste of time. Whether or not it's one thing or many
different things working together, the more a man knows the more he will be a master of his domain and

Better From Behind (BFB) - When a woman is first seen from behind,
and the assessment of beauty can be higher than when the woman is seen
and evaluated in full view.

Eye Catcher - When a woman in either a public or private place

immediately grabs the attention of a man. Commonly concurs with large
breasts and short skirts.

MB Warning: Everything in life needs some balance. A focus on one desired feature of beauty is
sometimes unavoidable. While all men see some FOBs as all-important, one FOB usually cannot hold a
man's attention for long. Multiple desired FOBs are usually necessary for long-term satisfaction.
Section VI - The Balanced Approach

Many women are hotter than they look. The attractive nature of women is
ultimately determined by a combination of different factors. Although women are
initially perceived as physical phenomena, they are usually more than just boobs and ass.
A more careful observation reveals attractiveness is a function of both personality and
body. A hot woman can be less attractive if the personality is dull, and conversely, a
fairly good-looking woman with personality can be even hotter than what first meets the
eye. The ManBible recognizes The Balanced Approach (TBA) as viewing a woman of
interest broadly to gain the full appreciation of her attractive nature. The TBA is
commonly referenced when reviewing of the whole package deal or viewing a WOI as
not just a pretty face. A man who finds the proper balance will fulfill his ultimate
desires and booty dreams and avoid the pitfalls of chasing only pure beauty, which in
many ways lacks booty depth. A combination of both beauty and personality also
maintains the benefit to avoid an over-focused perversion with one feature of beauty.

MB Note: The ManBible recognizes the focus on one or two FOBs is acceptable as long as a substantial
relationship is avoided. Sometimes a perversion or desire must be experienced to avoid the possibility of a
lifetime of obsession. This occurs commonly with large breasts and hair types. The experiences of men
dictate women of interest and beauty come in many different forms and packages. A balanced approach
usually affords more variety, opportunity, ecstasy and delight.

Section VII - The Merger Principle


Men must awaken to dream of future booty. A man alone with his dreams of
future booty must eventually actualize these desires into meaningful steps in the real
world. There comes a time to stop late night jerks and get on with life. When a man
encounters a woman of interest, a man must seek opportunities to make a move. The
ManBible recognizes The Merger Principle (TMP) as the combining of booty dreams
and reality into meaningful action that temporary cancels the importance of fantasy
during the courting of real WOIs. Men feel this merger as the excitement of real booty
and the great expectations for sexual relations and eventual sex. The TMP intensifies the
importance and pleasure of every woman scored, and adds a special quality to be
cherished for all times. Most men feel this merger as elation and joy of everything
wonderful in the world, and a man merged will develop more excitement for SRES as
well as other feelings of comfort and pleasure. Unfortunately, many men also confuse
merger with finding real love. "She's the One is sometimes just a horney over-reaction
to booty.

First time appeal is eventually lost time and space.

Real women are better than porn. Dreams motivate men to action, but they
cannot substitute for the real thing. The Merger Principle is recognition of letting the
dream go. The dream of future booty and real women are rarely the same. Further,
whether or not a particular woman is equal to the dream is unimportant and
counterproductive. Love and bang the one you're with works to more fruitful living. A
man is led by his dreams but must decide his fate alone.

The Merger Principle

DFB + Woman of Interest (WOI) (merger) MOM WOI

The merger usually ends during the period of time between first contact and six months.

MBWarning: Dreams are better than reality, but reality is better than a dream. There are no substitutes for
a tangible experience with a woman of interest. The ManBible recommends men make a move on all
women of interest and transform as many dreams into reality as possible. In order to enjoy the fruits of life
a man must eat the fruit.

MBNote: The MB methods of evaluation are reality-based to avoid the confusion between dreams and

Section IX The Words of Lesser Men


Never speak ill of another man's woman. The general rule among good men is
to refrain from derogatory or diminishing comments. This is especially true when
another man is excited about the prospect of courting a woman. Respect for women is a
principle that positions a man in the best light, and those who ignore this risk a negative
reputation. There is nothing worse than a man speaking ill words upon the woman of
interest of another man. Many times, lack of encouraging words is a sign of jealously or
bad manners. The ManBible recognizes The Words of Lesser Men are not spoken for the
greater good. A good man encourages, aids and shotguns when another man needs
assistance to gain favor with a woman. Lesser men do not help. Lesser men are not to
be trusted because they put their own interests before the universal common bond of men.
There is no useful place for these men. A man with nothing useful to say should refrain
from saying anything at all.

MBDisclaimer: The ManBible values and requires respect for women in all regards, and nothing contained
within The ManBible is intended to objectify women in any malicious, unkind, or disrespectful way. Love
of women is key to The ManBible.
Verse II
Types of Women
"The ManBible recognizes in order to gain favor with a particular woman of
interest, a man must vary his approach to meet the needs of the particular situation."


Section I Type of Girl
Section II - Sexy Girls
Section III - Mean Girls
Section IV - Bad Girls
Section V - Crazy Girls
Section VI - Reserved Girls
Section VII - Nice Girls
Section VIII - Good Girls
Section IX - Sane Girls
Section X - Approach to Success
Section XI - Degrees of Separation
Section XII - Blond or Brunette

Sacred Illuminated Thought: A man who knows the type knows the
score. Men can ignore the big picture for the pleasures of one night, but
the courting ritual demands insight.

Section I - Type of Girl


All women are one way or the other. Just as shape and size can be categorized
and reviewed on a common spectrum of experience, basic personality types are apparent
as well. These basic types reflect dominant and secondary character traits that most
define a particular woman: who she is, what she does, where she goes, when she does it
and how she looks when it's done. Some women lean heavily on one character trait, and
some a few more mixed together. The ManBible recognizes eight common Types of
Girl (TOG): i) Sexy, ii) Mean, iii) Bad, iv) Crazy, v) Reserved, vi) Nice, vii) Good,
and viii) Sane. Knowing what to expect from each type is invaluable to success. For
advantage in the courting ritual, the TOGs fairly predict the actions and reactions of
women of interest.
BAD---------- W ----------GOOD

Sexy Girl Type (SGT) Reserved Girl Type (RGT)

Crazy Girl Type (CGT) Sane Girl Type (SnGT)
Good Girl Type (GGT) Bad Girl Type (BGT)
Nice Girl Type (NGT) Mean Girl Type (MGT)

Stereotypes are only tools of the trade. Most women are a unique combination
of different traits: pure, good, nurturing, ancient, fun, caring, deep, sexy, intellectual
and/or strong minded, wild, reserved, bold, fire brand shy, mean, meaner, MBetc. The
ManBible recognizes the complexity of the modern women and the need for guidance.
Because men are generally stupid concerning women, simplification of the issue helps to
focus on fundamental concerns. A man should ask "what type of woman is she?" Is she
Reserved? Is she Reserved and Sexy, or just a Good girl? Is she Mean and Sexy, or
just plain Mean? Is she Crazy and Nice? Is she Sexy and Good? Is she a Sane and Good
or just a Crazy Bad girl? Is she Sexy Crazy and Bad? Or is she just plain Bad?
Determining will begin to inform the courting approach to take.

MBNote: The ManBible covenants all types of women.

The modern trend of female liberalization

brings more choice of identity.
The consequence is better sex generally.

MBWarning: Women who maintain equal amounts TOGs can confuse the situation with more
unpredictable. When types mix, the best and worst of both worlds are possible.

MBDisclaimer: The ManBible uses the word "crazy" to describe the general unreasonableness of women
in the courting ritual. The word is not intended to address issues of mental health.

A Waste of Material - When a woman of interest fails to maximize her

bodily potential and beauty during sexual relations and sex. Fairly
common occurrence.
Section II - Sexy Girls

Sexy is the act of sex without the act. While some women hide their beauty to
the world, others display beauty as a function of daily living. Through actions and words
that arouse feelings and interest, a heightened sexual appeal is created. Subtitle use of
posture, facial expressions, flirtive moves, and displays of sexual nature all combine for
maximum affect. Women who know how to bend their curves to create a powerful allure
garner greater praise and desire. The ManBible recognizes the Sexy Girl Type (SGT) as
a woman who is aware of her sex appeal and uses it to generate male attention. A SGT
always elicits a positive response among many types of men. Methods of a SGT include
fuck me eyes, showing of skin, great body shots, sexy poses, tongue actions, short
clothing, piercings, tattoos, cleavage, high heels, MBetc. Unfortunately, the potential
reservoir of sexiness in most women is usually untapped. A sexy girl always attracts the
eyes in a room.

Sexy girls are looking for sexy men. When a woman enjoys sexy behavior they
usually don't settle for less. The ManBible recognizes achieving sexual relations and
eventual sex with a SGT usually requires equal levels of sex appeal. Rarely does a nerd
find a sexy woman beckoning. Of course, sexiness for men requires other qualities apart
from the sexy traits of women. These include confidence, great style, muscle, good
dance moves, MBetc. With comfort and fondness for their sexual nature, SGTs search
for highly passionate men of style, taste and living. Mature, rich and cool men fair better
than most with SGTs, as sexiness usually requires an adult manor and decent behavior.
When a sexy woman comes around, it's the perfect time to stop fooling around.

Signs of Sexy Girl Type

1) Sexually Revealing Clothing (SRC) - A sexy woman displays her

body to cause men to desire. Summer dresses, mini-skirts and intentional
boob shots are all common indicators of a women's sense of sexuality and
the power it holds with men of interest.

2) Optimal Sexual Positioning (OSP) - A sexy woman can perform

sexual relations in a visually pleasing manner, especially arching of back,
breast usage, eye contact, MBetc.

3) Social Sex Talk (SST) - A sexy woman is comfortable talking about

the subject of sexual relations and sex in social situations. An attractive
nature is caused in part from the attitude taken toward SRS.

4) Fuck Me Eyes (FME) - A sexy woman through eye contact can reveal
sexual desires. This is a common trait of sexy women and a thrill for men
sex seeking sexual relations and eventual sex.
5) Full Effect Play (FEP) - A sexy woman sometimes acts as a
flamboyant version of herself. This momentary heightened playfulness is
a sign of a sexy girl type, as they are always willing to reveal their sexy
nature to men of interest.

Section III - Mean Girls


Every rose has its thorn. Although women have a softer demeanor compared to
most men, the ability to be tough is innate as well. Most women lean toward the good
nature of humanity, and display the guiding principles of what is right in this world.
However, some women veer from this path to develop a harder shell. Usually of our
necessity for protection, they become mean spirited. A strong offense becomes the best
defense. This usually occurs from a past grievance or condition of family, social setting,
dating or sexual relations. The ManBible recognizes the Mean Girl Type (MGT) tend
to have a strong personality and a ruthless perspective. Behaviors include viciousness,
harshness, confrontation and manipulation. MGTs cut through social situations to get
what they want. Unless tamed a MGT will continue her mean-spirited behavior
indefinitely. In the wake of this meanness, both misery and pain fall upon all men who
wish to challenge the attitude. As mean behavior is usually hidden during the beginning
of the courting ritual, mean girls can be spotted through social networks and past history.
Even when known to be a mean girl, and only big trouble in the long run, they are still
hard to resist.

A certain amount of mean spiritedness can be tolerated for sexual relations

and eventual sex. Especially true if a woman is both mean and sexy or mean and pretty,
a little mean can be attractive. An unkind demeanor is usually not a problem until the
man becomes the focus of the mean. This does not diminish the quality of booty,
however. The ManBible recommends only caution with mean girls, as no prohibition is
necessary if pursuit is for pure enjoyment. Although a troubling affair, mean girls
usually exhibit refined sexual qualities to make up for their lack of social harmony.
Many times their beauty lures men into ecstasy only to set them up later for pain and
suffering later. Most men prioritize sexual relations and sex enough to tolerate the mean,
especially a while longer to bang one more time.

Signs of Mean Girl Type

1) Overly Demanding in Bed - A mean woman will tend to demand

perfection of orgasm in bed. If dissatisfied, she will usually seek to
chastise and rebuke the man. If a man can handle the pressure of
embarrassment, the gains are still great.

2) Cat Fighting - A mean woman will see other women as competition,

and sometimes will even revert to physical violence to show them to stage
left. Mean women tend to pick sides and battles.
3) Breakup Mad - A mean woman generally have no problem with the
emotions surrounding a breaking up. Many times they will become
vindictive and revenge seeking if dumped. It's always easier to let the
mean girl do the dumping.

4) Say Anything to Win (SAW) - A mean woman will say anything in a

fight or argument to win and trump a man. Part of the nature of being
mean is the willingness and ability to say anything, even the nastiest and
toughest of things.

5) Natural Born Fighter (NBF) - A mean woman will be able to respond

to bad behavior of a man by either immediately starting a fight or
matching the discord level. They will seem born to the task of bickering,
yelling and screaming. Screaming is an important sign, as a woman who
yells with the best of them is probably a mean as well.

Section IV - Bad Girls


Some are born to be bad. The social expectation of women is to embody the
better nature of humanity to counter the bad in the world. Women stand as the pillars of
peace and life. Although there are benefits of goodness, a decreased willingness for
sexual experimentation is common. Good girls are expected to withhold more intimate
sexual relations until real commitment is displayed. Some good girls withhold even
more. However, when a woman decides freedom over the social pressure of conformity,
the option to turn to the darker side for relief is attractive. The ManBible recognizes the
Bad Girl Type (BGT) as women who do not follow social conventions and find
independence through more deviant behavior. BGTs are women of strength and
intensity, not evil intent against others. This is reserved for Mean Girl Types alone. The
bad in a BGT is the breaking of rules and the exploration into new horizons, including
sexual adventure and pleasures. Bad Girls have more zest for living.

Bad girls want deep satisfaction. Under regular circumstances, shared social
norms and values deem some appropriate and others prohibitive activities from a
community standard. Regardless of cause, turning from this standard usually brings
greater sexual pleasures and exciting events. A good girl gone bad is a fantastic
transformation. Men interested in BGTs must then deliver the pleasure of going against
convention. Intensity and variety of sexual relations and sex increases due when a
broader spectrum of possible positions and attitudes is taken. The conventional man who
follows the rules stands little chance of success, as he is just another bore in her eyes.
Signs of A Bad Girl Type

1) Mischievous Mind - A bad woman will have something racy and

provocative to say, or a plan of no-good. Part of the allure of the bad girls is
the notion that better pleasures and delights are possible with them than with
good girls. A man must be prepared for nothing shocking.

2) Deviant Sexual Behavior - A bad woman will desire to give and partake
in pleasures usually reserved under the contemplation of men. To be bad
means to defy the convention of less intimate sexual relations and sex. The
badder a woman is the more deviant sexual pleasures she will seek.

3) Show of Bad (SOB) - A bad woman will show a man of interest her bad
side in order to provoke a response of acceptance. The allure of bad is
strong on most men, as temptation is a woman's best friend. Common
SOBS are getting drunk on liquor, cat fighting, breaking minor laws, and
public displays of sexuality, drug use and fowl language.

4) Threesome Experience - A woman forever crosses into the bad girl type
when she explores three-way sex. A bad woman type has a better chance of
ending up in bed with more than one person. A two man one-woman
scenario makes a woman badder than one woman of two with one man.

5) Tattoos and Piercings - A woman with a substantial tattoo or piercing

has at least been a bad girl at a certain time in her life. A substantial tattoo
does not include ankle or beauty tattoos. Clear signs of a BGT are piercing
of breast or better, arm, thigh and those lower back tattoos known as tramp

Section V - Crazy Girls


All women possess some amount of crazy. Apart from the seriousness of mental
illness, crazy is the capacity of a woman of interest for reasonable actions and behavior.
These include everything from affording the freedom to go out with other guys, to taking
a man's preferences into account when making decisions, to not throwing things across
the room, to taking less than an hour to get ready to leave the house. Of course, a lot of
what women do seem strange and unreasonable. Thankfully, a small amount of crazy can
enhance relationships, sexual pleasures and the general fun of life. The ManBible defines
the Crazy Girl Type (CGT) as unreasonable behavior that makes a relationship difficult
and sometimes untenable. The allure of a CGT is the excitement and adventure of the
courting ritual and sexual relations. All women have some amount of normal
contradictions and confusions, but when they reach a level sufficient to substantially
interfere with daily living, they can become problematic.
Crazy girls are a delicate affair of precision courting. Careful manipulation
and planning is essential, as a man risks failure from the start when the stage is not set
right. The crazy girl type is prone to action, movement, and challenging positions. A
man must be ready with high energy for a CGT. Many times, a CGT will test a man's
stamina and strength of mind to determine suitability. The capacity of dealing with the
many inevitable difficulties that lie ahead during courting ritual must be on display. A
man should be assured and confident of attraction. Only through a high-energy but
careful approach can successful pleasures from courting and dating a CGT be assured.

Signs of a Crazy Girl Type

1) Crazy Eyes (CEs) - A woman who shows higher levels of crazy can
stare in a manner suggestive of uncommon behavior. The feelings of
curiosity, heightened interest and unusual focus tend to be felt. The CE
should also be pleasing and slightly sexual in nature. As the eyes are
considered a doorway to the soul, the crazy will always find a way

2) Fair Warning (FW) - A woman who shows higher levels of crazy

usually discloses the issue early. Through stories of past relationships,
hints of turmoil, and cryptic statements, the signs of crazy are usued to
gauge the tolerance of the man they want. As part of the challenge, a
mans positive reaction to past unreasonable behavior is a nod of

3) Great in Bed (GIB) - A woman who shows higher levels of crazy is

usually open to more pleasurable and adventurous sexual encounters
above norm relations. From an expansion of consciousness by self-
acknowledged notions comes an acceptance of experiences beyond the
normal course. Crazy girls are generally better in bed.

MBDiclaimer: The ManBible uses the word "crazy" to describe the general unreasonableness of women in
the courting ritual. The word is not intended to address issues of mental health.

Section VI - Reserved Girls


Some girls are just a little shy. Shyness can be a good thing, even divine, but
still presents a challenge for those who desire to gain favor with shy women. Shy women
are hesitant to participate in the conversation of love. The ManBible recognizes the
Reserved Girl Type (RGT) as a woman who possess a shy nature. Many times this
holding back is used to protect oneself from the world. Serenity and quiet enjoyment
must prevail in order to gain favor. Women with a reserved nature hold the most gentle
of qualities in a person, including solace, mystery, tenderness, non-confrontation and a
soft tongue. A reserved woman's private demeanor is a flower yet un-sprung. The closed
nature creates a puzzle that must be solved in order to open up a courting opportunity.
Extra care and attention is necessary to gain meaningful sexual relations and eventual

MBWarning: The reserved nature of shy women concerning sexual relations can be extremely annoying,
causing sadness and unfulfilled desires and dreams. A man can experience blue balls many times in a
relationship with a reserved girl. If a man wants the mystery to be uncovered, he will have to cultivate the
booty well. (See Cultivate the Booty MBC4V1S5)

Signs of a Reserved Girl

1) Quiet in Social Situations (QSS) - A reserved woman will not be the

life of a party, nor add much to volume and excitement. Observation and
thinking replace more aggressive traits. A reserved woman must usually
be approached.

2) Limited Sexual Positioning (LSP) - A reserved woman usually does

not perform with high sexuality in bed initially. Visually pleasing
mannerisms and positions are curtailed under bed covers and dim lights.
Release of passion and the use of a reserved woman's booty are saved for
later moments when trust is built.

3) Limited Revealed Beauty (LRB) - A reserved woman will tend to

reveal little or none of her features of beauty. Shy and timid women do
not want to make bold moves of a sexual nature. Whether covered over
by sheets or pans worn in summer, much of a reserved woman's beauty is
usually withheld from public view.

4) Never Makes The First Move - A reserved woman never makes the
first move on a man. When showing affection, careful suggests of interest
in an indirect way are common. A man must approach a reserved girl to
make his dreams come true.

Section VII - Nice Girls


Some girls are as nice on the inside as they are on the outside. Most women
are born with the natural ability to be nice people. Along with traits of loyalty, devotion,
kindness, sympathy and genuine caring, a nice girl is also good to bring home to mother.
Nice women are the pleasure with pain. The ManBible recognizes the Nice Girl Type
(NGT) as a woman who is primary motivated by the trait of love and kindness. The
NGTs are nice without self-interest or conflict, and remind all men the nature of women.
Purity and mature habits codify the universal truth: Men create war and women create
life. Nice women hold the best qualities of human beings, including humility, sympathy,
tenderness, forgiveness and happiness. They are usually the most honest of the types of
girls around. Being a nice girl is a natural state for many women.
Nice girls are sometimes known to bore. Being a better person often comes
with a loss of adventure; there is no breaking of social boundaries. When a woman is
nice, she is not naughty, slutty, smutty, or pornsexualqualities valued by most men
from time to time. Nice girl types tend to lack edge and sexual substance because the
qualities of nice do not always reflect the desires of the selfish man. NGTs must be
courted in equal fashion, with a conscious regard for manners, sympathy for others and
languageabsolutely no perversions or other non-gentlemanly ways. Sometimes the
good without the bad is just all right.

Signs of the Nice Girl Type

1) No Catfighting - A nice woman will not get adversarial with other

women. Territorial behavior toward men is replaced with more reasonable
approaches such as unspoken choices. Nice women get along with other
women, even if they are not as nice.

2) Sympathetic Notions - A nice woman will care for others in a

genuinely sincere way. Based on upbringing and traditional notions of
women and society, sympathy for others is an inherent trait. A nice
woman is nice for nices sake.

3) Limited Erotic Behavior (LEB) - A nice woman does not partake in

erotic gestures outside accepted social norms. Being nice usually means
avoiding a reputation of slutism or dirty sexual behavior. This is also
known as a waste of material.

4) Natural Smile of Beauty (NSB) - A nice woman will smile with a

magical quality that allures men to goodness and the nice booty. The pure
thoughts and goodness of character of a nice woman are reflected in her
smile. Just as the eyes are considered the gateway to the mind, lips are
considered a second door. An NSB is considered the most powerful smile
among the different types of girls.

5) Meaningful and Honest Thoughts - A good woman will always tend

to have purity of thought and feelings. What they say they really do mean,
and their wishes and promises always come from a place of honesty.
Section VIII - Good Girls

Some women are just good. Good girls please men by doing the things
necessary to endear themselves. When a woman is considered a good, she embodies all
qualities of women men desire. These include being loving, caring, warm, loyal and
devoted. Men will always be attracted the good girl. The ManBible recognizes and
covenants the Good Girl Type (GGT) and recommends them for dating, relationships
and clean-cut fun. GGTs are known for their vast numbers and various degrees of
attractiveness. A man never does too poorly with a good woman.

Good girls like good guys. Women of good character are attracted to men who
share their sense of good. Most of the time, men of questionable morals and values as
well as good men-gone-bad are rebuffed quickly. Instilled with a sense of good, a good
girl type is also vulnerable to misrepresentation. Perping the fraud on a GGT is effective
in gaining the time necessary for sexual relations and eventual sex. Most men know good
girls deserve respect, however, and usually court and date them likewise.

Signs of A Good Girl

1) Loyalty and Devotion - A good woman endears herself to men by

virtue of an attractive character of devotion. With the ability to focus on a
man without distraction or competition, a good woman stays loyal. Being
a good girl creates trust with a man that never lets him down.

2) Respect for Themselves - A good woman is always ready to have fun,

but draws the line between fun and misbehavior. These women know
what is moral and right, and will hold the line until a man has them many

3) Open to New Experiences - A good woman will not diminish the

quality of sexual relations and sex by drawing lines of intimacy. A good
girl type sexually pleases as well as the rest. A good woman is always
willing to go further than she has been if the feeling is right.

4) Lack of Selfishness - A good woman is always ready to put someone

else ahead when moral guidelines are followed. Good girls help others out
of instinct.

5) Universal Appeal - A good woman should get universal praise from

most men. Hearing that a woman is a good girl shows the respect of those
who bang her, even if a man does not want to be counted in that group. Of
course, all good girls should be banged.

MBNote: Good girl/bad girl quandary. The ManBible teaches men that bad girls are more fun but good
girls make happy moms. The correlation between bad girls and good sex is well known in the circles of
men. However good girls are the women most trusted to raise children.

MBNote: The good girl type and the nice girl type are similar in affect but different in manner: NGTs share
many female qualities with GGTs but GGTs have more universal appeal.
Section IX - Sane Girls

Some women are normal compared to the rest. Although most women are
influenced by some amount of crazy, the sanity of some women is unbending. Sanity
does prevail from time to time, but actual sightings are rare. Many men find this nature
of reasonableness and grounded decisions attractive, as there is the hope of limited drama
and fighting. The ManBible recognizes the Sane Girl Type (SnGT) as the rare find of
serenity and agreement on the importance of things, what to do and how to do it. SnGTs
are exceptions to the norm. A sane woman comes across as normal and pleasant. A
SnGT is very sought after for peace of mind and comfort of living. Sane women can be
trusted to act and react in predictable ways in adult notions of respect, care and

Sanity does have a price. A sane woman is more likely to avoid men with issues
and decline to get involved in manmade dramas. Sanity dictates few second chances
once a man goes over the line and breaks the covenants of dating and girlfriends. A sane
girl type is always ready to call out the Bullshit of Men (BOM), and there is a lot of
bullshit to call out.

Signs of A Sane Girl

1) Low Bullshit Threshold (LBT) - A sane women is not persuaded a

man's worth is more than their own pride, respect and intelligence as a
woman. Men who fool around, belittle, or ride their girlfriends will find
themselves on the dumped end of the relationship spectrum. A sane
woman is outside the influence of basic trickery or deception.

2) The Cheat Dump (TCD) - A sane women will almost always break off
a relationship or the courting process when a man engages in sexual
relations or sex with another women without permission or valid cheater's
excuse. When a man cheats behind the back of a sane woman, disclosure
is usually a fatal move.

3) Suspicious of Men (SOM) - A sane woman will always be suspicious

of the motivations and actions of a man. Throughout history and
experience, men have shown a singular interest in sexual relations and sex
and the capacity for outrageous and counter-productive conduct to get
there. The natural and sane reaction of a woman to a man's advances will
be suspicion until proven otherwise.

4) Know When to Say When (KWSW) - A sane woman will always be

able to stop the courting process. A man only gets a few benefit-of-the-
doubts before doubt is overcome by sanity and breaks off the relations or
courting process.
5) Questions of Merit (QOM) - A question posed intended to reveal the
true nature of the person asked. Sane women will tend to revert to QOMs
fairly quickly to size up and choose men of worth. Watch out for the

MB Note: The best course of action with a sane woman is to convert her into insanity. Careful prodding to
this effect will bring a woman back into the mainstay of relationship confusion, chaos and misery. This
mission of conversion is fairly difficult, but as the means to an end, a workable solution.

Valid Cheaters Excuse (VCE) - An excuse or reason used by a man

after being caught with another woman without permission that affords a
second chance status or other avenue to continue relations. VCEs are rare
and difficult to prove.

Section X - Approach to Type


The best approach is the one that works. Knowing the type of woman gives a
man a means of gaining advantage in the courting ritual. Properly assessing a woman of
interest allows a man to anticipate thoughts, actions and reactions, and affords the
opportunity to formulate the best approach for success. The ManBible recognizes in
order to gain favor with a particular WOI, a man must meet the needs of the particular
situation. Tailored to the characteristics of type, the approach that works best is usually
the approach that is right.

MBEx: When a woman is a nice girl, never talk dirty until losing her is acceptable.

Some women are more complex than others. Along with a dominant character
type that best defines a woman, many also possess secondary and tertiary character
influences that are subservient to but make up the greater whole of the woman. The
ManBible recognizes women generally have one Dominant Girl Type (DGT) and one
or more subservient or secondary types, called Adjunct Girl Types (AGT). With this
mixture comes a more complicated endeavor to decipher, but also a greater amount of
personality to work upon and court for sexual relations. Finding a path of attraction
through secondary AGT qualities can lead to overall success. Women can be moved in
many ways, so know the woman to know the booty.

BAD---------- W ----------GOOD
Sexy Girls The MB recommended approach is one of style and cool. Sexiness is a
state of mind less a physical look, though looks do matter. A man who finds a sexual
appeal will always do well.

Mean Girls The MB recommended approach is one of strength and a tone of apathy.
Fighting is inevitable with the man and everyone else, so get use to ridding in the fast
lane with few real friends. Avoid showing vulnerability or extreme joy.

Bad Girls The MB recommended approach is a tone of apathy but a display of cool.
A bad girl wants her bad to be liked and noticed by better men. A man who knows how
to enjoy the dark side will always find a bad girl delight.

Sane Girls The MB recommended approach is one of maturity and caring. Sane girls
are hard to fool, so better to be honest than cool. A man who wants the good life without
hassle must also come to the table without hassle. Sane girls are hard to please with

Reserved Girls The MB recommended approach is one of sensitivity and caring.

Avoid showing anger or immaturity. A man who can muster intellectual behavior,
listening and sympathy will be able to pierce the reserved-girl veil.

Nice Girls The MB recommended approach is one of kindness and fun. Being nice all
of the time can be a tiring affair for many men. Unless a man decides he wants to be the
nice man all of the time, he should find another bang to do.

Good Girls The MB recommended approach is one of patience and empathy. Good
girls are attractive but hard to open up. A man who can make changes to improve as a
man will always find a good score with good booty galore.

Crazy Girls The MB recommended approach is one of high energy and late-night fun.
Crazy girls are usually the best in bed. When the excitement of sexual relations and sex
is of paramount concern, a man must run crazy to gain a return.

BAD----------- W ----------GOOD

____________ ___________
Dominant Girl Type Serviant Girl Type
Common Dominant and Servient Type Mixtures

1) Good reserved girls 6) Reserved nice girls

2) Crazy good girls 7) Nice crazy girls
3) Sane good girls 8) Sexy mean girls
4) Sane mean girls 9) Sexy good girls
5) Crazy mean girls 10) Sexy bad girls

Mixing Types: Combine attributes and make notice of conflicts

Good Reserved Girls (GRG) -> The MB recommended approach is one

of patience, displays of caring, empathy and sensitivity. A good girl with
reserved qualities is a more difficult affair, as a reserved nature enhances a
good girl's suspicion of men. Men must prove their worth for a GRG.
The good and the reserved are a tough nut to crack without resorting to
being a good guy.

Crazy Good Girls (CGG) The MB recommended approach is one of

high energy, late night fun, patience and displays of caring. The goodness
can make a crazy woman more manageable than crazy alone. Therefore,
the pleasures of a CGG can be easier to obtain and longer lasting. The
best of both worlds are found with a CGG.

Sane Good Girls (SGG) The MB recommended approach is one of

higher maturity, displays of caring, empathy, and patience. A woman of
sane goodness is a woman not easily fooled or done by lies. Sufficient
time is with a SGG is needed before sexual relations and eventual sex.

Sane Mean Girls (SnMG) The MB recommended approach is one of

fair maturity, strength and apathetic positions. SnMGs are a dangerous
combination of types for any man to win over. Sane women of mean
spirit are ruthless and efficient.

Sexy Mean Girls (SMG) The MB recommended approach is one of

cool, style, strength and some apathy. Sexiness can be destroyed by a
mean state of mind, so the right balance is necessary for success. A man
with sex appeal always does fine with mean girls, but he should avoid
showing vulnerability, acting with extreme joy, or being the funny guy.

Crazy Mean Girls (CMG) The MB recommended approach is one of

high energy, late night fun, and strength. Crazy and mean is trouble all
around, and more attention is necessary for success. A man who wants the
crazy fun with a mean woman is between insanity and a hard place.
Reserved Nice Girls (RNG) The MB recommended approach is one of
sensitivity, with displays of caring, kindness and fun. A man must be
willing to put all badness and male immaturity aside for a RNG. Sensitive
to contact with men a RNG is eventually pleasant in bed.

Nice Crazy Girls (NCG) The MB recommended approach is one of

kindness, high energy and late-night fun. A woman of crazy disposition is
equilibrated by niceness. NCGs are well positioned for many hours of fun
and enjoyment.

Sexy Good Girls (SxGG) The MB recommended approach is one of

cool, patience and displays of caring. Sexiness is diminished by the good
behavior of a woman. A man with sex appeal always does fine with goods
girls as long as he does not expect the same from the woman. This can be
an advantage without competition.

Sexy Bad Girls (SBG) The MB recommended approach is one of cool,

style and smart moves. Sexiness is enhanced by bad behavior not fit to a
lady. A man with sex appeal always does fine with bad girls; they are
made for each other.

MB Warning: Women are complex beings. They can be sane one minute and crazy the next; mean to
one person and nice to another; or a good girl during the day and a bad girl at night. Although one
dominant type prevails over all others, most women are capable of displaying many traits at different times
and places. Typing is only important in preparation and approach, as the parts of a woman are usually
greater than the whole and hard to break apart.

Displays of Caring (DOC) - When a man acts toward a woman in a way

that a third party would interpret as the emotions of caring, compassion,
love and sympathy. DOC is possible regardless of inner feelings or true
motives. The ManBible teaches the DOC and actual caring are equally

Section XII - The Hair Types


There are blondes, brunettes, and redheads. Although some traits are spoken
of as similar due to social expectations, most women are independent of these forces.
Brunettes and redheads have as much fun as blondes, who are usually as smart as their
darker-haired counterparts. Each hair type is a different favor of beauty and rarely an
indication of behavior. The ManBible recognizes the Hair Stereotype Confusion
(HSC) as the false notion that hair color matters in any substantial regard. Choosing a
woman based on hair type is a false choice, as there are too many delights that wait in the
world of women let hair color get in the way. Hair-color stereotypes are wild notions of
inexperienced men.

Common Notions of Hair Type

Blonds have the most fun but they are dumb

Brunettes are sexy and cool but they are smart as well

Redheads are crazy and good in bed

MB Note: The style of hair and texture are far more important characteristics of a woman than color of her
hair. Seeking preferences of quality will lead a man to better places than superficial notions of hair color.
Experience shows blondes do not always want to have fun, redheads are sometimes quite and reserved, and
brunettes are not always smart.

MBDisclaimer: The ManBible values and requires respect for women in all regards, and nothing contained
within The ManBible is intended to objectify women in any malicious, unkind, or disrespectful way. Love
of women is key to The ManBible.
Verse III
Evaluation Methods
"A woman is a creature of many angles and sides. Consensus can be found in
many circles, yet each man must determine for himself a woman's total profile."


Section I - Evaluation Steps
Section II - Choice of Method
Section III - The Body Assessment
Section IV - Compare and Contrast
Section V - Major Limiting Factors
Section VI- Karmic Respect
Section VII - Evaluation Record

Sacred Illuminated Thought: A man is well advised to know what he is

getting into when courting a woman of interest. Not only for the initial
choice of whether to make a move, but how to approach the great task
ahead and conquer the booty.

Section I Evaluation Steps


The power of booty compels interest. The visceral appeal focuses a man's
attention on the goal of gaining favor. Euphoric possibilities of sexual relations and
eventual sex fill the void left by dreams, hopes and late-night porn. This initial feeling
and change during first contact with a woman of interest is extremely difficult to control.
For men, an attraction remains firm even when countered by body preferences, social
pressures or practical factors. This instinct toward booty is a strong force not easily
swayed or ignored. The ManBible recommends an effort to go beyond Thinking with
Your Dick (TWYD) and to make an evaluation of the WOI before pursuing SRES.
Taking a few moments to assess a situation is a prudent exercise of reason tailored to
avoid mismatches, disappointments and unwanted situations.

Wise men look first and then look one more time again.
MB Note: Important and relevant questions of booty require the use of objective methods. The subjective
decision to designate a woman of interest must ultimately give way to more thoughtful exercise of the
mind. The ManBible recognizes an evaluation of a dream should begin the moment a woman of interest is
discovered in the world. Even in the mist of instant infatuation, a man must still investigate the booty.

Evaluation should be an objective affair of observation. Many men claim

something wonderful in a woman that to other reasonable minds is not true. Beauty is in
the eye of the beholder, but sometimes the beholder is wrong. This commonly sad affair
is known as love-whipped or pussy-whipped. The ManBible recognizes that an objective
process of observation, comparison and assessment is more reliable than just instinctual
lust and carnal desire. Instinct creates the passion for life but clearer decisions are for
sounder minds to decide.

Mechanics of an Evaluation

Method over madness is better than being stupid. A systematic evaluation can
sift through the data on a woman in an efficient and pragmatic fashion. Although every
woman is special and unique, there are common elements to all women. Using
ManBible Methods to evaluate using these common elements, such as boobs, booty,
personality, type and face, a man will gain useful and useable knowledge. Better to love
the one you want than to love the one you're with.

Evaluation of a dream. The five basic steps to a proper EOD: i) A woman of

interest designation, ii) An objective evaluation of body, style and personality, iii) A
phase of comparing and contrasting the information received to preferences and desires,
iv) The decision whether to proceed or not gain favor, and v) Taking advantage in the
courting ritual with the information received from the EOD. The ManBible teaches men
to think about what they are doing before they do something. The deeper a man goes into
the courting ritual, the more pain and anguish awaits the man who chooses his booty
poorly. It is better to think about a situation before making a decision.
Five steps to complete an evaluation of a dream

Step 1 Woman of Interest Designation (A Subjective Evaluation) - A man

must first decide if a known woman interests him enough to begin the pre-courting ritual
of investigation, flirtation and making a move. The ManBible recognizes the WOI
designation comes with the satisfying effect of finding a focus for sexual energy and
ambitions of booty pleasures. In a majority of situations, a WOI designation will come
before a completed EOD. Not all things are obvious upon first blush or flash of beauty.

Step 2 Objective Evaluation Methods - A man must make keen observations

of a woman of interest's body, style, and type. (See Evaluation Techniques). Copping a
look is usually the first step, followed by some form of interaction or engagement. Most
situations call for a man to get up close and personal to properly gauge a woman of
interest as well as being the courting ritual. Getting up close and personal is the only way
to make miracles happen, as a view from afar will usually not result in any useful
Step 3 Compare and Contrast A man must then compare and contrast his
dream of future booty with the woman of interest he is currently evaluating. When an
objective evaluation is done well, a man will quickly determine if a sufficient amount of
hopes and desires are realized. Important questions must be raised and answered, as
moving forward ends the debate on minimizing risk. (See Compare and Contrast

Step 4 Decision to Dive After the woman of interest designation, an objective

evaluation, and comparing and contrasting dreams to reality, a man must make a final
decision whether or not to actively pursue a woman. (See Decision to Dive (DTD)). The
ManBible teaches men to find the proper balance of risk and the rewards of booty. In the
end, it's better to have loved than to have never loved at all: Most booty is worth some
amount of squeeze.

Step 5 - Gaining Advantage - After a man makes the decision to court a woman
of interest, use of the evaluation to gain advantage in the situation is recommended.
Common thoughts, actions and reactions of women prepare a man to anticipate issues.
The more a man knows how women work the more right moves he will make for success.
MB Note: The goal of an evaluation is to gather enough information on the characteristics of a woman of
interest to properly compare them to a man's desires and favorite female assets. If a man cannot stand
smart women, then he should not court and live with a smart woman. Of course, trying something once is
sometimes the best policy to test preconceived notions. Trying it three times, however, is just plain stupid.

Section II - Choice of Method


There are different approaches to make an evaluation of a dream. While

some methods are simple and give general information, other methods reveal more
comprehensive realities of a woman of interest. The choice of method depends in part on
circumstance but more in part on skill. Men of experience use more in-depth methods to
evaluate the booty. The ManBible recommends use of the method that works best until
something else works better. Essential information necessary to answer the four
questions can take time, effort and patience to uncover. (See The Four Questions
MBC2V1S3). A man who gives form to substance knows more of an appeal warranted.

Method, Trait and Type

Section III - Body Evaluations

Check that out. Men look at women regularly for the pleasurable effects. The
conversations concerning initial impressions of women passing by on the street are a
bonding experience. For better understanding, categorizing a woman's body into known
features can focus thought and action. Men are interested in common details of booty.
Although every woman is unique and special, several general female body traits and
types are prevalent. Each with their own advantages and disadvantages, the bodies of
women thrill men everywhere. The ManBible recognizes several Body Assessment
Methods (BAMs) that reveal the fundamental qualities of women of interest. Each BAM
uses a particular scope and approach to afford unique insights. As every attraction is the
context of circumstance, the right method is the method that works.

Body Assessment Methods

Basic Body Type (BBT)

The Bangability Test (TBT)
The Slut Test (TST)
Hot or Not Test (HON)
Body Public Face (BPF)
Total Woman Profile (TWP)

Basic Body Type (BBT) is a simple descriptive method for women

ranging from tall, slender small-boobed women to short but athletic big-boobed women.
The nature of this method goes to the physical only heart of the matter.

BBT = __ __ ____
(1) (2) (3)

1) Tall/Regular/Short
2) Slender/Athletic/Non-Athletic
3) Small Boobed/Big Boobed
Basic Body Types

I. TALL Regular, Athletic, Small Boobed

Tall, Slender, Small Boobed (TSSB) Regular, Athletic, Big Boobed
Tall, Slender, Big Boobed
(TSBB) Regular, Non-Athletic (Nice girl)

Tall, Athletic, Small Boobed (TASB) III. SHORT

Tall, Athletic, Big Boobed (TABB) * Short, Slender, Small Boobed (SSSB)
Short, Slender, Big Boobed (SSBB)
Tall, Non-Athletic (A Big Girl/Woman)
Short, Athletic, Small Boobed (SASB)
II. REGULAR Short, Athletic, Big Boobed (SABB)
Regular, Slender, Small Boobed (RSSB)
Regular, Slender, Big Boobed (RSBB) Short non-athletic (Nice girl) (SNA)

*Can subtract boob weight

The Bangability Test (TBT) is a determination of a woman's universal

sex appeal. The bangability test is the percent of men who would have sexual relations
and eventual sex if given the chance. This test is made under the reasonable man
standard. Most eligible women are either bangable or very bangable: the effort is worth
the booty.

Very Bangable ------------ Bangable ------------ Not Bangable

(>75%) (>50%) (<10%)

The Slut Test (TST) is the level of ease or difficulty of gaining sexual
relations and eventual sex with a woman. The spectrum of slut bangability runs from 1
through 14. Generally, the greater the slut the better the initial experience. However,
there is always a risk of slut problems. These included more ex-boyfriends and failure to
perform to expectations in bed. Sluts are generally better with SRES due to experience
and focus.
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14
(Cold Fish) Average Woman (Slutty)

1 - Cold Fish - Not willing to have sex.

2 - Protected by Religion - No sex until marriage. Sex will be bad.
3 - Baited into Marriage - No sex until marriage proposal.
4 - Very Reserved - No sex for at least six months.
5 - Reserved - No sex for at least three months.
6 - A Good Girl- Willing to have sex if you work for it.
7 - Average Woman - Willing to have sex.
8 - Sexy Lady - Willing to have sex and meet you half-way in effort.
9 - Hot Situation - Wants to have sex and meet you half-way.
10 - Lady in Waiting - Wants to have sex and will show you the way.
11 - Super Hot Situation - Wants to have sex and does the work.
12 - A Bad Girl - Sex is definite and intense.
13 - A Very Bad Girl - Sex is definite with unlimited intensity.
14 - Slutty - Sex is definite and unlimited with anyone.

Sluts are women desired and feared by men.

MB Disclaimer: The ManBible values and requires respect for women in all regards, and nothing
contained within the Man Bible is intended to objectify women in any malicious, unkind, or disrespectful
way. Love of women is key to The ManBible.

Hot or Not Test (HON) - The most asked question during conversations
of men concerning a particular woman being discussed is whether or not she is hot. The
ManBible recognizes The Hot Or Not Test (HON) as an assessment that most men
would consider very attractive. The HON is fair question to raise and discuss when
appropriate. However, the usefulness of HON is minor as the judgment is both relative
and subjective. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, especially when it comes to
the prospect of sexual relations and eventual sex. Hearsay is no substitute for first-hand
knowledge, and what one man thinks is of little consequence to another mans quest for
booty. Many missed opportunities have befallen men who listened to the judgments of
other men incorrectly only to realize it was a missed booty opportunity.

Body Public Face (BPF) - Some men define themselves solely by the
women they keep. Gaining the favor of attractive women improves self-confidence and
a sense of social prosperity. These thoughts fill many wells. A man comfortable with the
booty feels good with the booty; a woman of beauty and grace or cool will always make a
man look better, too. The ManBible recognizes the Body Public Face (BPF) method as
a subjective evaluation of whether a woman meets expectations. Based on a woman's
body, her public persona and her face, the BPF takes the needs of a man who defines
himself through a woman seriously. Interest in social interaction and public participation
requires that the woman of interest meets the subjective expectations of a man. Further,
as a cutoff mechanism for women who will ultimately be found dissatisfying, the BPF is
effective in minimizing disappointment and grief. The type of company that keeps men
most comfortable is the company that they like to keep.

A man must answer the three questions raised in the Body Public Face method
before deciding to either dive into the courting ritual or just walk away. (See Decision to
Dive MBC4V1S3). When evaluating a woman with this method, a man must realize that
the concern with what other people think ultimately interferes with the adventure of new
and different women. The only opinion counted is that of the man who is contemplating
making a move. The subject matter of The Three BPF Questions are i) Bangability, ii)
Social Comfort, and iii) Attractive Face (Also known as a view to a bang).

Many times, however, it will seem better to be comfortable in a social

environment than lie awake at night with mixed feelings. The ManBible recommends
men fight against this instinct of allowing others to influence judgments of booty. Many
opportunities of booty fade when men listen to the irrelevant thoughts of others.

Body Public Face Tests

1) Bangability
2) Social Comfort
3) Attractive Face

For the body calculus, the test is the answer to the basic question: Does the man
find her bangable? If under normal circumstances, a man would not find issue with any
aspect of the womans body, leading to sexual relations and eventual sex, then she has
passed the body test. The body test is a means for a man to determine the sexually
attractive nature of a woman.

Social Comfort

For the public calculus, the test is the answer to the basic question: If a man's
friends, their friends, and other people he does not know, see him with the woman in a
social situation or public place, would he feel comfortable and impressed with himself?
The public test is a reflection of a man's subjective sensitivity to social pressures.
Although a man might wish to ignore social influence, it will creep its way into his mind
regardless. A man should understand social pressure and avoid its influence as much as
possible. Unfortunately, social comfort is at a man's core of being, and therefore
Attractive Face

For the face calculus, the test is the answer to this basic question: When a man
assesses a woman's facial features, is there no question the face is attractive? The face
calculus is positive when hypothetically staring at her face, the man wouldn't mind
spending some time up close.

The Total Woman Profile (TWP) - Beauty reflects from many

angles and sides. The ManBible recognizes the Total Woman Profile (TWP) as a
comprehensive approach to evaluating a woman of interest. The TWP is descriptive of
body and personality to inform a man of the interaction between different traits in a
woman. There are four main factors in the TWP: i) The Hot Factor, ii) The Smart Factor,
iii) The Body Type, and iv) Style. When combined, these factors create a general picture
for thought.

TWP = __ __ Y __ __
1 2 3 4 5

1) The Hot Factor (H/P/A)

Hot, Plain, Attractive

2) The Smart Factor (S/D)

Smart, Dumb

3) SAH (Something About Her)

Y Factor

4) Body Type (S/T/A/B)

Short, Tall, Athletic, Big

5) Style (S/G/C)
Sexy, Good, Conservative
TWP Examples:

Hot Smart Thin Sexy Hot Dumb Thin Good
(There is always something about that) (Always good stuff)

Hot Smart Athletic Conservative Pretty Smart Thin Sexy
(Too bad about that) (One of the best GFs)

Hot Smart Big Good Average Smart Big Sexy
(A big, beautiful woman) (Some guys love these girls)

Section IV Compare and Contrast


Every man looks for different things in a woman. Some men seek the reserved
women while other men seek the colorful sluts. When it comes to long-term satisfaction
of the booty, the essential goal is to find compatibility and fondness of lifestyle. The
desires of a man should be put into practice with an objective eye. The ManBible
recognizes there are no perfect women in the world, but there are many perfect women
for every man.

Comparing and contrasting is fundamental to whether or not to pursue a woman

in a courting ritual. There is no useful purpose to court a woman who, by her very
nature, will quickly displease the man. Just as a petite-minded man will never get over
the pushing for the cushing, looking for boobs in all the wrong places is folly. The
ManBible recognizes several major comparison issues, including the scope of sexual
behavior and family ties. These issues are simple types that say a lot about a person.
Making sure these issues are formulated into the decision to court a woman will spare a
man many moments of disappointment, pain and anguish.

Major Comparison Issues

1) Scope of sexual behavior

2) Outside or inside type
3) Family or loner type
4) Social or take-away-from-friends type
5) Breast and booty size
6) Weight class
7) Drinker or smoker type
8) Action packed or lazy type
9) Like or dislike of children type
10) Homebody or likes to go out type
Section V - Major Limiting Detriments

Sometimes the booty just won't work out. Each body type has its own benefits
and detriments, though each woman may have a Major Limiting Detriment (MLD).
MLDs are specific characteristics that elicit feelings of displeasure in a male, and
therefore preclude serious courting by a man. There are variations in the specific MLDs
for every male, and therefore they are subjective in nature and should be respected to a
point. The objective assessment is the natural beauty that all men recognize or should
recognize as fundamental. But we all have different tastes, wants and desires. It is
therefore the totality of the experience in sight, touch, taste, smell and sound that
determines each male's MLDs. Having a MLD that is not rooted in good judgment is a
False MLD (FMLD) and therefore must be discarded.

Peer pressure that determines a man's MLDs is highly refrained from in the MB.
No other opinion or determination from outside third parties should be listened to when
accessing a WOI. Remember, the ManBible teaches that those men who persuaded you
out of getting booty will not matter at the end of life. So focus on the woman and your
life, not the opinions of others. Do not care what other men think, especially when you
are rounding third in a winning game.

Section VI - Karmic Respect


Do not say what you would not have them say about your mother. Although
men evaluate many women of interest, there is a difference between understanding
quality and subjectively hurting others due to weakness in character. Women come in
many shapes and sizes. Most women found unattractive are revered by some men
somewhere. The ManBible recommends the principle of Karmic Booty Respect (KBR)
that dictates the proper behavior when evaluation of booty is respect. Other men find
women you do not find attractive attractive. KBR maintains civility and avoids any
confusion on the issue. The worst possible thing a man can do to another man is to
comment negatively on any WOI of the other man. Negative positions kill the joy and
adventure of the New Girl Situation (NGS), and forever taints the mission to gain favor.
Men must help other men out there as they would want to be helped.
Section VII - Evaluation Record

A record of a man's women of interest is recommended by The ManBible to

evaluate the long-term implications and assess past judgments. Patterns of choices will
emerge from the recorded history of booty success.

WOI Name Age Length BPF Type of Girl TWP___

_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______
_________ ___ ______ ___ _________ _______

MB Disclaimer: The ManBible values and requires respect for women in all regards, and nothing
contained within The ManBible is intended to objectify women in any malicious, unkind, or disrespectful
way. Love of women is key to The ManBible.
Verse IV
Copping a Look
"The trick of this trade is to gain a view of a woman when she is not aware, or
when she is aware but it seems like nothing of the sort is happening."


Section I - Why Men Look
Section II - To Cop a Look
Section III- The Glance Maximum

Sacred Illuminate Truth: A man is not to blame when scoping out

women of interest, as the interest is of a genuine kind. When there is
booty to see a man can find a way to see it being no-mind.

Section I - Why Men Look


Men seek the display of booty often. Whether from a magazine cover or an x-
rate video, the display of beauty is an important favorite pass time of men everywhere.
As a normal habit with some perversion, most men seek out likeable images of female
qualities, such as boob shots and sexual poses. When given the chance, most men will
glance at a woman's beauty. The ManBible recognizes the urge of men to Cop a Look.
Just like breathing air or drinking water, men who seek women are compelled to look,
examine, observe, stare and glance whenever possible. The visual examination of the
sexual natures of the female form has much appeal to many men. This reflective act is
most pronounced with the love of breasts and booty. The allure of the female body is
usually and fairly irresistible.

A glimpse of beauty every day

makes the day better in every way.

To see but not be seen, that is the challenge. The opportunities to look at
women before being caught are fairly frequent. Women usually display their beauty to
find a partner or to satisfy the need for attention, though some are paid as well. Knowing
the basic skills to provide the viewing pleasure is essential to good living. There are
good and effective means to catch visual stimulation, and there are stupid ways. The
ManBible recognizes Copping a Look (CPL) as the visually observation of the beautiful
qualities of a woman. Commonly CPL focuses on one or two features of beauty, and
includes the boob shot, booty glance, high up the leg shot, MBetc. Boob shots are a
common and easy way to enjoy the fruits of life.

The more cops the better.

Most men cop a look often. Some women who understand the nature of men
allow some amount of permissive flirtations with other women. However, most women
do not condone the behavior. The line between flirtation and cheating is uncertain, but
the needle usually falls in the wrong direction. Many men in relationships will receive
the go-ahead from their girlfriends to look but not touch. The ManBible recognizes two
types of cheating: cheating intended for physical ambition and satisfaction, and
cheating with an affair of the heart. Affairs of the heart are generally unforgivable.
Affairs for physical ambition leading to indiscretions are not necessarily fatal. The
ManBible recommends against disclosure of either, ever. Repent internally for crossing
the line and leave it alone.

Breasts and ass know when they are being stared at.

Women know men are copping a look. Most women are aware of the viewing
habits of men and consider the practice mostly benign and fairly boring, unless
disrespectful or rude. Experience with men quickly leads women to understand the high
value men regard sexual relations and sex. However, when actively searching for a man,
the glances of attention are more welcomed. Women who become aware of the cop will
usually make a Reciprocal Evaluation (RE). Sometimes a positive RE is revealed by a
sign of life or other gesture of acceptance. The ManBible recognizes copping a look can
be an invitation for a RE and possible opportunity for booty. Being caught can be the
beginning of wonderful things. Ultimately, the decision to make a move is a matter of
booty potential and boldness.

MBWarning: There are times when a woman finds the searching eyes inappropriate, distasteful, disgusting
and even unwanted. This is the time to move on to greener pastures, as women without interest are of no
useful purpose. Embarrassment of rejection is not warranted when scoping-out a woman of interest.

MB Note: The ManBible recognizes a man's booty potential must be very high in order to pick up a
woman off the street or in a public place by intentionally copping a look. Even if a woman finds a man very
attractive, the context of a random street encounter is usually inappropriate for picking up a woman. In
general, copping a look on the street is a onetime affair.
Copping a Look (A Cop) - The MB technique used to view women
without the woman either 1) knowing of the copping or 2) not minding the
copping. Usually involves doing a normal physical act while secretly
copping a look.

Non-Observation Observing (NOO) - When a man pretends to ignore a

woman while at the same time checking her out. This is usually done to
keep tabs on a latest project.

On The Prowl (OTP) - When a women is actively seeking a man for

sexual relations and sex.

Women Without Interest (WWOI) - A women of interest who shows no

interest in a man after being given notice of his attention.

Wandering Eye Syndrome (WES) - When a man in a relationship cops a

look often. The WES is reduced during the initial courting process but
almost always returns soon thereafter.

Section II - To Cop a Look


Copping a look can be done in many ways. Having good technique will allow a
man to make a visual (and sometimes audio) evaluation of a woman without having to
engage in direct and possibly embarrassing communication. The ManBible warns that
women are very keen to the quick glance or stare, and therefore the level of the check-out
must vary depending on the circumstance. This is called caught in a cop (CIAC). For
example, in a bus or train station, looking around like you are actually looking for
someone while secretly using that method to take quick boob glances can be noticed and
potentially create reaction. Recognition will bring upon an evaluation, and SOLs may be
present. A woman's reaction will then either be 1) positive, 2) negative or 3) neutral
(most common). Furthermore, a cop must eventually either 1) end or 2) be done for a
reaction or 3) caught.

MB Warning - Copping an unauthorized feel is strictly prohibited, illegal and in bad taste. Anyone
copping an unauthorized feel must return or disgorge the ManBible.
Common Copping Techniques

1) The Old Glance (1-2 seconds) - The unrefined male behavior of copping a
look in a simple staring fashion without regard for both social graces and edict.

2) The Quickie (3/4 second) - A glance of booty quick enough to be deemed

appropriate for normal living, which encompass both social graces and edict. Used in the
daily operation of a man to gain favorable views of women under normal conditions.

3) Staring (+3 seconds) - A continual glance outside social graces and edict,
which conveys free acknowledgment of the act of copping a look. Staring can be an
invitation for a reciprocal evaluation if the woman notices the stare. Many times staring
is considered creepy.

4) Boob Angling (BA) - The seeking out and capturing of a visual sweet spot of
revealed breasts in the ordinary course of life. This view of boobs is called a Visual
Boob Shot (VBS). Non-Random Boob angling (NRBA) is achieved by setting up in a
particular place for its visual range, predetermining the angle for VBSs. It is a best-guess
angle for an optimal VBS.
5) The Three-Second Stare (TSS) - A type of copping intended to gain the
attention of a woman. The TSS method is first to stare, usually one to three seconds, and
wait to end the stare when just being caught. After noticed by the womaneither
directly or by indirect fashionthe stare is ended by a natural and confident turn-away.
The TSS plays with the demarcation line between normal looking and showing interest in
a woman. The intent of the TSS is to provoke a reciprocal evaluation.

6) The Triangle Method (TTM) - The ManBible recognizes the reflexive desire
to cop a look up. When a man is confronted with exposed or partially exposed boobs in
close proximity, the best way to avoid awkward moments is to use The Triangle
Method (TTM). The TTM is utilized by drawing a hypothetical triangle from the nose of
a woman to the two top corners of the forehead. By keeping the point of vision during a
conversation in this triangle, any reflexive moment toward the breasts will finalize at the
lips and chin, thus avoiding the potential boob stare.

7) Mirror, Mirror - Use of mirrors and other reflective surfaces to cop a look.
This method is always effective.

8) Sunglass at Night (SAN) - The tried and true method of eye ossification. Best
used after a test run with a friend in sunlight.

9) The Thousand-Yard Stare (TYS) - When the glance is from a safe distance,
allowing total focus and attention on the visual field.

10) The Musket Sweep (TMS) - A large and speed-consistent circular sweep,
where a man appears to be looking for something.

11) The Side-Angle Stare (SAS) - From 45 degrees and beyond, which allows
for a greater glance time.
12) Balcony Cleavage View (BCV) - A great balcony position to see great angles
on cleavage.

Section III - The Glance Maximum


Three glances are the charm. When a woman of interest is encountered in the
world, an instinctual desire to get a better look drives men to look. Knowing a situation
is important for many reasons, including short term body shots and satisfying the
curiosity of booty. Even when there is no chance to make a move on a WOI, there is still
the desire to cop a look. Of course, staring too many times is problematic, as modern
social norms prohibit harassment and weird uncomfortable behavior. The ManBible
recognizes The Glance Maximum (TGM) when copping a look is generally three
glances. There is also a last glance bonus while leaving and making a backward glance.
These three opportunities to glance can work together to afford a greater viewing
experience. The first glance determines interest and to focus on the second glance
determination of the features of beauty. Generally a good first glance makes the second
glance more enjoyable and substantive. The third glance is gratuitous but fairly
necessary when determining overall interest and the minds review of the experience. As
there is a higher possibility to be caught looking on the third glance, three is usually the

MBNote: The ignore to be cool move is the opposite of what most men do in most situations, which is
stare again and again. Of course, the bonus backward look affords a scope from behind without notice.
The best way to retain booty potential when contemplating making a move is to keep to the TGM.

MB Disclaimer: The ManBible values and requires respect for women in all regards, and nothing
contained within The ManBible is intended to objectify women in any malicious, unkind, or disrespectful
way. Love of women is key to The ManBible.

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