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This month's updates...

Activities Report

We have had a several improvements

and updates to the Media Center. This report
contains a brief overview and data related to
the new equipment, checkouts, and work orders.

Media Center

Jan 12-Feb 12

Number of Checkouts by Grade Level

Collaborative Lessons

Parts of a book
1st Grade
Text Features

For this period, Kindergarten

has had over 50 percent checkout
time. Our push for early literacy and rich text
exposure is effective.

2nd grade

and Reading
Block Time

Repairs and New Equipment Data

Poster maker
has been reconnected
to circulation desk

26 new
desktop computers
on a virtual desktop
infrastructure (VDI)

new circulation
desk computer

Districtwide Media Center Update

Our media center will experience a brief weeding process.

Nonfiction books will be overhauled

to ensure current dates
are circulated (2014-15)

Our Rule of Thumb

for Aged Titles

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