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***Separation of Powers***

There can be no liberty if the same man or the same group has
executive, legislative and judicial control
Separation of Powers divides our national government into three branches The
intent is to prevent the concentration of power and provide for checks and
The traditional characterizations of the powers of the branches of American
government are:
* The legislative branch is responsible for enacting the laws of the state and
appropriating the money necessary to operate the government.
* The executive branch is responsible for implementing and administering the
public policy enacted and funded by the legislative branch.
* The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting the constitution and laws and
applying their interpretations to controversies brought before it.
Put the definition of Separation of Powers into your own words:
The reason we have Separation of Powers in our government is:

*Through Separation of Powers each branch of the government has a

responsibility of their own. Either to Make, Interpret or Execute the law. Place
either the word Make, Interpret or Execute next to the branch you feel is
responsible for that power.
The Legislative Branch _____________ the laws
The Executive Branch _____________ the laws

The Judicial Branch

_____________ the laws

***Checks and Balances***

Checks and Balances makes it possible for each branch of the federal government
to check or stop the other in certain ways. This safeguards our freedoms by
preventing any single branch from becoming too powerful. There is a second check
in the division of powers between the national and state governmentsa principle
known as Federalism.
***Its only considered Checks and Balances if two branches are involved***
(Legislative, Executive and Judicial)
Put the definition of Checks and Balances into your own words:
The reason we have Checks and Balances in our government is:
A way that the Executive Branch can check the Legislative Branch is
A way that the Executive Branch can check the Judicial Branch is

A way that the Legislative Branch can check the Executive Branch is
A way that the Legislative Branch can check the Judicial Branch is

A way that the Judicial Branch can check the Legislative Branch is

A way that the Judicial Branch can check the Executive Branch is

Federalism is defined as the division of powers between the national and state
governments. Did you ever wonder why you don't need a passport to go from New
York to California, but if you were to move from one state to another, you would
need a new driver's license? Or why you can use the same currency in all states, but
not be subject to the same speed limits?
Put the definition of Federalism into your own words:
The reason we have Federalism in our government is:

Place either National, State or National and State in the blanks provided
Delegated Powers are assigned to the ___________________________ ___Government
Concurrent Powers are assigned to the _____________________________Government
Reserved Powers are assigned to the ______________ ________________Government

What do you feel is the most important power assigned to the State Government
What do you feel is the most important power assigned to the National


***Popular Sovereignty***
Popular Sovereignty is the belief that people can and should govern themselves.
Popular sovereignty was the political doctrine that the people who lived in a
region should determine for themselves the nature of their government. In U.S.
history, it was applied particularly to the idea that settlers of federal territorial lands
should decide the terms under which they would join the Union, primarily applied to
the status as free or slave.
Put the definition of Popular Sovereignty into your own words:
The reason we have Popular Sovereignty in our government is:
Why is it important that as a citizen of the United States Popular Sovereignty
Examples of Popular Sovereignty include:


To Ratify is to formally approve a suggested action

Put the definition of Ratify into your own words:


Democracy is a government by the people

Put the definition of Democracy into your own words or use it in a sentence :

Judicial Review is federal court power to review laws

Put the definition of Judicial Review into your own words or use it in a sentence :

The Elastic Clause is also known as the Necessary and Proper Clause.

Put the definition of Elastic Clause into your own words or use it in a sentence :

To Amend is to alter, modify or rephrase a portion of the constitution.

Put the definition of Amend into your own words or use it in a sentence:

To Veto something is to overturn a law or decision.

Put the definition of Veto into your own words or use it in a sentence:

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