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Earth as we know it is an incredibly complex and fragile network of interconnected systems that have

developed slowly.Human is a small part on it, but he has the great impact on nature. He can do good
things for it or he can destroy. Our goal is to achieve stability for ourselves and others. However we
also have an obligation to maintain the environment, as we depend on the resources and services it
provides. We are in a continuous evolution. As society evolved, populations grew and more and
more resources were required to fuel the expansion. For example, there are necessary more
buldings for living. For this, are cutted more and more trees and forests to make the required place.
We must introduce new rules for humanity. If he cuts a tree, he will be necessary to plant others on
its place. If we will respect some easy rules, then we can achieve an agreement with nature. One
that will help to maintain eachother. Our role within nature should be one of existence rather than
commercialization. We have exploited the world for too long and the consequences of doing so are
everywhere. We have no right to influence on any other species. We must respect the natural order
of things and find a way to live together.

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