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21st of October

Lesson 7

Family members
The verb to be, the verb can and the possession: my, your, his,
her, its, our, your, their
Clothes : jumper, trousers, shoes, boots, cap, hat, shirt, shirt,
shorts, dress, skirt, coat
- Brr, its cold! What are you wearing??
- When its cold I am wearing a jumper, trousers, boots and a
Weather (Whats the weather like today? Its windy/
sunny/foggy/ cold )
Prepositions of place ( in, on, under, behind) :
- Look, my mother is sitting on the sofa/ my uncle is sitting behind the chair.
Food and drinks: sandwich, cake, apples/bananas, bread, ham[heam=sunca], pizza, tea, milk, orange juice,
lemonade[lemneid], pancakes[pankeics=clatite]
Days of the week:

What are you doing on Sunday/ Monday/ Wednesday?

Im going to the cinema/ theatre/ shopping/ market/ park.

A and An - an apple, a boy

Oranges Game: Id like to eat 5 oranges. Why 5 and not six?
Conversation corner page 11

Hello! How are you?

Im fine. What about you?
Im ok.
What are you doing?
Im going home. School is over today. [ ouvr = s-a incheiat]
See you On Monday! Have a nice weekend!

Listen and read ex. 8 page 11 then answer the questions [ ansuer th quecian= raspunde la intrebari]

What can you see in picture nr 1?

What colour is the snowman?
What are the people wearing?
Whats the weather like in picture nr 1/ 2/4?
How many children are in picture nr 2?
What colour is grandmas kite? [ cait= zmeu]

23rd of October

Lesson 8
Revision Unit 1
Play with word wheel and the days of the week.
Mars Adventure 1 page 12-13
Listen and read the text, then act out!

Whats the time? Its 9 oclock. [ Ua th taim]

Its early/ its late [i rli/ i leit] = e devreme/ e tarziu
Numbers from 1-20
Whats that?= Ce este aceea/ acela?
How old are you?
Come here= vino aici
Go there= mergi acolo
Lets play hide and seek= hai sa ne jucam de-a fata ascunselea
Off we go = gata de plecare

Halloween words:
Pumpkin[pumpkin]= dovleac
Witch[uici] = vrajitoare
Ghost[gust]= fantoma
Bat[beat]= liliac
Im not scared[aim not skerd]= Nu sunt speriat
Skeleton[skeletn]= schelet
Vampire[vempai]= vampire
Creepy[cripi]= inspaimantator
Evil[evil]=rau, diabolic
Sweet candy= bomboana dulce
Fancy[fensi]= la moda
Wicked[uict]= rea, malefica

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