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us Athenaze: Book I 4, 3rd Declension Nouns with Stems Ending in Diphthongs or Vowels: § Baothets and the Irregular Nouns j| vac and 6 Bods Stems: Baoev-/Baorke-, king Singular Plural Nom. 6 faorhes-¢ ol Bawrhtig Gen. 08 BaciAé-uc vv Basté-ov Dat. t= Boor > Bacrhed —toig._ BaoiAed-cx(v) Ace. tov Bacthé-a rods Baothé-tig Voc. & Baorhed & — Boordtig The stem Busthev- is used before consonants, and the stem BastAc-, before vowels. The words 6 Onoeic and @ igpeic are declined the same as 6 Bootes, The stems of vag and Bots were originally vaf- and Bof-. The letter F (digamma) represented a w sound (compare Latin navis and bovis). This sound and letter were lost in the development of the Greek language. Stems: vav-ive-Wmn-, ship Stems: Bov-/Bo-, ox Plural Singular Plural Nom. ai vii-es 6 Bod-s ol Bé-e, Gen. tOv ve-dv 108 Bodc tv o-dv Dat. tais vav-ol(v) 1 Bol wig Pov-oiv) Acc. ths vad-¢ wv Bod-v tobg Bod-¢ Voe: & vires & fos — & — Bo-es PRACTICE: Write complete sets of wéyas Boothevs, the great hing, i KaAi vats, the beautiful ship, and 6 toxbpds Bobs, the strong ox. Exercise 92 In each of the following phrases put the noun and adjective into the correct forms to agree with the article: 1. aii (norpéc) (vate) 8. thy (nig) (W6Aas) 2, tod (Kathe) (Hiotv) 9. wig (toxBpdc) (Bot) 3. tév (wéyas) (Bacrrebc) 10. fi (ytixpdg) (ndAag) 4, tH (néyas) Bots) 11. t00 (wéyag) (Baordetc) 5. this (wéyas) (nod) 12. ts (uéjotos) (vars) 6. tots (néyas) (atv) 13. of (uéyas) (Bods) 7. (nig) tv (vais) 14, sbv (oo9d<) (Basthebs)

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