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* For Ext JS 2.3.

0 and older
* USED FORMATS in ExtFixes230.txt
* Adding and updating properties:
<class name>,<JavaScript property name>,<type>,<if is a static property>,<if is
a config option>,<default value or FORCEADD for alternate type properties>
* Changing a property type to enumeration
<class name>,<JavaScript property name>,<(enumerated list)>
* Adding and updating methods:
<class name>,<JavaScript method name>,<return type or void>,<if is a static meth
od>,<if is a overload method>
* For each method parameter:
<parameter name>,<type>,<if is a optional parameter>
* Adding and updating events:
<class name>,<JavaScript event name>,Event
* For each event parameter:
<parameter name>,<type>
* Adding new classes:
<class name>,<parent class name>,<unit name>,<JavaScript class name>
ExtComponent, region, string, false, true,
ExtComponent, split, Boolean, false, true,
ExtComponent, collapseMode, string, false, true,
ExtComponent, minWidth, Integer, false, true,
ExtComponent, maxWidth, Integer, false, true,
ExtComponent, minSize, Integer, false, true,
ExtComponent, maxSize, Integer, false, true,
ExtComponent, margins, string, false, true,
ExtComponent, cmargins, string, false, true,
ExtComponent, closable, Boolean, false, true,
ExtComponent, anchor, string, false, true,
ExtComponent, el, string, false, true,
ExtDataHttpProxy, Create, , true, false, conn, ExtDataConnection, false
ExtDataHttpProxy, conn, ExtDataConnection, false, false,
ExtGridColumnModel, renderer, String, false, true, FORCEADD
*ExtDataField,, ExtData, Object
*ExtDataField, name, string, false, true,
*ExtDataField, mapping, string, false, true,
*ExtDataField, type, string, false, true,
*ExtDataField, sortTypes, string, false, true,
*ExtDataField, sortDir, string, false, true,
*ExtDataField, convert, ExtFunction, false, true,
*ExtDataField, dateFormat, string, false, true,
ExtDataJsonReader, Create,, true, false, Meta, ExtObject, true, RecordType, ExtD
ataRecord, true
ExtDataRecord, Create,, true, false, Data, ExtObjectList, false
ExtFormFormPanel, buttons, ExtObjectList, false, true,
ExtContainer, items, ExtObjectList, false, true,
ExtShowConfig,, Ext, Object
ExtShowConfig, animEl, string, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, buttons, ExtObject, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, closable, Boolean, false, true, true
ExtShowConfig, cls, string, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, defaultTextHeight, Integer, false, true, 75

ExtShowConfig, fn, ExtFunction, false, true,

ExtShowConfig, scope, ExtObject, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, icon, string, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, iconCls, string, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, maxWidth, Integer, false, true, 600
ExtShowConfig, minWidth, Integer, false, true, 100
ExtShowConfig, modal, Boolean, false, true, true
ExtShowConfig, msg, string, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, multiline, Boolean, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, progress, Boolean, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, progressText, string, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, prompt, Boolean, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, proxyDrag, Boolean, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, title, string, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, value, string, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, wait, Boolean, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, waitConfig, ExtProgressWaitConfig, false, true,
ExtShowConfig, width, Integer, false, true,
ExtMessageBoxSingleton, ERROR, string, true, false, 'ext-mb-error'
ExtMessageBoxSingleton, INFO, string, true, false, 'ext-mb-info'
ExtMessageBoxSingleton, QUESTION, string, true, false, 'ext-mb-question'
ExtMessageBoxSingleton, WARNING, string, true, false, 'ext-mb-warning'
ExtProgressWaitConfig,, Ext, Object
ExtProgressWaitConfig, duration, Integer, false, true,
ExtProgressWaitConfig, interval, Integer, false, true, 1000
ExtProgressWaitConfig, increment, Integer, false, true, 10
ExtProgressWaitConfig, fn, ExtFunction, false, true,
ExtProgressWaitConfig, scope, ExtObject, false, true,
ExtToolbar, items, ExtObjectList, false, true,
ExtMenuMenu, items, ExtObjectList, false, true,
ExtToolbarButton, menu, ExtUtilObservable, false, true,
ExtMenuItem, menu, ExtMenuMenu, false, true,
ExtGridGridPanel, loadMask, Boolean, false, true, FORCEADD
ExtDataJsonStore, id, string, false, true,
ExtDataJsonStore, root, string, false, true,
ExtDataJsonStore, successProperty, string, false, true,
ExtDataJsonStore, totalProperty, string, false, true,
ExtFormCheckboxGroup, items, ExtObjectList, false, true,
ExtWindow, bbar, ExtObjectList, false, true,
ExtButton, Menuhide, Event, This, ExtButton, Menu, ExtObject
ExtButton, Menushow, Event, This, ExtButton, Menu, ExtObject
ExtButton, Menutriggerout, Event, This, ExtButton, Menu, ExtObject, E, ExtEventO
ExtButton, Menutriggerover, Event, This, ExtButton, Menu, ExtObject, E, ExtEvent
ExtContainer, Afterlayout, Event, This, ExtContainer, Layout, ExtObject
ExtUxCodePress, ExtFormField, ExtForm, Ext.ux.CodePress
ExtUxCodePress, autoComplete, Boolean, false, true, true
ExtUxCodePress, autoResize, Boolean, false, true, true
ExtUxCodePress, code, string, false, true,
ExtUxCodePress, height, Integer, false, true,
ExtUxCodePress, language, string, false, true, 'pascal'
ExtUxCodePress, lineNumbers, Boolean, false, true, true
ExtUxCodePress, path, string, false, true,
ExtUxCodePress, readOnly, Boolean, false, true,
ExtUxCodePress, sourceEl, string, false, true,
ExtUxCodePress, trim, Boolean, false, true, true
ExtUxCodePress, url, string, false, true,
ExtUxCodePress, width, Integer, false, true,
ExtUxCodePress, edit, void, false, false, obj, ExtObject, false, language, strin

g, false
ExtUxCodePress, setCode, void, false, false, code, string, false
ExtUxCodePress, getCode, string, false, false
ExtUxCodePress, getLanguage, string, false, false
ExtUxCodePress, setValue, void, false, false, code, string, false
ExtUxCodePress, getValue, string, false, false
ExtUxCodePress, resize, void, false, false
ExtUxCodePress, toggleAutoComplete, void, false, false
ExtUxCodePress, toggleReadOnly, void, false, false
ExtUxCodePress, toggleLineNumbers, void, false, false
ExtUxCodePress, toggleEditor, void, false, false
ExtContainer, layout, (lyAbsolute, lyAccordion, lyAnchor, lyBorder, lyCard, lyCo
lumn, lyFit, lyForm, lyTable)
ExtComponent, region, (rgCenter, rgNorth, rgEast, rgSouth, rgWest)
ExtComponent, xtype, (xtBox, xtButton, xtColorPalette, xtComponent, xtContainer,
xtCycle, xtDataView, xtDatePicker, xtEditor, xtEditorGrid, xtGrid, xtPaging, xt
Panel, xtProgress, xtPropertyGrid, xtSlider, xtSplitButton, xtStatusBar, xtTabPa
nel, xtTreePanel, xtViewPort, xtWindow, xtToolbar, xtTBButton, xtTBFill, xtTBIte
m, xtTBSeparator, xtTBSpacer, xtTBSplit, xtTBText, xtForm, xtCheckBox, xtCombo,
xtDateField, xtField, xtFieldSet, xtHidden, xtHTMLEditor, xtLabel, xtNumberField
, xtRadio, xtTextArea, xtTextField, xtTimeField, xtTrigger)
ExtContainer, defaultType, (ExtComponentXType)
ExtElement, defaultUnit, (CSSUnit)
ExtGridColumnModel, align, (alInherit, alLeft, alRight, alCenter, alJustify)
ExtPanel, buttonAlign, (baRight, baLeft, baCenter)
ExtFormFormPanel, buttonAlign, (ExtPanelButtonAlign)
ExtFormFormPanel, labelAlign, (laLeft, laTop, laRight)
ExtUxFormLovCombo, ExtFormComboBox, ExtForm, Ext.ux.form.LovCombo
ExtUxFormLovCombo, separator, string, false, true,
ExtUxGridRecordForm, ExtUtilObservable, ExtForm, Ext.ux.grid.RecordForm
ExtUxGridRecordForm, cancelIconCls, string, false, true, 'icon-cancel'
ExtUxGridRecordForm, cancelText, string, false, true, 'Cancel'
ExtUxGridRecordForm, columnCount, Integer, false, true, 1
ExtUxGridRecordForm, dirtyRowCls, string, false, true, 'ux-grid3-dirty-row'
ExtUxGridRecordForm, iconCls, string, false, true,
ExtUxGridRecordForm, okIconCls, string, false, true, 'icon-ok'
ExtUxGridRecordForm, okText, string, false, true, 'OK'
ExtUxGridRecordForm, newRowCls, string, false, true, 'ux-grid3-new-row'
ExtUxGridRecordForm, title, string, false, true,
ExtUxGridRecordForm, showButtons, Boolean, false, true, true
ExtUxGridRecordForm, ignoreFields, ExtObject, false, true,
ExtUxGridRecordForm, readonlyFields, ExtObject, false, true,
ExtUxGridRecordForm, disabledFields, ExtObject, false, true,
ExtUxGridRecordForm, formConfig, ExtObject, false, true,
ExtUxGridRecordForm, show, void, false, false, DataRecord, ExtDataRecord, false,
AnimEl, ExtElement, true
ExtFormField, inputType, (itText, itButton, itCheckbox, itFile, itHidden, itImag
e, itPassword, itRadio, itReset, itSubmit)
ExtStateProvider, on, void, false, false, EventName, string, false, Handler, Ext
Function, false
ExtStateProvider, un, void, false, false, EventName, string, false, Handler, Ext
Function, false
ExtFormFormPanel, fileUpload, Boolean, false, true,

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