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Indicators Second


I.M.1. Manipulates algebraic

expressions and distributive property
to factoring a polynomial expression

E: His factoring process shows use of different strategies

combining previous knowledge, use of different ways in a logical
sequence and the answer is given in a simplest form

S: His processes show use of distributive property and combine

different strategies according to the polynomial expression

B: His processes evidence use of proper algorithms according to

the polynomial expression and are supported in a logical

I: His factoring process shows use of strategies linked with

binomial and trinomial expressions but has some mistakes if a
polynomial expression is included

D: His processes are not focused in the factoring strategies

I.M.2. Uses algorithms to add,

subtract, multiply and divide fractions
in order to solve problems related to
rational expressions and rational
E: His problem solving strategy combines factoring technics with
algorithms involved in context, shows the minimum steps, and
simplifies if necessary to optimize his work time

S: His problem solving strategy includes logical sequences, describes

step by step the process, relates combination of factoring technics,
and his answers are given in simplest form

B: His problem solving strategy shows use of algorithms, managing of

the technics to factoring, and his answers are given in simplest form

I: His problem solving strategy is focused in factoring but does not

show use of algorithms

D: His problem solving strategy does not include a good factoring


V.C.1. Identifies general methods of

factoring and properties of algebraic
expressions to describe different
criteria when simplify an expression

E: His description uses different arguments according to the

given expression, factoring process, division definition, and
values excluded in his solutions

S: His description includes criteria based in factoring and division

definition, and shows why a number is not in the solution

B: His description includes criteria focused in relationship

between multiplication and division, and shows critical points if

I: His description is focused in division analysis, but does not

include factoring process

D: His simplification process does not associate a description

V.C.2. Identifies information in a context

in order to justify why a given
polynomial expression is factorable or
not E: In his justification shows arguments related to factoring,

express step by step the processes to do it, gives the solution if

factorable or mentions the different changes in the original
expression in order to be factorable

S: In his justification shows arguments related to factoring,

express step by step the processes to do it, and gives the solution
if factorable

B: His justification shows arguments related to factoring and

express step by step the processes to do it

I: His justifications are centered in factoring process but is not

focused in the given expression characteristics

D: His justification is not focused in the given context

C.1. Recognizes characteristics in an

algebraic expression to create own
representations of a polynomial

E: His representations show different contexts (algebra,

geometry, numbers), equivalent expressions, explore word
contexts and evidence connection with previous knowledge

S: His representations show different geometric context,

combination between polynomials, and algebra tiles

B: His representations include shaded areas, equivalent algebraic

expressions and reciprocal polynomials

I: His representations are limited by shaded areas

D: His representations do not explore any other different context

than the given algebraic expression

C.2. Understands the relationship

between methods of factoring to
produce many solutions about the given
rational expression or given polynomial

E: His solutions include polynomial families, describing them by

using the formal way to do it, and exploring conjectures about
generalization solutions

S: His solutions includes polynomial families without a general

description, and shows different kind of solutions (trivial and nontrivial)

B: His production includes solutions as a consequence of an

algebraic procedure, and an analysis of the rational expression or

I: His solutions is only as a consequence of an algebraic process,

and does not explore any other one

D: His solutions are not related with the context given

M.1. Recognizes methods of factoring

to make a booklet including own
strategies and examples

E: His booklet is a personal tool to improve his learning, and has

been designed according to his own academic results and the
feedback given by teacher and classmates

S: His booklet has been designed according to his needs,

includes own strategies and examples in different context, and
normally review his content

B: His booklet is a consequence of his planning and shows

frequently reviews according to his academics results

I: His booklet includes method of factoring but does not related

his own strategies

D: His booklet is not complete and is making as an obligation

M.2. Recognizes his academic results in

the period and the use of his booklet in
order to identify how this tool has been
E: Describes his own process by the use of his booklet and

identifying think to create or thinks to change

S: Describes his own comprehension process including use of his

booklet specifying thinks to re do

B: Describes specific times in which the booklet has been a tool

to improve his academics results

I: Describes his own learning process without use the booklet as

a tool

D: Does not describe his own learning process

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