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Autumn Stevens

Freshman Honors English
4 February 2015
Pathway to the Future From My Foundation
Your Feet by Pablo Neruda struck a chord inside of me. I am fourteen going on
fifteen--my life is wholly experimentation, unpredictable, and headed for the imminent path. My
mother says that every step I take is bringing me closer to the person I am becoming and each
step, youre one step closer to another intersection of pathways. Pablo Neruda says I love your
feet only because they walked upon the earth and upon the wind and upon the waters, until they
found me (Neruda 17-20). I will find my Pablo Neruda one day, whether he is my love, my
work, or any other sort of opportunity life presents me. My feet will bring me to places
unforgettable and life-changing. When I read your feet of arched bone, your hard little feet I
imagine a foundation as sturdy as marble pillars holding up memories and morals all together.
My feet hold all that I am; they are infrastructure. Mixed feelings of inquiry, insecurity, and
admiration hit me when I read when I cannot look at your face, I look at your feet (1-2). Being
a young woman encountering the events of high school, I saw this as when I cannot see your
outer persona, I shall look at the extremities that display your experiences that define who you
are. This moral brings up an admiration for the truth, an ongoing questioning of the members
of society, and a needed self-reflection. Reading Your Feet by Pablo Neruda sparked a
reflection, connection, and new look at aspirations for me.

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