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Autumn Stevens

Honors English
2 February 2015
The White Mans Burden is perfectionism banging its head against the concrete wall of
life. Neruda seems to get the metaphor; he wrote the roads that look like a cats large ball of
thread tanged to no end. A whisper is put to his thirsty lips (2) and some kind of land was lost
with his childhood (13). Hmm the relation between the two we could have the black people
yelling, his childhood yelling, or maybe a perfectionist. Oh--lets not forget about that random
rain that began to cry (3) or the ever-confusing fragrance climbing through his mind awake (1011). Lets see, apparently theres a caucasian person guilty of a burden he is holding on to-excuse me, thats onto, not on to. But whats the burden? He mentions a branch he broke (1),
some screaming (7), oh, and a smell (10). Im going to say the branch is a tree enclosed in
concrete bricks screaming to get out because the air is pungent with expectations of the
oxygen and carbon dioxide; O and CO2 (the two in CO2 should be in subscript below the letter
in both spots). Mr. Neruda, thank you for not cushioning the impact of my skull against the
bricks-- The White Mans Burden just gives me some momentum to keep colliding with my
not-so-perfect life.
Note: Neruda, in your title, there should be an apostrophe between Man and s. (Mans).

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