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World War I Era

Alternative assessment/ Project Rubric

Expectations: You will have the opportunity to choose an alternate assessment that will serve in
place of the regular unit exam. All that I ask is that whatever choice you make, you choose to
excel. Your goal should be to earn 100% on this assessment, whether you choose to take the
regular unit exam or complete a project of your choice. Push yourself to do your best, and choose
something that you will excel on. If you take the exam, study and get every question right. If you
choose an alternative, put pride and effort into your work and finish the school year on a high
note. Lets all earn an A in U.S. History this marking period!
Potential Project/ Alternative Assessment Options:
Power Point Presentation
Art/ Mural
5 Paragraph Persuasive Essay
Baseball Card
Short Film

Music/ Poetry
Photo History/ Scrapbook
Research Paper
Journal/ Diary
Video/ Music Montage

Anything Else? Bring Ideas to me.

You must include and/ or reference at least 30 terms, people, and/ or events that shaped the
World War I Era. For example, if you write a song, at least 30 references to what we have
studied must be in the song. At least 20 of these references must be taken from the themes
covered in chapters 24 & 25, and you can add 10 from the previous chapters over World War I as
well if youd like. The project, if you choose to accept, will be worth 40 Points (same as the unit
exam) and assessed/ graded as follows:
Required terms, people, and events = 30 points
(Project content accurately reflects the era of the civil rights movement and is clearly presented)
Accuracy/ Complete/ Neatness
= 10 points
(Project shows time, effort, creativity, and original)
Note: I will award extra credit for outstanding work and effort. Challenge yourself, and
challenge me to not rewarding you for giving your very best!

Key Terms/ Themes/ People/ Events to guide you:

Central Powers
Allied Powers
Trench Warfare
U.S. Enters War
Russian Revolution (Bolshevik Revolution)
John J. Pershing
369 Regiment
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Cost/ Casualties of War
Women Join the War Effort
Womens Peace Party
Conscientious Objectors
Committee on Public Information
Liberty Bonds
War Industries Board
Food Administration/ Victory Gardens
Great Migration
Red Summer
Sedition Act Espionage Act of 1917
Eugene Debs
Schenck v. U.S.
Woodrow Wilson
Paris Peace Conference
Fourteen Points
League of Nations
David Lloyd George
George Clemenceau
Vittorio Orlando
War-Guilt Clause
Treaty of Versailles
Redrawing the Map of Europe
Henry Cabot Lodge & Republican Party Opposition to Treaty
President Wilsons stroke and Defeat of Treaty

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