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Monday, March 24th

Meg Sawler
Biology 11, Period 4
Hematocrit and Blood Doping

Lesson Purpose:
This lesson provides students with a deeper understanding of the composition of
human blood. It also connects blood with society through further discussion of
its components and importance in modified conditions, with professional
athletes, or high training conditions.
Student Outcomes:
Explain how different plant and animal circulatory systems help maintain
homeostasis. (317-1)
Analyse why and how a particular technology related to the treatment of
circulatory disorders was developed and improved over time. (115-5)
Identify in general terms, the impact of viral, bacterial, genetic, and environmental
diseased on the homeostasis of an organism. (317-4)
Authentic Student Assessment:
Formative and summative assessment will be provided in the form of a numerical
grade and written feedback on both the Blood Composition Pie Charts and the
Hematocrit Case Study.
Prior Knowledge:
As a class, we have previously discussed athletes, modified conditions, and
altitude in relation to blood concentration.
Students have general knowledge from Science 10 and previous units in Biology
11 on oxygen in the body, and from Science 8, and 9, and 10 and how oxygen
functions within living cells.
Students are familiar with the composition of the blood from a lesson last week.
Students are to pass in their Blood Cell lab.
To begin class, I will read students an article that I found about NHL hockey
players struggling with high altitude to tie into blood cell amounts from Fridays
Together as a class we will correct homework questions on Blood Transfusions.
Students provide the answers, then I will write the correct answers on the
Students will be working on a Case Study on Hematocrit today. They will
complete this individually and they will hand this in for evaluation.
Students will also be working on a Blood Composition Pie Chart. They will
preform the appropriate calculations and then colour in the correct sections.
This will also be handed in for evaluation.

Students will also have an article to read from New Scientist Magazine which
discusses blood doping amongst athletes. As a class, we will have a quick
discussion on how students feel about this and their thoughts on this process at
the last Olympic games in Sochi.

NHL Article on High Altitude
Answer key for Blood Transfusion questions
Class set of Hematocrit Case Study sheets
Class set of Blood Composition Pie Chart handouts
Colouring utensils
Class set of Blood Doping articles
To wrap up class, we will close out with our discussion on high altitude, athletes,
and blood doping.
We have time for student questions.
Homework: Finish Case Study and Blood Composition Pie Chart if not already
I will let students know that tomorrow we plan to discuss blood types. I will ask
if anyone knows their blood type, and if they dont I will get them to ask family
members if they know it.
Professional Growth Target:
Work on getting quieter students to share answers, ask questions, and feel more
comfortable to speak out in class.

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