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10 marketing mistakes to avoid

in rural markets
By Guest Author, Delhi,
Tue, Jan 13th, 2015 (12:53:22 PM IST) Section: Industry Category: Listicle

It is widely understood that the rising aspiration

of rural consumers will soon match urban
dreams. While tapping, marketers need to know
the pulse of this highly-aspired segment, writes
Ashwani Arora, Sr VP Research, Market Xcel
Data Matrix.

Customization is the basic ingredient
Customization, adaptation, and high value form the basic ingredients to success in
the hinterlands. The basic strategy to tap into the wallets of the not-so-affluent
population entails a different approach and priorities.


Traditions and value systems have to be

well respected
Rural population is more rooted to traditional values. Bottlenecks like proper
infrastructure, talent availability and heterogeneity should be envisaged and worked
upon well.

Opinion leader matters a lot
Any message that is routed or dispensed through such leaders gets transmitted.
Hence look for endorsement by local leaders or icons.

Brisk buying is done after the harvesting
Major purchasing is done during the festivals. Hence manufacturers should have a
substantial shelf presence and a sound marketing plan chalked out at these times.

Look beyond farmers
The lens through which marketers see the rural consumer is confined to viewing him
as either a farmer or an agricultural laborer, thereby restricting marketing
effectiveness. In fact, there are other groups of consumers with different needs and
behavior pattern, having significant purchasing power.

Colour matters!
The relevance and associations to visuals is high and well decoded. Brands are
often distinguished through colour coding.

The new face of rural consumer
The rural consumer is smart, and no longer buys only that what is cheap. These
consumers are increasingly turning out to be high value seekers.

Local audience matters
Dont ignore the local people, for they are the integral part of the business and
should have a bigger say during product development stage. Everything that
succeeds in urban locations offer no guarantee of success in the rural lands.

Rural consumers demand time
Low cost distribution and support models should be established to reach the last
mile. These regions entail more time and engagement than media spends and

Collaboration is the key to success
Different non-competing companies can come together, hence collaboration is the
key ingredient to success.

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