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The research aspect of the project helped me to understand multiple different things about
the field of medicine. I learned a lot more about many of the specialties and
subspecialties within the field of medicine. Some of these specialties I had never even
heard of before. It also helped me to learn about the day to day activities involved in
being a doctor. Of all of the things learned, the largest would have to be what it takes to
become a doctor through the extensive schooling and training.
2. The research for my paper helped to more easily know what to expect at the doctors
office. The Pride Paper helped me to get my feet wet with a general idea of practicing
medicine. This also helped me to develop a respect for the vast amounts of knowledge,
schooling, and experience each of the doctors went through to be where they are today. I
do not believe that I would have been able to get as full of an experience mentoring
without this prior research.

3. The research conducted for my paper was based on the career of medicine as a whole and
in a very general sense. While broad, this allowed me to cover nearly every aspect of
medicine that reaches each specialty. Because of this, I had a general idea of what to
expect as I walked into the door of the practice. While this did correlate extremely well, I
realized that even after countless hours of research, I had only skimmed the surface of
this massive field.

4. At 7:00 a.m., Dr. Thomas Simpson and I arrived at his private practice in Rock Hill,
South Carolina. On the schedule for the day were three wisdom teeth procedures, a bone
graft, and numerous consults. Prior to each procedure, Dr. Simpson and the nurses
examined the X-rays of the patient to plan how to approach the task. The staff walked me
through the X-rays to best explain how and why they were going approach each
procedure. I was able to closely observe each procedure. The doctor even paused the
procedure at some points to allow me to get closer and look at a better angle. Later in the
day I was able to sit in on consults and observe the way in which diagnoses are made, as
well as how procedures are explained to patients. This also gave me special insight into
how the doctors perspective is different form the patients perspective. The following
day had two unique cases. There was a tooth removal from a mentally impaired man, as
well a jaw adjustment. Each of these cases was unique and unlike what I expected. After
close observation of these procedures, my mentor and I began working on my product.
The rest of my experience here dealt with the creation and finalization of the product.

5. In todays society, there is a general mistrust of scientists and doctors. Many believe that
doctors are simply in the field to make money and no longer care about the patients the
way that doctors once did. This experience allowed me to observe doctors appointments
from the view of the doctor. The practitioner nearly always enters medicine to help others

and often times, problems are seen by the patients that do not truly exist. This causes
many unnecessary lawsuits against doctors who are actually extremely good at their jobs.
Because of this, I have learned that I need to trust those who are truly experts in their
field, whether this is in medicine or any other part of life.
6. Creating this product challenged me during the process of finding a product. When given
a task, I usually excel at finding ways to complete it, however, coming up with the task
itself proved difficult for me and my creativity. There are also so many legal restrictions
on any untrained people in the field of medicine that I could not do anything with a
patient. Despite this challenge, my mentor and I were successful in finding a good idea
for a product.

7. My product was to create a set of mouth guards designed that can be used for two
different uses. Firstly it can be used as a postsurgical tool to keep teeth still and unmoving
after tooth or jaw procedures. Secondly, it can be used to treat the symptoms of patients
with TMJ. Through my mentor hours, I was able to very closely observe the procedures
in which these mouth guards actually prevent injuries and postsurgical complications.
Without this experience, I would not have the in depth understanding of the exact use of
my product that I now have.
8. While I am somewhat nervous about the upcoming presentation, I am also confident.
Over the past year, a lot of work has gone into the Pride Project, and I will now be able to
fully demonstrate what I have learned to others. This is a unique opportunity, and I am
excited for my hard work to pay off.
9. I do not have much experience with public speaking at all. Other than presentations in
classes at school, I cannot recall a time in which I needed to speak in front of a crowd.
Just a few weeks ago, my public speaking class began, however, there have not been
many opportunities to practice public speaking in the class as of yet.
10. Due to my lack of experience with public speaking, I am planning on doing numerous
practice runs in front of a variety of people. I will get a minimum of one practice run in
my public speaking class, I will do it for my family, and I will attempt to find people that
I do not know quite as well to present to. Prior to all of these practice runs, I will also run
through quite a few dry runs by myself to ensure that my presentation is polished. With
quite a bit of hard work and a little bit of luck, I should perform well when presenting my
project to the judges.
11. I feel as if I have been very successful throughout this project, however, there are a few
small things that I would do differently. I have always had a problem with
procrastination, and unfortunately that carried into certain parts of this project. If I could
redo this I would have managed my time more efficiently. Another aspect that I wish I
could have done differently would be to ask if I could have two different mentors.

Medicine is a massive field, but it can be divided into two very broad categories:
practitioners and surgeons. I found a surgeon to be my mentor, however, I think it would
have been beneficial for me to mentor with both sides of the practice.
12. This project is unlike any other that I have done throughout school previously. This
allowed me to learn through my own research rather than thought a teachers instruction.
This also helped me to learn a way to professionally deal with people outside of school
and in the workforce. Between dealing with several doctors and meeting numerous
patients, I now have a better understanding of how to behave and interact with people that
I have never met before in a professional setting. I was perhaps most benefitted as an
individual. I did not have much direction prior to this project and chose my topic because
I was halfway interested in it. I now am near certain that this career path is the correct
option for me.
13. I faced several different obstacles when completing this project, but thinking of a product
and managing my time most likely were the most difficult. I usually prefer working
through things on my own, however, between talking to my mentor, teachers, peers, and
previous students who have completed the project, I was able to both come up with a
good product and better manage my time, with only a few problems of procrastination.
This successful collaboration surprised me, and showed me that I do need to be able to
consult others while working on difficult projects.
14. As mentioned in prior questions, two skills that I have developed throughout this project

are how to work with other, as well as to trust and respect those who are experts in their
respective fields. This can help me in life to be able to collaborate with other people and
combine our ideas from each of our individual expertises. The skill will allow me to be
able to create the best possible outcome from work with other people throughout my life.

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