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Introductory lectures 7-8
Spiritual Growth and

Lecture 7 - Growth

2 Peter 3:18-19, Eph 4:11-16, 1:15-23,

Jer 17:8
God wants us to grow through feeding
on His Word, believing his promises, and
applying them into the fabric of our daily
lives. This is referred to as the FaithRest Life resting on the promises in
the soul and walking in the Word in the
power of the Holy Spirit in daily life.

The Promises of God

1. Gods Character guarantees our security

assures us of plan, purpose, power,
and provision
for our lives. Application =
stepping out in
confidence into each day in
the Word.
2. Typical promises; for salvation, Jn 3:16,
Acts 16:31, Growth, 1 Jn 1:9, Rom 8:28, 1 Pet
5:7, for heaven, 1 Pet 1:3-5, Rev 21:4.
3. Make the promises work for you, by dealing
sin, feeding on the Word and walking
in the Spirit.

Glorious Promises from


4. If we fail to exercise faith (as we

exercise our body in the gym) we will fall
short of the plan that God has for us.
Hebrews 3:7 4:11.
5. Major additional promises. When
wronged, 1 Thess 5:18, prayer, Matt 7:7,
lonely, Heb 13:5, doubts, Phil 4:13, the
Bible, Heb 4:12, sleep, Ps 4:8, unhappy, Ps
147:3, when tempted, Rom 12:17-19, in
danger, Ps 23:1-4.
Proverbs 23:7

Mental Attitude

1. Inner conflict between Gods viewpoint

and human viewpoint, Is 55:7-9.
2. What we think makes us who we
become, Proverbs
3. We are commanded to think divine
viewpoint, 2 Cor 10:4-5.
4. The Bible gives us Gods viewpoint, 1
Cor 2:16,
Phil 2:15
5. Gods viewpoint = Joy, Phil 2:2-5
6. God wants us to think differently to how
we did as
pagans, Rom 12:1-2, 2 Tim 1:7

Dynamic Spiritual

7. Confidence comes from knowing Gods

Word, 2
Cor 5:1-8.
8. Stability also, Is 26:3-4, Phil 4:7, 2 Thess 2:2
9. Giving is a mental attitude, 2 Cor 9:7
10.Love is a mental attitude, 1 Cor 13:5
11.Human viewpoint=worldliness, Col 3:2
12.Evil is Satans viewpoint, Prov 15:13, Matt
9:4, Gal
13.Fill your mind with the Lords viewpoint,
Phil 4:4ff

Hindrance to Growth

CONFESSION (Galatians 3:1)

1. Examine yourself, 2 Cor 13:5
2. Act on what you see, Rom 4:7-8
3. Confess sins, 1 Jn 1:5-10, Ps 66:18
4. Put sin behind you, Phil 3:13-14, Ps
5. Resume your active walk with God, Heb
6. Be reconciled with those you have
offended, Jas
7. Grow in the Word and application of it, 2
Peter 3:17-18

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