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Question 2:

How does your media product represent

particular social groups?
By Gus Quinn

My target audiences age for my magazine was aimed towards 16-19 year olds. This
age groups representation amongst society and through the media is generally
negative with immaturity, recklessness, dangerous and rudeness all being
associated with them.
An area of my magazine that follows this representation is on my Cover Page. The
Cover Model is swearing at the camera, straight away indicating a rude and reckless
association. But the idea behind this choice was to represent power and authority,
but to different people this will be perceived differently (e.g. older people) and
others will be fine (e.g. Target audience).
An area where I challenged this representation would be the general design of the
magazine. This is shown especially in my colour scheme. For example the colours
chosen for my magazine were intended to appeal to an older age group. My article
for my Double Page Spread also shows evidence of representing the audience as
mature, although parts where informal, lots of it contained formal elements.


Evidence of Colour Scheme

Evidence of Swearing

Double Page Spread - Article

My target audiences gender was aimed at both genders. These
genders are represented usually as opposites, but the dominant media
view on each gender is that men are presented with power while
females are presented as weak and in-superior to men.
My magazine challenges this representation and presents both genders
equally. This is shown across all my images on each of my documents,
with the males model and female model both portraying very similar
poses which present power and strength. This creates equality within
the magazine and challenges the perceived view by some that only
men have power. I felt this was important to address in my work as I
wanted the magazine to appeal to both genders and to equally portray
each gender.

Similar Poses Both presenting power

My target audiences class was aimed at the middle class. The middle
class representation throughout the media and society is generally
ordinary citizens.
My magazine on a whole follows this representation as there is no real
evidence relating it to higher class or working class. The key area that
defines its Class would be it price tag being 2.99, an affordable price.
Evidence that may contradict this is that I mention lots of concerts and
events within my Cover Lines (Shown on Cover and Contents Page)
which is quite expensive, but this is unlikely to affect the class choice,
as middle and higher class incomes could generally afford this.


Concert Cover Line

Social Groups
My target audience will all belong to the group Indie. This group is
generally presented throughout society and the media as tough, rocky,
strong, and intimidating, etc.
My magazine clearly follows this representation. Evidence of this on my
Magazine is shown on the Cover Page. My Cover Model look strong,
intimidating and powerful all of which relates to this representation
of Indie. I chose to follow this representation as all the research I did on
Indie magazines followed this representation within their designs and
context. Another reason I chose to follow this representation is
because they will relate with this format as all the other magazines in
this genre do this, meaning they would be able to enjoy and relate to it
much easier.

Cover Page Main Model Presents and Indie persona

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