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WOW Words!

8th Grade Math1st 9 Weeks

Alternate Interior
Alternate Exterior
Congruent Figures
Same-side Interior
Same-side Exterior
Scale Factor
Similar Figures
Vertical Angles
Adjacent Angles
Area Ratio
Cube Root
Like Terms
Linear Equation
Perfect Square

Scientific Notation

movement of all points of a figure in a plane using a common operation

transformation that slides each point of a figure the same distance and direction
transformation that flips a figure over a reflection line
transformation that turns a figure around a fixed point for a given angle
transformation that produces a similar figure by enlarging or reducing the original
angles formed when a transversal intersects two parallel lines. They are on the
opposite sides of the transversal and are between the other two lines. These angle
pairs are congruent.
angles formed when a transversal intersects two parallel lines. They are on
opposite sides of the transversal and outside the other two lines. The angle pairs
are congruent.
figures that are the same shape and size, which means corresponding angles and
sides must be congruent
sides and angles that have the same relative positions in a geometric figures
angles formed when a transversal intersects two parallel lines. They are on the
same side of the transversal between the two other lines. These angles are a
supplementary pair.
angles formed when a transversal intersects two parallel lines. They are on the
same side of the transversal outside the two other lines. These angles are a
supplementary pair.
the ratio used to enlarge or reduce similar figures; also known as the dilation factor
Figures that have the same shape, congruent corresponding angles, and
proportional sides.
a line that intersects two or more lines at distinct points.
a pair of opposite congruent angles formed by intersecting lines
two angles whose sum is equal to 180o
two angles whose sum is equal to 90o
two angles that share a common vertex and side
corresponding figures have proportional ratios
the number that is multiplied by itself 3 times to produce the number in the radican
the number of times that a base should be multiplied times itself
a number that cannot be written as a/b, where a and be are integers
terms that include the same variables with the same exponents
an equation whose solutions form a straight line on a graph
a number that is the product of a number to the 2nd power
a root, the opposite of an exponent
numbers that can be written in the form a/b, where a and b are integers, but b does
not equal 0. (All whole, natural, integer numbers which exclude non-terminating,
non-repeating decimals, and roots of imperfect squares)
a way to express a very small or large number as the product of a number greater
than or equal to 1 and less than 10 and a power of 10.

Significant Digits

Digits other than zero. Zero is only significant if between two other significant digits

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