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Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate
Date of Scheduled Visit
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level
Cooperating Teacher

Sara Tawil-Hedaya

Name of Lesson
domain(s) addressed
Brief description of the

Hanukah- Story Map

Content area; Literature Skills building

This lesson is:


5/6 Kindergarten
Classroom Number

Children will be divided into two groups. After learning and exploring the story of
Hanukah, children will be introduced to the concept of a story map. The teacher
will explain the different elements of a story; plot, setting, characters,
problem/conflict and resolution. Then the teacher will ask students to raise a
hand in order to answer questions about the elements of the story. Questions
may include Where does the Hanukah story take place, who are the characters in
the story, what is the problem, and how is the problem solved. As the students
provide answer to the teachers questions, the teacher will fill in the story map
according to their answers. When the story map is done the children will be
asked to take turns going around the circle sequentially telling parts of the story
of Hanukah.
The story may will be
a new concept and
activity for students
However it will be a
review of the story of
This lesson will be help students understand the different elements that make up a story: setting,
characters, problem and resolution

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Objective(s) of the

Connections to

20-25 minutes each group

What will children know, or demonstrate as a result of this learning experience?
As a result of this learning experience children will know the elements that make up a story. They will
be able to describe each element of the Hanukah story. They will also be able to tell the story in the
proper sequence.
Which NYS Early Learning, or Common Core Standards are addressed? Are there
other standards used?

Language Objectives

In this lesson children will learn the vocabulary words for the elements of a story; plot, setting,
characters, conflict and resolution. They will be able to differentiate different parts of the story and
they will also be able to provide an oral sequentially correct retelling of the story. They will also need
to show proper listening skills. As their peers tell parts of the story, they will need to remember what
the person before them said in order to continue the story in the correct order.

Technology inclusion (if
Procedures (step by

Oak tag, or large post it paper that we can display on the wall, and markers.
No technology is needed for this lesson.
In order to introduce this learning activity I will tell students that we are going to
be learning something new and exciting (something that they do in first grade).
Up until now we have learned the Hanukah story and explored the Hanukah in a
variety of ways. We have read many books about Hanukah, sang songs, prepared
food, made costumes and dressed up and some children have even acted out the
story in the dramatic play area during free play. Now we will see if we really
remember all the parts of the story.

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Instruction/Mini Lesson (Outline the procedures or sequence activities that will
make up this learning experience; for instance, you might follow a routine
wherein you model (I try); and ask for active involvement (we try) during a whole
group session.
Then I will go onto describe the different elements that make up a story;
characters, setting, plot, conflict/problem, resolution/solution. I will ask them
about each of the elements of the Hanukah story. Since this is the first time filling
out a story map instead of asking them what the setting was, I will say what is
the setting in the story and within then redefine setting in the same sentence by
continuing to ask or where did the story take place. Instead of simple saying
What is the conflict or problem in the story I might say There was a problem in
the story, what was the problem ect for each elements. The children will raise
their hands to answer the questions. As they provide me with their answers I will
fill in the story map.
When we are finished filling in the story map children will to take turns sequentially retelling the
story. The teacher may start and then the person sitting next to her may continue and so on. Since we
will be working with about half the class 7-8 students I will be able to guide this activity.
I will tell students that they did a great job with this new activity and from now on
we will be creating a story map for a lot of the stories that we will be reading and
learning throughout the year.
Method of assessing
understanding of

In order to evaluate students
prior knowledge I will ask them
if they can define the following
terms: setting, characters, plots,
conflict/problem, and

Assessment of Student
In order to asses whether students
have successfully achieved
objectives I will see how well they
are able to answer my prompting
questions in order to fill out the
story map. I will also be able to see

Assessment of
Childrens Language
In addition to what I
mentioned in the previous
column, I will also be able to
assess those children who are

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Plans for differentiated


Supporting children
with identified delays
or disabilities

which students have the necessary beginning to comprehend the

listening skills to be able to hear
new vocabulary words.
and recall what part of the story
their peer told before them, in
order for them to continue the story
in the appropriate place. This will
also show me their ability to recall,
retrieve, and retell information.
Supporting English Language Learners

In order to support English Language Learners, and ensure that all

students are engaged properly in order to meet the lessons
In order to support children with objectives, my assistant teacher or I will provide any additional
identified delays or disabilities I support by clarifying concepts, or posing questions differently.
will simplify questions or give
them a little but more prompting
when sequencing the story.
However I should keep in mind
that the story map and the
elements of a story are new
terms for them so this may be
difficult for some children.
Additionally telling the story in
the proper order may be difficult
for some children so I will be
there to guide, direct and
support those children having
difficulty. For those children
who have difficulty sitting for
long periods of time I may

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Follow up/Extension

How can I provide an opportunity to remediate, reinforce, or expand on students

learning today in class?
In order to reinforce students learning I will display the story map on the wall where children can look
at it throughout the day and throughout the unit. Additionally I will provide a felt board with felt
pieces depicting, characters, scenes and props from the story so, students will be able to practice
telling the story to their friends. As I mentioned earlier the dramatic play area will be full of
homemade costumes, which students can use to dress up in and act out the story.

Any additional
information that would
be helpful for the
observer to know
Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects
of the learning activity

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