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Science 10
CR1 Assignment
In this assignment you need to research the ways in which a certain
times/cultures have used chemistry as a way of applying their
understanding and knowledge to transform materials and make new
substances. In this assignment, you should also include why this
time/culture had a desire to understand the chemistry it was learning
and how it benefitted their society.
To demonstrate your knowledge and show your findings, you must
provide a 3 minute presentation to the class in a form of your
preference. You are allowed to work alone or in groups up to a
maximum of 3. Some examples of this presentation could be a poster,
diorama, video, skit, demonstration, song, commercial, or a
combination of these. If you have an idea that fits outside of these
examples, make sure that you clear it with your teacher.
Things to consider when making your presentation:
Be organized
Make sure to include a full list of references
Use the rubric on the back of this page to assist you in getting
the best grade possible.
Include the following things:
o What time/culture are you researching?
o How did they understand/use chemistry?
o Did they have a desire to understand or control nature?
o Was the chemistry that they were doing used to create new
products, or to benefit society, or both? Was it successful?
Some examples of times and cultures include:
First Nations and Mtis
Iron Age
Modern Chemistry

Industrial Revolution

Bronze Age

Make sure that you see your teacher to sign up for a topic.
Topics will be distributed on a first come first serve basis.

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