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Newsletter for December Month of Responsibility

Dear parents Assalamualaikum.

We will be covering the following material during the coming month. We are nearing the winter holidays
and I hope that every one has a great vacation.
8B This month we are working on literature circles. Students will be reading The Giver and working in
groups of five on various aspects of reading comprehension. Please note that this unit will make up their
reading, writing and art marks. Although they are working in groups, students are assessed individually
on their jobs within the group.
Reading jobs/assignments are due weekly on Thursdays.
8A Students have been working on monologues. Reading monologues, presenting monologues and
writing monologues. Final presentations and all written work are due December 15th.
This month we will continue working on decimals and fractions.
Test and quiz dates will be posted on the calendar online.
This month we will be learning about Water Systems. More specifically we will learn about water supply,
water quality, and the sustainability of water systems.
Quiz, assignments and test dates will be posted on the calendar online.
Social Studies:
This month we are beginning Unit 3, chapters 7-9. Students are examining migration and cultural fabric
of Canada. Students are encouraged to think critically about movement within Canada and international
Chapter 6 assignment due December 15th.
Islamic Studies:
Akhlaaq (8A): Students are examining how Islamic manners can be incorporated into our daily lives.
Specifically, we are looking at sincerity in our worship and actions.
Akhlaaq (8B): We will be looking at proper behaviour and morals, specifically earning a living and
moderation in living..
Hadeeth: We will be looking at simple ahadith that students will memorize and discuss in relation to
their meanings, context and implications in our daily lives.
Fiqh: We will be learning about special prayers like those for Idain.

Aqidah: We will learn about the Prophets and Messengers of Allah and develop a proper understanding
about their role and their impact on the world which we live in today.
Physical Education:
Girls: Basketball, soccer, fitness. Our central focus is positive attitude, teamwork, and participation.
Boys: Basketball, Hockey, Badminton and Volleyball. We will also continue to look at personal safety and
injury prevention along with good decision-making skills.
Quranic Studies:
This month we will learn proper recitation along with translation for surah Naziaat and Surah Hashr. We
will also learn duas for drinking milk (before and after), and entering the house.
A lot of learning about the past tense has happened in this month. Our students are able to classify verbs
into different groups for conjugation purposes. They can write a paragraph about what they did last
week-end or last summer using the passe compose. For their general knowledge they learn about the
Olympics and the Paralympics-when it originated and how it become so famous and popular. Very
interactive lessons is happening in December.Daily question. What did you do yesterday? Wish them all a
safe and happy Winter holiday. Bonne vacance hivernale!

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