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Name ___________________________________________________

Quiz: Whats Your Learning Style?

Directions: Did you know that everyone learns differently? Take this quiz and see what it reveals about
your best learning style! When you are finish, count up the # of As, Bs and Cs you chose!

Youre new at school, and you need directions to the cafeteria. You approach a friendly-looking student who you
chatted with that morning. You ask him or her
a. To tell you the directions.
b. To draw a quick map on a piece of paper.
# of As: ________
c. To walk you there.

2. You like websites that

a. Have audio channels where you can hear music or interviews.
b. Have an interesting design and graphics.
c. Keep you busy. You like to click around, participate in polls, etc.

# of Bs: ________
# of Cs: ________

3. Your teacher asks you to give the class a short talk about your rock-climbing hobby. You
a. Tell some great stories and make the class feel like they are on that mountain with you.
b. Bring in some great footage of your most recent climb, so they can see what it was like for themselves.
c. Bring in your gear and help your classmates try it on to get a feel for what its like to climb.
4. Your parents have finally agreed to buy you a cell phone! While your mom is concerned about the price, what
matters most to you?
a. The salespersons description of the phones features.
b. The design / if it looks cool.
c. Trying it out and seeing how easy it is to use.

When your mind wanders, you

a. Sing that hot new song from the radio over and over again in your head.
b. Read or look at something; either a book, newspaper or a magazine.
c. Doodle on any piece of paper you can get your hands on.

6. Youre about the get a puppyfinally! But your mom has made it clear: the puppy will be your responsibility.
Youve never been in charge of a dog before, so you:
a. Speak to the experts at the local pet store. They can tell you everything you need to know.
b. Run out to the bookstore to buy The Ultimate Guide to Caring for your Puppy.
c. Go to your best friends house. Shes got a dog, and shell let you help her while she feeds and walks him.

You just got a new digital camera for your birthday, and you want to learn how to use it ASAP. The first thing you
do is
a. Call your best friend. He or she has the same camera, and you want to hear from him or her how to use it.
b. Go to the cameras website. You heard the instructions are great, and they show examples of good and
poor photos and how to improve them.
c. Just start taking pictures. Youre not afraid to get some bloopers before you get the hang of it.

8. When studying alone, you

a. Find yourself talking out loud in order to memorize something.
b. Read your notes over and over, and sometimes rewrite them, just to get them solid in your mind.
c. Create mock questions and then answer them.
9. When trying to remember a phone number, you close your eyes and
a. Recite it in your head, as if you were speaking the numbers so you can hear it.
b. Visualize the numbers on a piece of paper so you can see it.
c. Let your fingers do the walking by visualizing yourself dialing the number.
10. You signed up the help organize the school dance and are asked what committee youd like to be on. You choose:
a. The music committee. You want to make sure the joint is jumping that night!
b. The decorations committee. The place has to look perfect, and you have some great ideas!
c. The logistics committee. You want to make sure the night runs smoothly and be the go-to person if any
problems occur. After all, you are a great people person!

Whats Your Learning Style? Quiz Results

1. If you scored mostly as, you are an auditory learner. You learn best when information is presented in an auditory
format; that is, you are a great listener! In the classroom, you benefit from listening to lectures and participating in group
discussions. When trying to remember something, you can often hear the way it was told to you originally.
Learning strategies include:
Always read your math problems out loud when youre doing your homework, and then talk out the solution.
Create auditory review notes by reading and recording notes and textbook information out loud while youre
studying. Listen to the recordings when you study.
Create dialogues or songs to help you remember math concepts.

2. If you scored mostly bs, you are a visual learner. You learn best when information is presented to you visually,
either in a written language or a picture/design format. In the classroom, you benefit from teachers who use the
blackboard and smartboard and provide you with an outline that marks the main points of a lecture. When you are
trying to remember something, you often see the information the way it was originally presented to you.
Learning strategies include:
Color code your notes with highlighters while studying.
Write out sentences and phrases that summarize key information from your textbook and lectures.
Make flashcards of things that need to be memorized.
Write out the steps of how to do problems.
Rewrite notes from class; just rewriting them and seeing the information again will help to cement it in your head.

3. If you scored mostly cs, you are a tactile/kinesthetic learner. You learn best when physically engaged in a handson activity. In the classroom, you enjoy lab settings where you can manipulate materials to learn new concepts. You
prefer teachers who encourage in-class practice and demonstrations as well as fieldwork outside the classroom.
Learning strategies include:
Think up ways to relate what you have learned to real life.
Sit up front and take notes to stay involved during a lecture.
When studying, try walking back and forth with notes/flashcards in hand and reading the information out loud.
When memorizing steps of how to solve problems, make flashcards for each individual step. Arrange the cards on
a table to represent the correct sequence.
Act out concepts or weave them into made-up stories. Use your creativity to make studying more interesting and

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