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Room 320 Sibley Hall

SUNY Plattsburgh

The North Country Teacher Resource Center
February 18 & 19, 2015
From 10:00am to 2:00pm
Items include Professional Resources in all curriculum areas, DVDs,
Computer/camera bags, drawings for SMART Board, Eggsperts, Atlas set, Math
Rug, and other miscellaneous items.
Join us as we prepare to move to our new location Room 100 Sibley Hall
Integrating the Arts into Your Curriculum
Open to all
Prerequisite: None
Instructor: Stephen Guenzi, SUNY Plattsburgh
Dates: March 3, 10, 17, 24 & April 7 (no class March 31)
Times: 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
Place: Sibley Room 309
Cost: $75.00 plus$25.00 for the cost of the book
Register by: February 28
1 in-service credit
Class limit 15
Would you like to add more of the arts into your curriculum? This 5 week hands on study group will use
the book Lively Learning: Using the Arts to Teach the K-8 Curriculum by Linda Crawford to explore
practical ways to integrate the arts into your instruction. Even if you dont have a background in the
arts, this study group will help to provide you with real techniques and resources for bringing drawing,
music, movement, theater, and poetry into your classroom. Every participant will leave each week with a
tool kit of ideas/resources tailored towards the age level they teach that can easily be implanted into their

Teaching With Poverty in Mind Part II

Open to all
Prerequisite: None
Instructor: Cheryl Dodds and Bonnie Gregware, NCTRC Consultants
Dates: March 3, 5, 10 & 12
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Place: Sibley Room 225
Cost: $75.00
Register by February 26
1 in-service credit
Class Limit 25
Join Bonnie and Cheryl this winter as they continue with Part II of Teaching with Poverty in Mind. This
course will focus on "turnkey" strategies for:
changing student attitudes.
building a growth mindset and appreciative inquiry.
building positive relationships and classroom climate.
working memory and instructional accommodations to help level
the playing field for all students.
building emotional states for total student engagement.
adapting to school change.

Bully Proofing Our Schools

Open to all
Prerequisite: None
Instructors: Jean Ann Hunt and Stephen Guenzi, SUNY Plattsburgh
Dates: April 9, 16, 23, 30 & May 7
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Place: NCTRC
Cost: $75.00 plus $22.00 for the cost of the book
Register by March 27
1 in-service credit
Class Limit 25
This 15 hour professional development learning community will focus on practical ways to address
bullying in elementary schools. Using How to Bullyproof your Classroom by Caltha Crowe &
materials by Teaching Tolerance, participants will explore the following topics:
What is bullying & what can we do about it?
Classroom Practices to prevent bullying:
o Establishing a classroom community
o Using collaboration
o Using Childrens Literature to address bullying
o Teaching children to become an upstander instead of a bystander
Developing a bully free school community.
Meeting will include discussion and planning time. Participants will share what they are trying in their
classrooms and schools.

Writing the Successful Grant

Open to all
Prerequisite: None
Instructors: George Still, SUNY Plattsburgh
Dates: May 6, 13, 20, 27 & June 3
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Place: NCTRC
Cost: $75.00
Register by April 30
1 in-service credit
Class Limit 20
Are you interested in trying new teaching techniques or purchasing classroom resources but don't
understand the funding process? The session will provide a detailed discussion about the steps in the
grant writing process, how to locate funding sources, and technical support in writing a proposal to
seek funding.

Building Student Motivation and Engagement Part I

Character Strengths in a Responsive Classroom Part II
Open to all
Prerequisite: None
Instructors: Michelle Gottschall and Erin McGill, Plattsburgh City School
Dates: March 3, 10, 17, 24, April 7, 14, 21, & 28
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Place: NCTRC
Cost: $150.00 plus costs of two books; How Children Succeed and The Morning Meeting - $35.00
Register by February 28
2 in-service credits
Class Limit 20
Having trouble getting your students to ,go back and reread when they dont understand? Attend to precision?
Do their homework? Take their time? Not give up when a task is difficult?

So, how do we get students engaged and motivated to learn? Based on research that shows that
intelligence is not the most important factor of success in school researchers and educators have
collaborated and come up with seven character strengths that are highly predictive of
success/flourishing in school and adulthood. In this workshop you will be introduced to the language
of the seven character strengths and how to seamlessly integrate them into the language of your
classroom. Learn how to build community, self-esteem, strengthen social skills, and incorporate the
seven character strengths using Responsive Classroom strategies.
If our students can name it and identify it, they can think about it and practice it. They can own it and
live it long after they leave our classrooms.
Target Audience: Anyone who works with students for all ages- teachers , guidance, child advocates,
psychologists, speech, OT, PT, TAs, support staff

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