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I was never renowned as adobo for years

why is it then I chose this dish to classify,

or rather typify my whole identity?
I chose adobo because of the many instances of my existence,
Adobo is sometimes salty which is what best describes a part of my identity,
A part of me, which longs for God as to fresh water to the salty
Sometimes sour for there are times,
I see myself in mirror and find myself distasteful of how reluctant I could be,
And then I tell myself this adobo needs more flavour, sweetness and spice to be precise
There are times I lack the sweetness, and am too bitter of my crush life
Or bitter of my problems in life, studies, or other problems that come and go
I need some spice in my life, a little change wouldnt hurt
Spice things up for good, spice things up for me to smile and not to cry
Spice things up for positive things, and for me to never look back
Why should I spice it up? Spice my adobo or my life or rather spice myself up?
Because it is for the best, and when the time comes that I found the taste that fits my
abobo the best? I shall never go back for then I have the recipe for my perfect adobo.

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