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RMcGlothin_Formative Evaluation Report_Instructional Technology Key Assessment #5: Online Learning Module

Module Builders Name:

Rita McGlothin
Online Module Title:
Science Everywhere
Online Learning Module URL:
Formative Evaluation Process & Evaluator Profile
In order to collect adequate feed back on the effectiveness of my online module, I will
incorporate an online, immediate feed back evaluative tool. The evaluative tool is a
scoring rubric with a comment area for additional suggestions for the instructor. There
are two different evaluation used, one for the learner and one for the SME. However,
both the learner and SME will have the option of completing an online evaluation
instantaneously or printing the evaluation rubric. The printing option allows the learner
and SME to review all questions in text, make careful selections and comprehend the
choices before submitting feed back. Nevertheless, all responses will be submitted via
the online tool, in the Module. My SME peer reviewers are: Mrs. C. Lee, Technology
Specialist and Gifted Certified teacher; and Mrs. A. Gilchrist: Media Specialist and
Technology Committee Chairperson. Each peer reviewer served as a collaborative
partner before and after the creation of the online Module.
The evaluative tool is developed specifically to evaluate the Online Module. The survey
is comprised of instructor-created questions, loaded onto the Survey Monkey online
survey site. Data will be collected on 5-fourth grade and 12-fifth grade students, for a
total of 17 students. The Survey Monkey online survey tool is designed to collect
anonymous data, as well as the ability to aggregate all responses. The data and feed
back collected from my peer reviewers and students will be compiled into graphs,
improvement charts and reviewed for future modification.
One Peer Evaluator Result: Media Specialist, ID #218
Based on the SME Evaluator Rubric, I received the following scores:
Title Page: 5/8; Comment: Did not include Keywords or relevant vocabulary and
Description should be thoroughly written out;

RMcGlothin_Formative Evaluation Report_Instructional Technology Key Assessment #5: Online Learning Module

Introduction: 2/2; Comment: None

Task: 6/6; Comment: Good task, easy to follow;
Process: 5/6; Comment: Scaffolding of process has a couple of missing explanations to
the lesson-specifically, the rewriting/revising of science inquiry questions.
Resources: 5/6; Comment: Missing a few titles for some of the resources.
Evaluation: 4/4; Comment: None
Conclusion: 4/4; Comment: None
Teacher Page/Credits: 3/4; Comment: link the standards back to the standards website.
Two Learner Evaluation Survey Feedback reports: Anonymous feedback taken from
Survey Monkey link:; Two students from the
4th and 5th grade gifted class were randomly chosen by the Media Specialist to
complete the survey.
Survey Monkey Results:
Q1-How easy were the course assignments?
50% Moderately easy; 50% Slightly easy;
Q2-Discussion board assignments fostered a high level of interaction among students
50% Agree; 50% Strongly Agree
Q3-Did your instructor give you too many assignments, too few assignments, or about the right amount?
50% Somewhat too many; 50% Right amount;
Q4-Online course content, regarding the Scientific Method, included varied types of assignments to
appeal to different learning styles.
50% Agree; 50% Strongly Agree;
Q5- Interactive multimedia items allowed students to control content and to demonstrate your
understanding of higher-order thinking questions.
100% Strongly Agree;
Q6-Feed back regarding your creation of higher-order inquiry questions was delivered in a timely manner.
100% Agree;
Q7-Instructor effectively communicated any changes and/or clarified any misunderstandings concerning
course requirements.
100% Agree;
Q8-The sequence of online course activities: Response Logs, Higher-Order thinking inquiry questions,
performance-task oral practice videos- were effectively organized and easy to follow.
100% Somewhat Organized and easy to follow;
Q9-Evaluation criteria were clearly stated. Evaluation criteria for discussion board activities were clearly
specified in advance.
100% True
Q10-The course has made me want to further interest in Asking Probing, higher-order inquiry questions.
100% True

RMcGlothin_Formative Evaluation Report_Instructional Technology Key Assessment #5: Online Learning Module

Module Builders Name: Rita McGlothin

Online Learning Module Title: Science Everywhere
Online Learning Module URL:
The development of the online learning unit entitled, Science Everywhere has
challenged and encouraged me to become fluent and proficient in building blended
courses for students and teachers. Although the development of this online learning
unit was time-consuming, it proves to be a beneficial tool for instructors and students,
especially diverse learning environments. Moreover, I now understand that if I am
interested or propelled to develop online modules in the future, it will require
uninterrupted time and effort.
In the future, I will revise the Module title to be engaging and exciting. In addition, the
content will contain specific age-appropriate examples of the scientific inquiry questions.
Furthermore, the module will contain student samples and pictures to foster a sense of
relevance for the online learners.
Evaluation Data Improvements
Based on the data and feedback received from my SME Peer evaluator, I had a few
areas to improve concerning the module logistics and details. It was apparent that I had
overlooked key details that were essential to the learners movement through the
module. I took the shared feedback and added the missing details.
Based on the learners feedback via the Survey Monkey tool, overall they enjoyed the
online module. Both learners expressed that the module had slightly too many
assignments. Therefore, I will take the assignments in each lesson and extend them
into additional lesson links. Additionally, the learners expressed that the module
influenced them to learn more and ask questions. I believe that this agreement was
because they enjoyed the final assignment: Paper airplanes and Science Inquiry.

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