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Journal 3

Prepare the lesson before the class it is an important way, that teacher should
be do it for her class. To get a great class, managing students, ordering her ideas, and
arrived the lesson in good ways. However, lesson plan is the teacher guides of what
students need, and how can be give the interactive lesson for the learners. Thus, to get
a successful lesson should identify some of the strategies. For instance, identify
objectives of the lesson, choose the suitable activities foe the students, and used some
of the methods to check the students understanding. What is the importance to create
a lesson plan?
This semester I got my teaching practice in Quba preparatory school for girls.
I have taught different stage of grades in school such as, grade 6, 8 and 9. So each
grades have different course contacts, and different ways I can use it for their lesson.
However, before I start to prepare my lesson, I set with my MST Miss Mouza and
discuss with her about the lesson. She gave me some the ideas for the lesson,
objectives, show me her worksheets that did it for them, and some notes for the
students lesson, and already I know the some levels of the students in class through
my observation for them in the first week. It is good way set with a tutor teacher to
discuss with her about the lesson and students? After that, I start to write a notes for
the lesson plan, think how I can make the lesson effectively in the class? What the
strategies I can use it for the class? What the suitable activities for the all levels
students? Next, I start to make my lesson plan, I used one type of the formatting of
Lesson plan is Lesson Procedure, I write the context, goals and objectives of the
lesson. Then identify what the students already know about the lesson, and what the
stage could be difficult for them to understanding. Last, I write the steps of my lesson

Maryam Saeed Bin Darwish H00202781

for each stage what I will do and the time possible for that. Do you think should use
one type of the formatting lesson plan or use a variety of it?
What is the important steps to prepare the lesson? In addition, I will talk about
how I prepare one of my lessons for grade 6 I taught them. The lesson was about
SmartArt in PowerPoint. Thus, should students know the meaning of SmartArt, how
they can add a SmartArt in slide, formatting the SmartArt, and can convert the
SmartArt to other text. However, to achieve this objectives, first I think about the
levels of students to can identify the suitable activities for them, and the ways for
teaching. So, I choose the puzzle game for the begging of the class to discover the
topic of the lesson, that game work as group with teacher. And the second activity
(Icebreaker) was telling 3 facts about themselves that will be with whole class and
teacher, students will make a circle in front of the teacher and will through the ball for
each girls to talk. According to Zemke,R. & Zemke,S. , have different advantages for
using Icebreakers in classroom , for example, helps students to feel relaxation ,
motivate and energize them, and help them to think outside box (Zemke,R. &
Zemke,S. ,1984). Moreover, for the transformation stage, I create a pretention which
contains, the meaning of SmartArt and the picture includes the steps of it. After that, I
choose one student to come in front and applied the steps in the board with helping.
As Wood and Middleton theories said, give students direct demonstration to
understand the steps and the explaining. For example , show the students how they
create an experiments (Wood, D., & Middleton, D. ,1975). Finally, in presentation
stage, linked to the second activity (Icebreaker) I create a worksheets, which students
will depend to this game to do it. In the end of the worksheet have a homework part
that students will do it. Do you think it is important for student have an applying
throw their lesson?

Maryam Saeed Bin Darwish H00202781

What is the importance of the use of learning style in class? Certainly, use a
variety of learning style in the class it is most important for the students, because that
help them to understand the lesson in easy way for the all levels. Firstly, visual
students they prefer to see a pictures, images. Depend to my lesson for grade 6, I used
a different pictures in presentation to explain the lesson. According to Sprenger, using
a different kind of pictures or drawing that help them to understand the lesson
(Sprenger, M. 2003). Secondly, verbal students that type prefer to use a words for
both ways writing and speech. So, through the two activities I make it students are
speak and communicate with teacher and their groups. As Sprenger theories said, use
different ways for the verbal students, for instance, discuss with whole class or small
group, talk in the loud voice , and listening the books in tap (Sprenger, M. 2003).
Thirdly, during the activities students work as a group and with whole class. So that
will be suitable for the interpersonal students that prefer to work with others. Finally,
most of students they prefer to move to do the work and understand more than to set
and listen, so that is physical students. Therefore, in my lesson, students they standup
and work with their groups in first activity, and in second activity they stand as a
circle. Sprenger supports that with his theories said, have a variety of methods can be
used for the physical students , for example , role play , mover around the class,
projects , experimentsetc (Sprenger, M. 2003). Do you think teacher should use a
different of the learning styles in through her lesson?
Undoubtedly, through your preparing for the lesson is difficult to know if the
students will interactive with that or not. However, already each teacher know the
levels and abilities of the students to make a one that will be suitable for them and not
be difficult. Hence, through my observation for the class, I noticed what the abilities
for this students in this class and the levels of students. Also I observed the teacher

Maryam Saeed Bin Darwish H00202781

what the methods she did with them. So, depend to that I create activates that I know
will let students active and encourage them in the class. Namely, puzzle game I used
at the begging of the class for the students, which stimulate the students in the
begging of the lesson, especially when they know will reward for the owner. Also for
the second activity, after explain the lesson I make that Icebreaker, to motivate
students and encouraging them to complete the second stage of the class. According
to Pintrich & Schunk said, Motivate students through the activities that do it is more
complex from the positive reinforcements (Pintrich & Schunk, 1996).
What is the good ways for the planning? As well as, about my planning I
depend sometimes for my MST plan and ways she used, I take a notice when I
observed her to help me through my planning. Also, from my noticed I take it last
semester through my teaching practice in other school. However, I use this way for
my planning lesson, because it is easier for to prepare for students a good and
successful of them. According to Bloom's Taxonomy, have a several of types for
planning to develop the abilities that required and organized the ideas (Bloom B.S.
To summarize, to get a great lesson you should follow different strategies
through your planning for your lesson. For instance, identify the objectives of the
lesson to know what you should give students through the lesson, identify the
activities that will be suitable for the students to motivate and interactive students
through the class, but should care about their levels of the students. Finally, check if
the students understand the lesson by giving them a questions or homework.

Maryam Saeed Bin Darwish H00202781


Bloom B.S. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The

Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc.
Pintrich, P. R.,& Schunk, D. H. (1996). Motivation in education: theory, research
and applications. Englewood Cliffs: NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Sprenger, M. (2003). Differentiation through learning styles and memory.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press
Wood, D., & Middleton, D. (1975). A study of assisted problem-solving.
British Journal of Psychology, 66(2), 181191.
Zemke,R. & Zemke,S. (1984). 30 things we know for sure about adult
learning. Retrieved January 31, 2013 from:

Maryam Saeed Bin Darwish H00202781

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