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DAS Seminar Series!

What IS the DAS Seminar Series?

DAS Seminars are 50-minute mini PD opportunities. The seminars may
be presentations, interactive activities or discussions.
The 50-minute sessions will be scheduled at a variety of times and on
different days, as presenters are available during the semester.
These sessions will be short and sweet! They will start on the hour* and
finish in time for folks to get to their next assignment.
20-30 minutes for lecture or intro of topic
15-25 minutes for discussion and questions
5 minutes for evaluation and you are out the door!
*Adjustments can be made to accommodate the new calendar/scheduling of hours

Who presents the Seminars?

Anyone on the DAS staff can present!
Interpreters, Captionists, Staff Assistants, Schedulers, Coordinators,
Managers, Directors, Deans, Apprentices, Students ANYONE!
We ALL have something to offer!
All preparation and presentation time is considered PD and can/should be
What topics can be/are offered?
Use your imagination but keep it current, and related to the provision of
access services, language, academic content, professional practice, etc.
See the list of topics presented thus far as well as other ideas to consider
on the PDP bulletin board.
Who can attend?
Anyone available at the time of the presentation! Seminars will be held at
various times during weeks 5-15. Watch for posters and This Week in PD
emails from your PDP Committee reps!
ALL sessions will be digitally recorded for later viewing!

Will CEUs be available?

For most seminars, yes not for all. It depends on the topic and if there
are clear learning objectives defined by the presenter. Information about
CEUs will be included on advertisements.
How will I know when the seminar is happening?
Posters with dates, times, and locations will be posted around the
department, there will also be email blasts and each seminar will be
included on the DAS events calendar on the Wiki.
Dates to keep in mind:
Seminar abstracts solicited via email Friday of week one (1). The
deadline for submission is Friday of week three (3). Scheduling will occur
week four (4) and the seminars will be held weeks 5-15

I want to present! How do I get on the calendar?

Email your proposal form to by FRIDAY of
You must fill out the form in its entirety for each topic you would like to
Title of your presentation
A brief abstract (200 word max) to be used for advertising purposes.
Days and times you are available to present (specific dates will be
honored if possible)
Any special equipment and/or room requirements
Brief bio (short paragraph about you, your experience, degrees,
certifications, professional interests)
You will receive a confirmation email by the end of week four (4) with your
presentation day/date and time.
*After your presentation, you are asked to provide a summary report
of your presentation and the groups interaction.
**Abstracts and summaries will be included in the DAS PDP annual
Catalog of Events.

Professional Development Program

Department of Access Services
National Technical Institute for the Deaf Rochester Institute of Technology

Pausefor PD....Its good for you!

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