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Published in the United States of Americ a in 1998 by MONDO Publis ishing Text copyright © 1996 by Joy Cove Mlustrations copyright © 1996 by Tracey Morone All rights reserved, No part ofthis publication be reproduced, excep inthe case of quotation for articles or reviews, or stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any f ‘mechanical, photocopying, recordin Or otherwise, without itten permission from the publisher, For information contact MONDO Publishing 980 Avenue ofthe Americas New York, NY 10018 Visit our website at winwmondo Printed in China First Mondo Printing, June 1998 | 080910 9876s Library of Congress Catalogingsin-P Cowley, Joy Nickety-nacketty, noo-no ‘Tracey Moroney. blicaton Data n0o/ by Joy Cowley ; illustrated by ‘Summary: A swamp orge a her to make him a good tasty st of glue ISBN 1.57 PtUTES a wee wishy woman and forces ew, but she tricks him by making it out 358-0 (pbk. alk, paper) (1. Ghouls and ogres—Fiction, Tracey, il, I Title PZB3.CB3ASNi 1999 le}—de21 2. Stories in rhyme.) 1. Moroney 98.17759 cr Ac There once was an ogre called Gobbler Magoo who lived in a swamp where the wild weeds grew. } | Nicketty-nacketty, noo-noo-noo. } | d all her po 0, kitchen to make him s; ketty, n0o-noo-noo,

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