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aterence ts mde to my latter wich me addressed to the Divielon unter dete of April 24, 1934, in the above entitled case, Yor the information of interested offices, the following investigation wae cont uoted by Special Agent 1. ihe ipa of this office, on April 98, 19%; 7 ALC ten Agent Kiniel] met Geptase( Frank Hemez, Texas Ranger, Sheriff Hendnrson fordm, od Deputy Sheriff Bob. iim, Dallas, Texse, st re Jordan's offion in ‘dresdia, Lanisians. ir, Jorda Wivieed that he bei mote arrancenents with Joke Toyrer, the tnformat, shereby Joyner snd I. Te Methvin were to meet the party ‘de the woods some foer miles from Methvin's home, at 10:00 Mf. Proceetins 19 iain joint, the infomant wre contected snd advised thet I. 7. Methvin requested that the officers proceed to his hom, loosted in Bienville Porish, Lowisions, comm firteen miles south of Cantor, Louleians, and tom siles distent fro Ashlans, [ovinians. At this point, there was net I, T. Methvin, Ris wife, emé two soni Cacti ond Terrell Uetbvin, lr, Hier exhibited to those interested » Lotter «Bick rite atteinel from Mr- dimons, Prison Mensger, Texas State Fries at Guaterilley Texas, whereby Mr, Ramer une appointed as ngest for the state o/ Texs and Mrteetined ta make ony desi concerning Henry Methvin which sould sraist in casting Che arrest of Glyte Cmmpion Barrow and Bonnie Parker. The letter, in Frentat Hic, Henar perminaios to stvine the Methvine thet Sunry MesAvint? sentrnoe Tiithe Stake of fers would be “wipel out’, prvited Nethvia or Kis family would ae ee. or ectto, timer wun tm no. poaition ta aake eny ponaieee sopssmiing (At) fszy WAnvin may tere done in the State of Teams or in any other Mte siaee bis seer igint veuk uo part in this aqroment, feahin: that it ome ruxely © SANNA! tetwoen Mr. Hume x pnd the Methvine, I, T, Meth brotaer of I. 1 residing at Balls Sumit, wes callot in, at after « prolonset fathvinn eqreed to cosine the officers in locating Barrow. 1, Ty Mant de hal po donts ke emia contact (the Subject witsn © vary Cex dagt, SH05 Pelton Nel ccuchdonse ie hin, he reflected by te Test thet, om Ris ney visti, he hal asked Mr. Aatkvin to go to Dellen, Texes, und bring Bis, Perrot NC MObeaeTs home shore Sia aabjeot micht visit her, Se ecvised, thes Ri 20 keowe just shon Barroe ts coming im oi he remeins oaly ® yey fou houre m4 seually tise tot got out of hie autincbile, It te alte poseitie the Sublees me visit Mer ietelinr scatein nome, Lecntod chon Hive Alen foun Xp 7 \MAluvity tm MOREE tochen erg ah, Low ed ||| thule nope of those dntarviowed cared to go Inte detetia ae to Barret, iH J evident shat he het « very close contact at this point, sa stared, oat Likely that be 9i)] wiett the Texel Methvin hone os hehe sevema || meme of exenpe, while the I, 7, Methyin hone is no loosted that be oan oom and, ‘by one wat, Howeret, (hie ie probdlemetionl as he 1s never knorn te have @ptered alther of tie hones) nnd generally perks bis oar © mile or so evay. It ‘na sigrend ‘tte the foloeing yin) should be eneried out: 1. T, Mothvin expecta fo eortact Barrow within the next eix or ooven days, at which tine be will #etormine Approrinntely stim Hentow wil) make bie meet visit to the vicinity, He will then motity Ghortte ll iva Jordan um the latver wil) advise Hr. Bemer and the Divitiw office at Kew Orlenns, he) officers will proceed to Joke Soynerts hone, Joontad at © ntretagio point within two miles from the 1. f. Meth¥in residones, find ‘there Sake itp Ee meteh, (IA whould be stated tet Kenry Methvin will not he Advised, for otedius tenmane, by Kis people so to the arPeamnt which bas been fide, ho Semcy Matheie thd axpresmed to bie father on bis Lie} vieLt bom) hin Codtte to be palonedh the Nhe dnihonme of Barrow, Barrow hes threstene! to KILL Hkn nod the on tine Cantdy abiiuld bebe double eroaged or ekould Methvin Leave) hin wet 1 wun theterore Colt thet Bemry might wenkem in the pimeh. Thile Ae the tyne of die where Lt) dn Garteult to plem exmatly the Prater ia Ve ty owl. Tt ia baliowd) that mot mre tian elt man abolt be ned OH ettwettng (he Mink erret. Ae ateiad, while tene homed are tn se an tiremely Stalin ted) jpowd Mion, |b souk) te name imppemthle to nue ony Large member of amen tela the Oakmmtky Mt Mut MUNA Mie SUMP iodom off Uke count ryeiae, Kurtin t, Barron Femindinn! din kh wentty or! andy a vey tem Thare are n> telephone Caelli- thes and 1h de dmimetsionh Le ty! pines any Large number of nen At given paapee for any paring of! vie. The Uli el on wil) No Raph adwined conewming the devalomeme, Oxptedn || ema! Ken om) Aleta Ned ch AaRL UPeneeakew f Hedtney erein » | ne Vouy Um ay youlray ila| aman | \ Speein! Agens Ap Charge.

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