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I have a lot of respect for Barnabas, a gentle, loving man whose name meant
encouragement. Barnabas had been traveling with Paul evangelizing and planting
churches, but a conflict arose. We read in Acts 15:36-41 that Paul and Barnabas stopped
working together over a young man named John Mark. Paul felt that John Mark had hurt
their ministry by unexpectedly departing and leaving them short-handed. Barnabas
wanted to be kind to John Mark and give him another chance, but Paul said no.
Barnabas was a man of a different spirit. When the whole world was willing to reject
somebody who seemed like a failure, he did not react in that way. Barnabas stood up to
Paul and said, Im not going to reject that young man. That is boldness thats a
different spirit! When Saul was pouring out accusations against the church, imprisoning
Christs followers and putting them to death, who went to him? And when Saul had an
experience from heaven (Acts 9), who went to him? It was Barnabas, the Son of
Encouragement. Barnabas had the boldness in his heart and the different spirit inside him
to say, I dont care if this is a false rumor, it is worth the risk to see if Saul really got
Barnabas is an example of a man of a different spirit. This spirit has nothing to do with
whether you are a Type A personality. You can be a quiet person, mellow and calm, and
still have what Barnabas had. And most of all, you can have what Jesus had.
It does not matter if you are young or old, male or female, for God is no respecter of
persons. The Holy Spirit is longing to fall upon you. You may be reading this today and
inside you are saying, What are you talking about, having a different spirit? My spirit is
a spirit of alcohol or drugs; my spirit is a spirit of desperation. Im lost!
You know what? God has His eyes on you. God has ordained that you read this because
He is calling on you to rise up and be a person of a different spirit. Not the spirit of this
world, not the spirit of sin, not the spirit of alcoholism or drugs, but the spirit of God. The
spirit of Christ, the Son of God, can transform your life and make you into a person of a
different spirit.
Remember: Romans 12:2- Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by
the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is
good and acceptable and perfect.

FCA Wrestling Team Huddle

Week 16: Nutrition (The importance of what you put into your body, & mind).
As wrestlers, what we eat determines our bodys make-up, and energy store. It is critical
that we nourish ourselves with proper nutrition, at the proper time, and over time as we
wrestle through the season. Our diet requires discipline if we aim to be champions. In
our relationship with God, the most important path we will ever take, requires discipline
as well. Weve all heard the clich, you are what you eat. In life, we can nourish
ourselves on the Truth of Gods Word. His Truth focuses on such virtues as: Faith, Hope,
Love, Fortitude (Courage), Justice, Temperance (self-control), and Prudence (wisdom).
As we practice these virtues, through disciplined living, and walking with our Lord, we
grow into people of character and honor. On the other hand, if we practice vice though
undisciplined living, we become spiritually weak, and vicious, living lives that are
destructive to ourselves and others. Whether we become people of Godly virtue, or
people enslaved to the weaknesses of the flesh, it always depends upon whether we are
feeding our spirit or our flesh. The one we feed is the one who thrives.
Psalm 1: 1 -3 states; 1Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and
night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in
season and whose leaf does not wither whatever they do prospers.
Romans 12: 1 2 states; I urge you brothers, by the mercies of God to present
yourselves as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, And do not be
conformed to this world, but be transformed (changed) by the renewing of your mind,
so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.
Discussion Questions:
1 When we pray the Lords Prayer, whos will are we praying be done, Thy, or

When we live out this prayer, seeking this day our daily Bread, who is the
Bread of Life? John 6: 48

How can we obtain this daily Bread, for our nourishment?

If a wrestler needs nutrition for his body, how much do you think we need
nourishment for our soul?


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