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Dear God,
I know that You are the abundance that fills the earth. You are
in the chirp of the many birds that awaken me each morning and
the aroma of the fresh ripe fruits that fills the air. I find You in
the warmth that is approaching. The seasons bring about
constant change and this constant flow of unconditional love
continues to bring forth more in life for us to choose from.
I acknowledge that unconditional love surrounds me and opens me
up to the abundance before me. I am able to see and choose from
the multitude of options in creating the life that I desire. Life is
about making choices that result in the desires of my heart. I
choose only those words, actions and deeds that fill and grow my
heart for I know that here is where You reside.
I am grateful to know and understand that life is on my side. I
am thankful that LOVE resides within me and that I choose from
this place the abundant and prosperous life that is rightfully
mine. It is in the consciousness of gratitude that I receive my
full and blessed life.
I let it be and so it is! Thank you With love Carmen

Every thought that enters my mind;

every choice or decision
I make; every action
I take today is filled
with the light, love and
the power of truth that
comes from Spirit.
I am blessed today!
The power and energy of all things
prosperous and abundant now
fills my being and surges
through every aspect of my
being and life.
I Receive It!
Gratitude opens my eyes to the
presence of all that is good.
I am grateful for life.
I am grateful for good.
I am grateful for pure Spirit.
There is a blessing in
every breath I take!
I know God is with me,
in me, living as me.
Powerful thoughts of radiant health
and wholeness renew my
mind and body today.
Today, with grace and ease, I awaken to
my true identity as a beloved
child of a benevolent universe.
I inherit my good today!
My increasing awareness of
love and gratitude
opens my heart and
multiplies my good!

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