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ALC After School Credit Recovery/Independent Study

Grade Report
Student Name: _____________________________ID# _____________
Teacher: _____________________________
Name of course & Course # ________________________________________________
Credit earned: .5 or

1.0 (circle one)

Grade in course can only be a P

Attendance Hours ________________ or attach attendance sheet
Date the credit was completed:___________________________
Teacher signature:____________________________________



Office Steps to Enter Credit Recovery coursework into


Student needs to be enrolled in Synergy

a. ALHSConcurrent enrollment/Independent Study
b. ALC Student
2. Students hours need to be entered in MARSS Enrollment Tab
a. Minimum of 18 or more if student attended more in Att Day Hrs
b. 91 Hours in MBR Days Hours
3. Students Grade Needs to be Entered:
a. StudentStudent Course HistoryAdd Course History
b. Choosercourse ID Lookupchoose course
c. Enter Mark of P
d. Save Courses
e. Check transcript
f. Notify Dani/ALHS of grade earned and entered
g. Print out copy of transcript and mail to out-of-district student; PDF copy to out of
district contact
Steps above were completed by ___________________ on ___________________

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