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In this rational, or post-rational era, the role of the myth has changed.

But now,
a revision of the meaning of this word is necessary to focus on several issues of
our time. First, we may present the different views which could explain the
notion for the Greek word , after that we could
For example, the analogic idea of Metrodorus of Lampsacus: the Homeric myth
corresponds to specific features of physical cosmos. Here we find an
According to Euhemerism, there is an historical event on the basic story of
myth, and we can also see this idea in modern cinematographic adaptations
and historical documentaries about mythological themes.
From particular meanings of myth, as anything that could be spoken, or some
narrative speech with a beginning and an end, to notion of a false story (and
that includes the idea of an untruth story), we can see always a relation
between myth and categories of truth. One could say that science is a very
modern (or postmodern) form to make myths. Why? Because the concept of an
objective reality that science had provided can be denied by science itself.
Humberto Maturana and Jakob von Uexkll are examples of that. If we take the
point of view of Bernard de Fontenelle, myths and science, one as much as the
other, are, nihil aliud nisi, explanations of the human vision of the world, and
only method distinguish one from another.

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