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Council of

Unitarians and

Office of the Secretariat

345 Addiscombe Road

Croydon, Surrey

+44 20 8407 2866

Global Chalice Lighting for February 2015

ICUU announces the 138th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use
the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the ICUU Global Chalice
Lighting for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was submitted by the Religious Society of Czech Unitarians
and is for use in February 2015.


Hope, respect and love three important treasures of spiritual life.

May they always be in our hearts, may we always give them generously.
The light of this flame is a symbol of them too, as hope, respect and love are the cornerstones of our free
spiritual path.
Petr Samojsky, Religious Society of Czech Unitarians



-Petr Samojsky


Nadeje, cta a lska tri dulezit poklady duchovnho zivota. Necht jsou vzdy v nasich srdcch,
necht je vzdy stedre rozdvme kolem. Svetlo tohoto plamene je tak jejich symbolem, nebot
nadeje, cta a lska jsou zkladnmi kameny svobodn duchovn cesty.
Petr Samojsky, Religious Society of Czech Unitarians


Il y a trois trsors importants pour notre vie spirituelle: lesprance, le respect et lamour;
Puissent-ils tres toujours prsents en nos coeurs afin que nous puissions les offrir avec
La lumire de cette flamme en est un symbole galement puisque lesprance, le
respect et lamour sont la pierre dangle de notre cheminement spirituel et de notre libert.
Petr Samojsky, Religious Society of Czech Unitarians


Hoffnung, Respekt und Liebe - drei wichtige Schtze unseres spirituellen Lebens.
Mgen sie stets in unseren Herzen sein und wir sie stets grozgig verschenken.
Das Licht dieser Flamme ist ebenso ein Sinnbild fr dafr, wie Hoffnung, Respekt und Liebe
Eckpfeiler unseres freien spirituellen Weges sind.
Petr Samojsky, Religious Society of Czech Unitarians


Espera, respeto y amor: tres tesoros importantes de la vida espiritual.

Ojal estn siempre en nuestros corazones y podemos entregarlos a los dems con generosidad.
La luz de esta llama los simboliza, pues la esperanza, el respeto y el amor son las piedras
angulares de nuestra va espiritual libre.
Petr Samojsky, Sociedad Religiosa de Unitarios Checos

(With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Bruce Epstein (English), Adam Hargrove

(Chinese), Jean-Claude Barbier (French), Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German) and Jaume de

Marcos (Spanish).)

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