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Research for flash animation assignment

History of animation
Zoetrope (1834) a basic design where several images a place in a wheel with
slits in the side so you can look through as it spins and you can see the images
moving like an animation. The ancient Chinese helped to bring it into a more
advanced stage by using translucent paper (tracing paper) and a mica panel,
they would put it in a lamp and this would make the image spin and you would
see the animation moving.
The flip book (1868) this is where you use multiple pages stapled or clipped
together and drawer slightly different images onto different pages then once
completed and stuck together in order you would just flip a corner until the end
and it would look like a moving image. This was created by John Barnes Linnett
and he called it the kineograph.
The silent Era (projected imagery 1908-1930s) the silent era was when the
first projected animation and there was no sound so all you could see is images
and a part for a little bit of text. Hitler used these to get across some of his ideas
before World War 2. This type of idea pre-dates Edison and the Lumiere Brothers
in 1893 and 1894.
Stop motion stop motion has been a popular way to use animation as the flip
book and the Zoetrope are both type of stop animation but this idea came
around when television came around the mid 1900s. The basic idea is to do the
same idea as the flip book but to then scan it into a computer and to add colour.
Most stop motion animators hand draw everything and this can be very time
consuming but it can also create some amazing artwork.
CGI (computer Generated Imagery) this is all computer based animation. You
would have to 3D model characters, props, landscapes etc. this is more
productive and less time consuming than stop motion. Toy Story (1995) was the
first CGI movie created.
Link used -

Animation terms
Persistence of Vision - this is when the retina in your eye retains an image for a
second after the image or object has passed. This is used in animation so you
dont see the fractional skips between key frames.
Frame rates the amount of frames the pass a certain line per second (e.g. 2fps
= 2 frames per second)
Key Frames a frame where a drawing/animation is placed and each frame is
slightly changed so when you its played it will look like its moving.

Research for flash animation assignment

Onion Skinning is where the animator leaves a faint version of the previous
slide so they know where to place the next frame
Tweening this is where two images are so similar when placed together that it
looks like a smoother transition

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