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Traccia 1

-This is a part of a letter you receive from an English penfriend

"in your next letter, please tell me all about your favorite tv program. Why do
you watching it? What's it about?
- "Now write a letter, answering your penfrien question (about 100 words)

Dear Marc,
Thanks for you letter, it was great to hear from you.
How are you? I am sick, I have fevrer and headache, so I try to passer the
time I am watching the tv. My favorite programme is "Cobra11" , it is is
broadcast on Rai 2 at 7 p.m.
"Cobra11" is the telefilm action and it tell about the adventures of two cops
to try to save the city. I love this telefilm, becouse I love the action film. Every
day, me and my brother wacth this program before the dinner.
What 'is your favorite tv program? Tell me about your program? Do you like
wacth the tv?

I can't wait to hear you again!



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