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6th Grade Prima Lingua

Ms. Hinkle
Boys Latin of Philadelphia Charter Middle School History
Through the innovation of CEO, David Hardy, Principal, Dr. Noah Tennant, Dean, Carly Ackerman MSEd, and a small team of
sixth grade teachers, Boys Latin of Philadelphia Charter Middle School (BLMS) was founded in 2012. The school, now in its
second year, has expanded to serve a seventh grade as well as a sixth grade class. The school is planned to grow to eighth
grade in the coming school year (2015).
Still in its early phases, the middle school is still working through many issues including how they will accommodate 150 more
young men next year (new building, trailers, etc.), in additional to behavior and culture hiccups. At the middle school we strive
to mimic the high standards of Boys Latin High School, which demonstrates incredible success with a 100% college
acceptance rate and an excellent culture. The High School has been in existence since 2007 and has therefore had many more
years to perfect itself.
Both schools serve primarily low-income, African American students. Approximately 80% of the students live in West
Philadelphia, although we serve boys from all over Philadelphia, including the northeast.
Classroom vision
By building strong relationships with students and families and maintaining a positive and comfortable classroom, my
students will flourish in an environment where they feel safe, joyful, and loved. I will push students to their greatest personal
and academic potentials, while maintaining a student centered classroom where students are empowered to come to their
own conclusions and invest in their own academic growth goals. In my course students will gain fundamental skills in the
study of Linguistics, English Writing, and Latin that promote critical thinking, as well as broaden their perspectives on
language and culture in a way that deepens their embodiment of global citizenship and the Boys Latins core values of
curiosity, compassion, perseverance, integrity, and courage.
The 6th grade Prima Lingua course is designed to give students an understanding of aspects of language through the examination of a
number of linguistic concepts including, but not limited to the origin of language, languages of the world, language and culture, the
parts of speech, and language variation. Skills that students learn in Prima Lingua will both refine their skills in English and make
them successful as a learner of a foreign language. The course will prepare them for 7th grade, when they begin the study of Latin, the

6th Grade Prima Lingua

Ms. Hinkle
language of the ancient Romans. Prima Lingua will introduce students to basic Latin vocabulary and grammar, as well as grammatical
structures across other languages. Working collaboratively with their classmates, students will engage in linguistic inquiry, build
problem solving and critical thinking skills, and become better writers. Students will develop skills to both express themselves clearly
and listen to the voices of their peers.
As Boys Latin Warriors, students are held to high expectations because of their extraordinary potential. Our class will be organized,
productive, and students will always know what is expected of them. Class expectations, procedures, the Boys Latin Core Values, and
Three Bs. Ms. Hinkle and Boys Latin are in place to make sure that students are in the best environment for learning. Any
redirection or consequences for not following policies will be given out of care for the students growth and success.
Interaction with foreign language

Students will have the opportunity to

interview a speaker of a foreign
language either in person or via Skype.
The classroom is decorated with flags
from around the world and a world map.

Personal Growth
Daily Shout Outs

Everyday a student will be recognized

for something based on excellence in
Boys Latin Core values and the three Bs
will be displayed in the classroom and
referred to in behavior correction.

Academic Achievement
Reflection on tests and quizzes

Social, cultural, and political

Ebonics lesson

Student will received tests and quizzes

back in a timely fashion and have the
opportunity to reflect on them and do
1. Students will create personal life

6th Grade Prima Lingua

Ms. Hinkle

2. Students will receive a lesson on
code-switching and its
3. Students will receive a lesson on
vocab and be asked to create a
slang dictionary.
4. Students will receive a lesson on
Ebonics and its complex

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