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Boiler Communication

*Note: This was group work and organized by my account executive; not all my individual work

Communication Plan for myPurduePlan Campaign

1. Technology: will help us reach students who are constantly on technology (we will need
to get account passwords in order to rework sites)
a. Twitter
i. Other popular twitter accounts like @lifeatPurdue and @CCO
@PurdueToday retweeting our tweets
ii. Increase followers by a prize game
1. We want a game where they have to be involved in all accounts
and check frequently
2. Campus Landmarks game: we tweet and facebook about what
prizes we will be giving out. We will then instagram the location a
few minutes before class gets out and then share the picture with
the other sites until we have a winner. The winner would then post
about us and mention us in order to get friends to follow us.
iii. Use consistent Hashtags (#mypurduePlan #destinationgraduation) you use
both hashtags every time to generate interest and get them trending
iv. Residence hall incentive to follow: go to residence hall lobby with a box
of cookies and if they follow us they get a cookie
v. Include twitter handle on printed promotions
vi. Redesign profile to make it more appealing to students (get destination
graduation logo)
b. Facebook
i. Create a Facebook
ii. Post about the myPurdue Plan on Purdue Parents page so they can
encourage their children to do it (for very overcommitted freshman
iii. Gain access and post on Purdue class of 2018 page to help with awareness
iv. There are several different facebook pages that advisors in various schools
have created to keep students updated. We can have these advisors post in
their pages about myPurdue Plan
c. Instagram
i. Create an account
ii. Ways to get followers: keep the same hashtags, tweet about our Instagram
and use it with the game, follow Purdue students, promote our account and
get sponsors for our account
iii. We can Post videos on this site
iv. Post pictures
v. Keep hashtags and handle consistent
d. YouTube
i. Post videos: under 1 minute destination graduation theme involving
students to create awareness of the plan. Tweet and Facebook the link to
the video once completed.
e. Registrar Website
i. Revamp the page to be visually appealing and promote myPurdue Plan

Boiler Communication
*Note: This was group work and organized by my account executive; not all my individual work








f. Hootsuite: a website that manages all of your social media at the same time. This
is make managing all of these sites so much easier and allow us to search key
words so that we can retweet them (twitter and Facebook)
Greek Promotion: help us reach a large amount of people who are grades motivated
a. Contact academic chairs to do freshman tutorials in their own house
b. Pass out a few fliers at the meeting with the freshman to keep the plan in the front
of their mind
Printed Promotions: To catch students eyes in the places they live and are frequently
a. New simple flier
i. Include social media handles and hashtags
ii. Theme of flier should be Destination Graduation
iii. Hang up in residence halls, dining courts, union, large lecture halls
b. T-shirts and buttons
i. Hand out during our outreach activities or use as twitter game prize to
create awareness
ii. Wear as we present the myPurdue Plan in various locations
c. Exponent
i. Contact someone about getting an Advertisement for myPurdue Plan and
tweet the ad
Student Government:
a. Work with academic affairs committee
i. Help with reaching out to students
ii. Mentions during events
iii. Possible co-sponsorship
iv. Retweet our tweets from Registrar
a. During the academic info session. Get a couple slides in the power point
b. Card in freebie bag
a. Start their myPurdue plan at STAR when they have the time in the computer lab
b. Advertise myPurdue Plan on STAR website
Word of Mouth
a. We will travel to different classrooms to speak in Freshman lectures about the
b. Table in a dining court with info and give-aways (t-shirts, buttons, fliers)
i. At the table we collect emails to send out an email later that night with
some info about the plan and links to our social media pages
c. Den pop: Because the Den is somewhere freshman love, we want to create a den
pop called (myPurdue Plan, The Graduate, Destination Graduation) We can
include this den pop with fun twitter games and have people tweet pictures of
their den pop for a t-shirt or other prize
Reaching advisors by E-mail
a. Send e-mail to advisors with a survey with questions about why they dont like it
or do like it
b. In the same e-mail include benefits of students completing the plan
c. Put in info about the state law so that they know it is required

Boiler Communication
*Note: This was group work and organized by my account executive; not all my individual work
9. Reaching advisors by flyers
a. Put flyers for the myPurdue plan on each advisors door and walls to remind both
advisor and student to complete plan
10. Reaching advisors with meetings
a. Meet with head advisors of each department to express importance of forcing the
b. The head advisors then pass the info down to their department
i. In this meeting we explain that there will be priority registration for those
who have completed their myPurdue Plan
ii. Show them how to do it so that they can help the students who have
iii. We want to tell them about our campaign so that they will be more willing
to do their part to help us

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